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203 lines (156 loc) · 7.94 KB

File metadata and controls

203 lines (156 loc) · 7.94 KB

C Compiler

For generating MIPS code, we went from c directly to MIPS. No llvm is generated when compiling to MIPS.

Implemented Features (17/04/2020)

Assignment 1

  • Binary operations+,-,*, and /
  • Binary operations >,<, and ==
  • Unary operators + and -
  • Brackets to overwrite the order of operations
  • (optional) Binary operator %
  • (optional) Comparison operators >=, <=, and !=
  • (optional) Logical operators &&, ||, and !
  • (optional) Constant folding

Assignment 2

  • Types: char, int, float, char*, int*, float*
  • Const keyword
  • Variables
  • Pointer operations * and &
  • (optional) Identifier Operations: ++ and --
  • (optional) Conversions (in LLVM and in Constant folding)

Errors (Assignment 2 continued)

  • Syntax Errors(throws a CSyntaxError Exception)
  • Use of undefined or uninitialised variable (throws a UndeclaredVariable / UninitializedVariable Exception respectively)
  • Redeclaration or redefinition of an existing variable (throws a DuplicateDeclaration Exception)
  • Operations or assignments of incompatible types (throws a IncompatibleType Exception)
  • Assignment to an rvalue (throws a CSyntaxError Exception)
  • Assignment to a const variable (throws a ConstAssignment Exception)
  • Division by zero (throws a ZeroDivisionError Exception)

Each exception also contains the line and position of the error.

Assignment 3

  • (Multiline & single line) Comments are skipped
  • Printf: for a single int, float or char (variable or literal)

Assignment 4

  • if, else
  • while, for, break, continue
  • (optional) switch, case, default
  • (extra) do

Assignment 5

  • Return, void
  • Scopes
  • Local and Global vars
  • Functions
  • Code after return, break is not generated

Assignment 6

  • Arrays
  • Import stdio: printf() and scanf()


Also make sure graphviz is installed on your system for AST dot output.

sudo apt-get install graphviz

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Structure AST Structure and visitor class. Generates the AST. Listens to ANTLR errors and throws syntax errors. Execution script (compiles to llvm). Execution script (compiles to MIPS). Helper functions for both llvm and MIPS code generation. Traverses the AST and generates LLVM code. Traverses the AST and generates MIPS code. Helper class for keeping track off where variables live in respect to the stack pointer. Helper class for MIPS instructions based on the variable / rvalue type. Data structure for symbol table.

/ANTLR/LLVM/c.g4: ANTLR grammar.

Building ANLTR Classes

This should create the ANTLR source files in ./ANTLR/LLVM



python [inputfile] [outputname]

This generates llvm-[outputname].ll and a matching [outputname] binary in ./llvm/. The AST Tree can be viewed in ./trees/[outputname].png

It also compiles the .ll file using clang and runs the binary. (Files that contain errors are not compiled)


python [inputfile] [outputname]

This generates [outputname].asm in ./asm/. The AST Tree can be viewed in ./trees/[outputname].png

It also runs this .asm file with the MARS simulator in ./MARS


python or

NB: Om één of andere reden is na een enkele run van de tests soms scope_1.c en char_casting.c volledig corrupt en dus niet meer leesbaar door ons programma. Ondertussen kunnen we het niet meer reproduceren.

The AST trees of the test files can be viewed at ./src/tests/trees.

Also the .ll files are generated. They're compiled to binary using clang. And the binaries are executed. (Files that contain errors are not compiled.) These can be found in ./src/tests/llvm

The expected output of our files can be found in ./ExpectedOutput



python runs all files in ./src/tests/benchmark1/CorrectCode and ./src/tests/benchmark1/SemanticErrors. It compares the output to our expected output. The expected output of these files can be found in


python runs all files in ./src/tests/benchmark1/CorrectCode and ./src/tests/benchmark1/SemanticErrors. It also compares this output to the output of the llvm code. The expected output of these files can be found in

List of test files and contents

File Tests
array.c definition array, assignment array, printf array elem
assignment_to_r_value.c definition, assignment to rvalue
basic_definition.c definition
basic_declaration.c declaration, assignment
bool_testing.c definition, boolean folding, print
char_casting.c definition, boolean folding, print
char_folding.c definition, char folding, print
const_assignment_error.c const definition, const assignment error
duplicate_declaration_error.c definition, duplicate declaration
folding.c definition, assignment, folding ints and floats
incompatible_type_error.c definition, pointers, pointer + pointer error
modulo.c definition, assignment, modulo floats and ints, print
not_testing.c definition, bool folding with not
pointers.c definition, pointer
pointer_dereference.c definition, pointer, & * unary operators, print
scope_1.c single scope test
scope_empty.c empty scope test
scope_nested.c Int addition, print(int), scopes
syntax_error.c Custom Syntax Error: int;
syntax_error_1.c Custom Syntax Error: unfinished scope: {
unary_++.c ++x, x++, print, definition
unary_--.c --x, x--, print, definition
unary_magic.c unary operators + and -
undeclared_var_error.c not declared error
uninitialised_var_error.c declaration, not initialised error
Folder ifelse
File Tests
------------- -------------
false.c else part of each if-statement
false_true.c else part of first, if part of second if-statement
fancy_if_false.c put an assignmentline in the condition that is false
fancy_if_true.c put an assignmentline in the condition that is true
no_else.c if-statements without an else
true_false.c if_statement that has a true condition (false in unreached else)
true_true.c if_statement that has a true condition
Folder functions
File Tests
------------- -------------
declaration_1.c a declaration of a function before it's definition
declaration_2.c a declaration of a function after it's definition
declaration_multi.c a large amount of declarations before and after the definition
definition_after.c definition after main
definition_only.c definition before main without declaration
faculty.c the faculty function with 3 with unused arguments
mult_definition.c multiple definitions of the same function (Error)
Folder loops
File Tests
------------- -------------
break_error.c break statement outside loop
continue_error.c continue statement outside loop
do_while.c do while loop one iteration
do_while_2.c do while loop multiple iterations
for_continue.c for loop, continue
loop.c normal for loop, for loop break
loop_return.c return statement in for loop
nested_break.c break inside nested loop