The SignalFx collectd Docker image includes collectd, the SignalFx collectd plugin and the SignalFx Docker collectd plugin. For information on configuring the container, please see the documentation located in the README.
Any modifications to this Docker image will need to be tested to ensure
complete functionality. SignalFx has not tested all possible configurations.
Docker images are built from Dockerfiles. These are extension-less text files named Dockerfile. Read Docker's official documentation for more information on Dockerfiles.
A new Dockerfile should be created in an empty directory. This directory will act as the image workspace. The SignalFx collectd Docker image is located at for Ubuntu based image and for the Alpine Linux based image. This image should be extended in a new Docker image.
# Reference base image
A name and contact information should be provided with the command MAINTAINER for the new image.
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
Each SignalFx supported collectd integration has its own set of documentation and managed configuration files. Please refer to the integrations page in SignalFx to find each plugin, documentation, and managed configuration files.
The files for each plugin must be copied into the workspace. ADD is the
command used to add a resource from the workspace to the Docker image. ADD
follows the syntax ADD <path to resource in workspace> <path in image>
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
# Add files
ADD example-plugin/ /usr/share/collectd
ADD example-plugin/example-file.conf /etc/collectd/managed_config
The RUN command is used to execute shell commands while building an image. This is the command that should be used to install additional apt packages, move files around, etc. This is a good place to chmod custom run scripts after they have been added to the Docker image.
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
# Add files
ADD example-plugin/ /usr/share/collectd
ADD example-plugin/example-file.conf /etc/collectd/managed_config
# Run shell commands
RUN <shell commands>
The WORKDIR command is used to set the working directory in the Dockerfile.
Ubuntu Based Image
At the end of the file, the working directory should be set to /.docker/.
This is where the script is stored in the base Docker image. Custom
scripts should be copied here if they need to execute when the container
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
# Add files
ADD example-plugin/ /usr/share/collectd
ADD example-plugin/example-file.conf /etc/collectd/managed_config
# Run shell commands
RUN <shell commands>
# Change work directory
WORKDIR /.docker/
ENTRYPOINT sets the executable that should be executed when the docker image starts.
On Alpine Linux we must explicitly set the ENTRYPOINT to the included shell.
# Set the shell as the entry point
CMD executes an executable when the container built from a Docker image starts. The SignalFx collectd Docker image has a script named This script must be the last script executed by CMD
On the Alpine linux based image, the script is located at
On the Ubuntu based image, the script is located at /.docker/
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
# Add files
ADD example-plugin/ /usr/share/collectd
ADD example-plugin/example-file.conf /etc/collectd/managed_config
# Run shell commands
RUN <shell commands>
# Change work directory
WORKDIR /.docker/
# Execute commands when the container starts
CMD /.docker/
If other scripts need to be executed at startup, they must be included in the same CMD statement and chained together using && with the SignalFx script at the end of the chain.
# Reference base image
# Provide contact information
MAINTAINER <Name> <Contact Info>
# Add files
ADD example-plugin/ /usr/share/collectd
ADD example-plugin/example-file.conf /etc/collectd/managed_config
# Adding custom startup script
ADD /.docker/
# Run shell commands
# Making startup script executable
RUN chmod +x /.docker/
# Change work directory
WORKDIR /.docker/
# Execute commands when the container starts ( &&
CMD /.docker/ && /.docker/
Run time variables should be read from environment variables and passed into the container at run time using the *-e* flag. These variables can be used to simplify the configuration of plugins, however additional steps must be taken to assign the values to the appropriate plugin configuration file.
$ docker run --privileged \
-v /etc/hostname:/mnt/hostname:ro \
-v /proc:/mnt/proc:ro \
-v /:/hostfs:ro \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /etc:/mnt/etc:ro \
The following environment variables are reserved by SignalFx and should not be used in custom scripts:
To build the Dockerfile into an image, execute the following command from the root of the Dockerfile workspace.
$ docker build -t <custom tag name> .
This will build a Docker image and tag it with the name specified as the custom tag name
To run the new Docker image, follow the instructions provided in the SignalFx collectd Docker README.