Use external open source generators to add the most suitable templates for your wizards.
SAP provides you with a mechanism to access third-party sites to view and download open-source, 3rd party, or its own tools, libraries, or software components (“Extensions”) to dev spaces in SAP Business Application Studio.
Using this mechanism, you can view and install Yeoman Generators from the public npm registry at your own risk.
SAP does not certify or endorse any of the third-party sites or Extensions, and they are not part of SAP Business Application Studio. You must ensure that you have and maintain all the necessary rights to use these Extensions. You are responsible for all aspects of the Extensions, including maintenance, management, security, and support. You will assume all responsibility for any negative effects caused by or relating to the Extensions.
SAP may elect, in its sole discretion, to disable any dev space that includes Extensions that cause system malfunction or that SAP reasonably believes may cause harm to SAP systems.
Click Explore and Install Generators from the upper-right corner of the Yeoman UI wizard or select Explore and Install Generators from the command palette.
The first time you access the tool, a disclaimer is displayed. Click OK to continue.
The Explore and Install Generators tool opens in a new tab showing the generators from the npm registry.
In the Search for Generators field, enter the desired template type (for example SAP Fiori or SAP HANA).
Scroll down to find the relevant generator.
Click Install. The generator is added to your machine and can now be selected from the Template Wizard.