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Discord Lambda Py

A template for Discord bot creation using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. This project attempts to offer similar functionality as the slash-create JavaScript library but in a serverless, Python environment.

An example project leveraging this template can be found here.


To get started quickly, watch this video walkthrough, which shows each of the setup steps described below.


  1. Activate developer mode on your Discord account.
  2. Create a new application here.
  3. Copy your Application ID and Public Key and save them for later.
  4. Navigate to the "Bot" tab and select "Reset Token".
  5. Copy your bot's token and save it for later.
  6. Navigate to the "Oauth2" tab and select "URL Generator".
  7. Select the applications.commands scope and paste the generated URL into your browser.
  8. Add your bot to your desired server.


  1. Follow this tutorial to setup the Lambda environment, but do not add any code to the default Lambda function. This will be done automatically by the template.
    • Set your API Gateway endpoint type to edge-optimized to avoid timeout errors.
    • Make note of your API endpoint.
  2. Follow this tutorial to setup an S3 bucket and keys for accessing it. Be sure to:
    • Give the IAM user full access to S3.
    • Copy the Access Key ID and secret access key and save them for later.
    • Copy the S3 bucket's name and URI (s3://) and save it for later.


  1. Create a new repository using this template.
  2. Add the following to your repository's secrets (under "Settings" -> "Secrets").
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS Access Key ID.
    • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS Secret Access Key.
    • APP_ID: The ID of your Discord application.
    • PUBLIC_KEY: The public key of your Discord application.
    • BOT_TOKEN: The token of your Discord bot.
  3. Clone your new repository.
  4. Fill out necessary fields in .github/workflows/awsLambda.yml. These fields are marked with TODO comments.
    • See here for a list of region codes.
  5. Push your changes to GitHub. This will trigger the workflow, which will deploy your Lambda function if everything is setup correctly.

Once your function is deployed, navigate back to the Discord Developer Portal and paste your API endpoint into the "Interactions Endpoint URL" field on your application's homepage. You should now be able to issue commands in the server you added the bot to.


Adding Commands

  1. Create a new file in the commands directory.
  2. Create command functions in the file with the following signature:
    def command_name(interaction: Interaction) -> None:
    • interaction is an Interaction object containing information about the command's context. See Class Reference below for more information.
    • Further arguments can be added to the function signature to allow the command to receive options.
  3. Create a function in the file with the following signature:
    def setup(registry: CommandRegistry) -> None:
  4. Use the registry object to register your command functions. See Class Reference below for more information.

Using Python Packages

Any additional packages leveraged by your commands should be added to requirements.txt. The deployment workflow will automatically upload these packages as a layer to your Lambda function.

Using Environment Variables

If your custom commands require environment variables, follow these steps:

  1. Add your environment variables as GitHub secrets on your repository.
  2. Add those variables below this line in .github/workflows/awsLambda.yml.
  3. Access your environment variables in your commands using os.environ.get("ENV_VAR_NAME").

This will ensure that your variables are forwarded to the Lambda function when it is deployed.

Syncing to this Template

This template provides a workflow, .github/workflows/syncToTemplate.yml, that can be used to sync your repository with this template. By default, this workflow runs at 5:17am every Friday. To change this, edit this line. Alternatively, you can manually trigger the workflow by going to "Actions" -> "Sync to Template" -> "Run workflow".

This workflow will automatically merge any template changes without overwriting any custom commands. It will then open a pull request with the changes. Afterwards, you can review the changes and merge them into your repository.


  1. Go to the "OAuth2" tab in your Discord application's settings.
  2. Under "OAuth2 URL Generator", select the "applications.commands" scope.
  3. Copy the generated URL and paste it into your browser. This will prompt you to add the bot to a server.
  4. Select the server you wish to add the bot to and click "Authorize".
  5. Navigate to the server and type / in the message box. You should see a list of commands registered to your application.

Class Reference


The CommandRegistry class is responsible for managing commands within an application. It provides functionality to register, update, and find commands. This documentation will cover the class attributes and member functions, along with their respective parameters.

A single CommandRegistry object is created when the Lambda function is deployed. During initialization, this object syncs your commands with Discord. It is then serialized and stored in a Lambda layer to be used by the deployed function. This allows the function to access the CommandRegistry object without having to reinitialize it on every invocation.

Class Attributes

  • commands: A dictionary storing the registered commands.


__init__(self, command_dir: str, app_id: str, bot_token: str) -> None

The constructor initializes an instance of the CommandRegistry class.

  • command_dir: A string representing the directory where command files are located.
  • app_id: A string representing the ID of the application associated with the commands.
  • bot_token: A string representing the token for the bot account.

Member Functions

__register_commands(self, command_dir: str) -> None

This private method registers commands by loading command files from the specified directory.

  • command_dir: A string representing the directory where command files are located.

Throws an Exception if there is an error loading a command file.

__update_commands(self, app_id: str, bot_token: str) -> None

This private method updates the application commands with the Discord API.

  • app_id: A string representing the ID of the application associated with the commands.
  • bot_token: A string representing the token for the bot account.

Throws and Exception if there is an error updating the application commands.

register_cmd_group(self, name: str, desc: str = None, parent_group: str = None) -> None

This method registers a command group.

  • name: A string representing the name of the command group.
  • desc: A string representing the description of the command group. Default is None.
  • parent_group: A string representing the name of the parent command group. Default is None for top-level command groups.

Throws a KeyError if the parent command group does not exist.

register_cmd(self, func: callable, name: str, desc: str = None, cmd_group: str = None, sub_cmd_group: str = None, options: list[CommandArg] = None) -> None

This method registers a command.

  • func: A callable representing the function to be executed for the command.
  • name: A string representing the name of the command.
  • desc: A string representing the description of the command. Default is None.
  • cmd_group: A string representing the name of the parent command group. Default is None for top-level commands.
  • sub_cmd_group: A string representing the name of the parent subcommand group. Default is None.
  • options: A list of CommandArg objects representing the command options. Default is None.

Throws an Exception if the subcommand group is registered without a parent command group.

find_func(self, d: dict) -> tuple[callable, dict]

This method finds the function associated with a given command.

  • d: A dictionary representing the command.


  • A tuple containing the callable function and a dictionary of command arguments.

Throws a KeyError if the command is not found and an AssertionError if the command function is not callable.


The Interaction class is responsible for parsing and storing interaction data and provides member functions to respond to these interactions. This documentation will explain the purpose of each class attribute and member function, along with their respective parameters.

Class Attributes

  • type: A string representing the type of interaction.
  • token: A string representing the token associated with the interaction.
  • id: A string representing the ID of the interaction.
  • data: A dictionary containing additional data associated with the interaction.
  • callback_url: A string representing the URL for sending callbacks related to the interaction.
  • webhook_url: A string representing the URL for sending webhooks related to the interaction.
  • timestamp: A float representing the timestamp when the Interaction object was created.


__init__(self, interaction: dict, app_id: str) -> None

The constructor method initializes an instance of the Interaction class.

  • interaction: A dictionary containing the interaction data.
  • app_id: A string representing the ID of the application associated with the interaction.

Member Functions

ping_response(self) -> None

This method responds to a ping interaction from the Discord API. Such interactions are used by Discord to verify that the bot is responding to interactions.

defer(self) -> None

This method defers the interaction so that a response can be sent later. After an interaction is deferred, a response will need to be sent within 15 minutes to avoid timeout.

__create_channel_message(self, content: str = None, embeds: list[Embedding] = None, ephemeral: bool = True) -> dict

This private method creates a dictionary representing a channel message that can be sent as a response or follow-up.

  • content: A string representing the text content of the message. Default is None.
  • embeds: A list of Embedding objects representing embedded content in the message. Default is None.
  • ephemeral: A boolean indicating whether the message should be ephemeral (visible only to the user who triggered the interaction). Default is True.


  • response: A dictionary representing the channel message.
send_response(self, content: str = None, embeds: list[Embedding] = None, ephemeral: bool = True) -> None

This method sends a response to the interaction by updating the original message.

  • content: A string representing the text content of the response message. Default is None.
  • embeds: A list of Embedding objects representing embedded content in the response message. Default is None.
  • ephemeral: A boolean indicating whether the response should be ephemeral (visible only to the user who triggered the interaction). Default is True.
send_followup(self, content: str = None, embeds: list[Embedding] = None, ephemeral: bool = True) -> None

This method sends a follow-up message as a response to the interaction.

  • content: A string representing the text content of the follow-up message. Default is None.
  • embeds: A list of Embedding objects representing embedded content in the follow-up message. Default is None.
  • ephemeral: A boolean indicating whether the follow-up message should be ephemeral (visible only to the user who triggered the interaction). Default is True.


The Embedding class is responsible for parsing and storing embedded content data and provides member functions to add fields to the embedded content. This documentation will explain the purpose of each class attribute and member function, along with their respective parameters.

Class Attributes

  • title: A string representing the title of the embedding.
  • desc: A string representing the description of the embedding.
  • url: A string representing the URL associated with the embedding.
  • color: An integer representing the color code of the embedding.
  • fields: A list of dictionaries representing the fields of the embedding.
  • footer: A dictionary representing the footer of the embedding. Structure is as follows:
    • text: A string representing the text to be displayed in the footer.
    • icon_url: A string representing the URL of the icon to be displayed in the footer.


__init__(self, title: str = "", desc: str = "", url: str = "", color: int = "", fields: list[dict] = [], footer: dict = {})

The constructor method initializes an instance of the Embedding class.

  • title: A string representing the title of the embedding. Default is an empty string.
  • desc: A string representing the description of the embedding. Default is an empty string.
  • url: A string representing the URL associated with the embedding. Default is an empty string.
  • color: An integer representing the color code of the embedding. Default is an empty integer.
  • fields: A list of dictionaries representing the fields of the embedding. Default is an empty list.
  • footer: A dictionary representing the footer of the embedding. See above for the expected structure. Default is an empty dictionary.

Member Functions

to_dict(self) -> dict

This method converts the Embedding object into a dictionary format that can be easily serialized.


  • dict: A dictionary representation of the Embedding object.
set_title(self, title: str) -> None

This method sets the title of the embedding.

  • title: A string representing the title to be set for the embedding.
set_description(self, desc: str) -> None

This method sets the description of the embedding.

  • desc: A string representing the description to be set for the embedding.
set_url(self, url: str) -> None

This method sets the URL associated with the embedding.

  • url: A string representing the URL to be set for the embedding.
set_color(self, color: int) -> None

This method sets the color code of the embedding.

  • color: An integer representing the color code to be set for the embedding.
add_field(self, name: str, value: str, inline: bool) -> None

This method adds a field to the embedding.

  • name: A string representing the name of the field.
  • value: A string representing the value of the field.
  • inline: A boolean indicating whether the field should be displayed inline or not.
set_footer(self, text: str, icon_url: str = None) -> None

This method sets the footer of the embedding.

  • text: A string representing the text to be set for the footer.
  • icon_url: A string representing the URL of the icon to be displayed in the footer. Default is None.


The CommandArg class represents a command argument that can be used within a command. It provides functionality to define the name, description, type, required flag, and choices for the argument. This documentation will cover the class attributes and member functions, along with their respective parameters.

Class Attributes

  • Choice: The Choice class represents a choice option for the command argument.
  • Types: The Types class contains predefined constants representing different types of command arguments.


__init__(self, name: str, desc: str, type: int, required: bool = True, choices: list[Choice] = None) -> None

The constructor initializes an instance of the CommandArg class.

  • name: A string representing the name of the command argument.
  • desc: A string representing the description of the command argument.
  • type: An integer representing the type of the command argument.
  • required: A boolean indicating whether the command argument is required. Default is True.
  • choices: A list of Choice objects representing the choices for the command argument. Default is None.

Member Functions

to_dict(self) -> dict

This method converts the CommandArg object into a dictionary format that can be easily serialized.


  • dict: A dictionary representation of the CommandArg object.