This framework serves as a blueprint for outlining a unique script that results in a script containing many high-value voice cloning parameters within your unique speech. The framework begins with a well-structured, sensible core script that is carefully written with high-yielding words, structure, and pacing for voice modeling. Written by Ian Fain.
Read as if reading outloud in class
"There's something about traveling that just opens your eyes to the beauty of the world. Take my trip to the Amazon Rainforest, for example. Being there, amidst such vibrant nature, it's an indescribable feeling. It makes you ponder—how much of the world do we take for granted? Every trip, every new landscape, changes you a little, doesn't it? Makes you appreciate the planet more. And it's not just about seeing new places; it's about the perspectives you gain. Makes you want to explore even further."
Read the lines as if you're talking to someone. Informal, relaxed.
- "Please read these words naturally: each, ice, oat, ooze, up"
- "Can you say: aim, boat, moon, rain, say"
- "Express excitement about: eight new plates in my house!"
- "How do you feel about: cool blue pools in June?"
- "Describe something using these words: splash, bright, strength, craft"
- "Tell me about: three free trees"
- "What do you think about: quick brown foxes jumping?"
- "Can you say: six thick bricks stick"
- "Share your thoughts on: sunshine showing through sheets"
- "How do you feel about: fresh fish served with sauce?"
- "Describe: zesty zebras zooming zealously"
- "What about: thin things through thick thorns"
Read the line or question, and then verbally reason (speak your thoughts) your answer.
- "How do you typically begin telling an exciting story?"
- "What's your go-to phrase when sharing surprising news?"
- "Tell me about something unexpected that happened recently"
- "Share a memory that stands out to you"
"Tell me about a time something unexpected happened to you"
"Share a story about a time your plans completely changed"
"Can you describe a memorable moment that took you by surprise?"
"Tell me about a time you had to explain something complicated"
How you start stories
How you move between parts of the story
How you build up to key moments
How you connect related thoughts
Your "thinking out loud" patterns
- What do you say when you're thinking mid-sentence?
- i.e.
uhh, umm, err...
aiya, whatchamacallit...
how do you say, what's a good way to put it, i'm speechless...
- i.e.
- How do you stall for time while gathering thoughts?
- i.e.
hmmm, hrmm, ahem, huh..., whoa, woah, really?, wait a minute...
- i.e.
- What's your typical reaction when processing surprising information?
- i.e.
No shit!?
Get the fuck out of here!
You're kidding?!
- i.e.
- How do you express uncertainty?
- i.e.
Yeah, I don't know about that...
Sounds like fuckin' bullshit
I'm not sure I agree...
- i.e.
- React to winning a dream vacation
- Share your response to amazing news
- Describe your perfect day
- Express joy about a major achievement
- React to an unbelievable story
- Share your thoughts on an unlikely explanation
- Express doubt about a suspicious situation
- Respond to an obvious exaggeration
- Share a life lesson you've learned
- Describe a moment that changed your perspective
- What's something you often think about?
- How do you feel about major life changes?
[Respond naturally to each scenario]
- Someone shows you a mind-blowing magic trick
- You just remembered leaving something important at home
- You're hearing the most ridiculous excuse
- You're trying to explain something obvious but they're not getting it
- You just heard some incredibly juicy gossip
- Your food is completely different from what you expected
- Someone tells you a conspiracy theory
- You're explaining your biggest passion
- Count from 1 to 10 naturally
- Count backward from 20 to 10
- Say these years: 1999, 2024, 2030
- Read these prices: $19.99, $245.50, $1,000.00
- Recite the alphabet naturally
- Spell out your name
- Spell these words: "extraordinary," "necessary," "beautiful"
- Read these acronyms: NASA, ASAP, FOMO, TBH
- Read with natural pauses: "Wait... what just happened?"
- Express different types of questions: "Really? Are you sure? How come?"
- Show various stops: "No. No! NO..."
- Demonstrate ellipsis: "Well... I guess... maybe..."
"Quick question for you: have you ever watched the sun rise over mountains? It's breathtaking... absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for your time - catch you in the next episode!"
- Ensure consistent room tone between takes
- Capture at least 3 seconds of silence for noise floor
- Mark any unique vocal characteristics or speech patterns
- Note emotional range variations
- Document any distinct pronunciation patterns
- Record multiple takes of challenging phoneme combinations
- Keep track of natural speech rhythm and cadence changes