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Q66645: C4059 Warning May Be Caused by Errors in OS2DEF.H and PMWIN.H |
/kb/066/Q66645/ |
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Article: Q66645
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 6.00 6.00a
Operating System(s): OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | buglist6.00 buglist6.00a | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 24-JAN-1991
Using the header files shipped with the OS/2 Toolkit version 1.20, and
compiling the sample code below with /AL, the compiler will issue a
C4059 error message on lines 8 and 9. This error is caused by the way
these two macros are defined. If the following changes are made, the
error will go away:
1. In OS2DEF.H, change
#define LOUSHORT(l) ((USHORT)(l))
to the following:
#define LOUSHORT(l) ((USHORT)(ULONG)(l))
2. In PMWIN.H, change
#define CHAR1FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)(mp))
to the following:
#define CHAR1FROMMP(mp) ((UCHAR)(ULONG)(mp))
The first change has already been made to the include files that
shipped with Microsoft C version 6.00; the second change has not been
made. Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with C version 6.00
and 6.00a. We are researching this problem and will post new
information here as it becomes available.
Sample Code
1. #include <os2def.h>
2. #include <pmwin.h>
3. void test(MPARAM mp1);
4. void test(MPARAM mp1)
5. {
6. USHORT i;
7. UCHAR c;
8. i=LOUSHORT(mp1);
9. c=CHAR1FROMMP(mp1);
10. }
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