I recommend 3.5.9, but older versions may work as well. To install it you can use pyenv. It is personal preference, but I also like to create venv so I can easily delete it and recreate if needed.
pyenv install 3.5.9
pyenv global 3.5.9
python -m venv venv
pyenv global system
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -U setuptools wheel pip
python -m pip install -r packages.txt
python -m pip install -r packages-invenio.txt
sed -E 's/\/code\///g' requirements-weko-modules.txt | xargs python -m pip install
python -m pip install 'pytest>=4.6.4,<5.0.0' 'coverage>=4.5.3,<5.0.0' 'mock==3.0.5' 'moto==1.3.5' pytest-cov pytest-invenio responses
python -m pytest modules/weko-bulkupdate
# OR
cd modules/weko-bulkupdate && python setup.py test
python -m pytest modules/weko-bulkupdate/tests/test_examples_app.py::test_example_app_role_admin
First of all, we need to adjust the file permissions of the source code.
Because of pytest-cov
we need write access to the weko folder.
At the time I write this,
by default there is no write access inside the docker container.
So the first step is to adjust this.
To check if there is write access inside the docker container, try running the following command:
docker-compose exec web touch test.txt
If it doesn't fail for you, probably there is no need to change any files permission.
Inside the docker container,
the user is invenio
, group invenio
The group invenio
is GID 1000.
On your development server,
you have to join a group with GID 1000.
Use the command getent group
to list groups.
Lets suppose the the group centos
is GID 1000.
Then you have to run the following command:
gpasswd -a weko-devXX centos
You have to logoff and login to apply this change.
After that,
you must update the source code files and folders access permission.
to your weko folder and then:
chown -R weko-devXX:centos .
chmod g+w .
Run the following command to install test packages inside your docker container.
docker-compose exec web sh -c "pip install 'pytest>=4.6.4,<5.0.0' 'coverage>=4.5.3,<5.0.0' 'mock==3.0.5' 'moto==1.3.5' pytest-cov pytest-invenio 'responses<=0.10.15'"
docker-compose exec web ./run-tests.sh
docker-compose exec web pytest modules/weko-bulkupdate
# OR
docker-compose exec web sh -c 'cd modules/weko-bulkupdate && python setup.py test'
docker-compose exec web pytest modules/weko-bulkupdate/tests/test_examples_app.py::test_example_app_role_admin
If after running the tests, you receive an error like
INTERNALERROR> sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
It means that you don't have write access inside the docker container. Follow the steps written at the beginning of this manual.