This is a metaverse on a small scale that is made using three.js,web3.js. In this metaverse, users can mint a NFT from the frontend itself, and after minting the NFT, the NFT appears on the metaverse in the form of a 3d object.
1. node.js installed
2. metamask wallet should be setup with some test eth for whatever testnet you are deploying to
Firstly, clone the repo to your local machine
Then, run this command in the command line to install all the dependencies required for the project to run.
yarn add
or if using npm,
npm install
If you want to redeploy the contract on any other testnet or u want only your own NFTs to show, deploy the contract using
yarn hardhat deploy
or if using npm,
npm hardhat deploy
make sure to change the address in web3.js, main.js and give the deployed address for the contract.
Run this command to open it on localhost
yarn vite dev
or if using npm,
npm vite dev
You will see a prompt to commect with metamask, let the connection go through and then give the details for the NFT in the form, the width , height, etc
Pay using metamask and then after some time, your NFT will reflect on the metaverse.
Sometimes the yarn hardhat deploy command dosen't work, if that is the case run
`yarn hardhat run deploy/deploy.js`