- Accept 00_lab_0
- Get basic_test.cpp
Before working on assignment, setup system environment first.
The following code is the prototype of functions in array_functions.h
, and you need to implement functions in array_functions.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
//initialize the first size elements of the array
void _array_init(int a[], int size, int x=0);
//add append_me to the end of the array and size++
void _append(int a[], int& size, int append_me);
//return index of find_me -1 if not found
int _find(const int a[], int size, int find_me);
//return item at index pos
int& _at(int a[], int size, int pos);
//print the array
void _print_array(const int a[], int size);