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amasad edited this page Oct 3, 2011 · 3 revisions

Adding a language


Create two folders with the following paths (relative to the jsrepl directory):

  1. extern/{language_name}: Holds the language interpreter's code (could be a git submodule).
  2. langs/{language_name} : Holds the language engine interface.

Language engine interface

A CoffeeScript class that is located in langs/{language_name} preferably with the
name jsrepl_{language_name}.coffee functions as an interface for the language engine.
The name of the class must be self.JSREPLEngine and must implement the following methods:

  1. constructor: (input, output, result, error, sandbox, ready) -> :
    This is the engine constructor. Its called when the language is first loaded and should be
    responsible for instantiating the interpreter. Called with the following parameters:

    • (Function) input: A function that should be called each time a program being executed
      asks for user input. When called it must be passed a continuation function that would
      recieve the user input and continues execution.
    • (Function) output: Called with the output from the language.
    • (Function) result: Called with the return value from eval.
    • (Function) error: Called with the error output from the engine.
    • (Object) sandbox: Is the sandbox containing the language, could be an iframe window
      or a Web Worker.
    • (Function) ready: Called when the language is ready to receive input
  2. Eval: (command) -> :
    Called with the a string to be evaled by the language. Any return value must be passed to
    the above-mentioned result function.

  3. GetNextLineIndent: (command) ->:
    This function is called just before passing the command to the Eval method to decide
    wether the command is ready for evaluation or more lines is intended. Returns:

    • false: Meaning this command should continue its way to Eval.
    • (Integer): The interpreter should wait for more lines of code before passing them
      to Eval. The value of the integer specifies the number of indentation for the next line.

See the JavaScript interface.

Language config is a set of language engine configurations used by jsREPL. Every engine must
create an object that encapsulates all its configuration parameters:

@JSREPL::Languages::JavaScript =
	name: 'JavaScript'
	extension: 'js'
	matchings: [
		['(', ')']
		['[', ']']
		['{', '}']
	scripts: [
	includes: []
	engine: 'langs/javascript/'
	worker_friendly: true
	minifier: 'closure'
  • name: The display name of the language.
  • extension: The file extension of the language.
  • matchings: An array of tuples containing a set of characters that could be matched.
  • scripts: An array of scripts paths that is relative to the root jsrepl directory. Could
    also be an array of objects which specifies if certain browsers should load different scripts:
    • key: Browser string identifier.
    • value: Script path.
  • includes: An array of folder paths relative to the root jsrepl directory that specifies
    the locations of language library files.
  • engine: The path to the language engine interface.
  • worker_friendly: Boolean specifies whether the language could be loaded in a worker or not.
  • minifier: A string specifying the minifier that should be used when building the project:
    • none: No minifier should be used.
    • yui: Use the YUI compressor.
    • uglify: Use uglifyJS.
    • closure: Use the standard closure compiler.
    • closure_es5: Use the closure compiler with support for ES5.
    • closure_advanced: Use the closure compiler in advanced mode.


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