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Q67759: _getpixel() Return Value is Not Changed by _setbkcolor() Call |
/kb/067/Q67759/ |
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Article: Q67759
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10 6.00 6.00a
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | s_quickc | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 6-FEB-1991
In the sample program below, _getpixel() will return a 0 (zero).
Setting _setbkcolor() to any other color has no effect on the return
value from _getpixel().
The _getpixel() function is documented as returning a color index for
a specific pixel. In the example program, there are no colors on the
screen except the background color (color index 0). When the call to
_setbkcolor() is made, the color mapped to index 0 is changed;
however, the color index for the pixel is not changed. Therefore,
_getpixel() still returns 0. This same behavior is exhibited when
using the _remappallette() function on index 0 and the
_remapallpallette() function.
To change the color index at a particular point on the screen, first
call the _setcolor() function with the desired color index, then use
one of the graphics drawing functions, for example, _floodfill(),
_setpixel(), etc.
Sample Code
// Note: C 5.10 doesn't support _MAXRESMODE
void main(void)
short xvar=100,yvar=100,result1=0,result2=0;
printf("Before _setbkcolor - %d\n",result1);
printf("After _setbkcolor - %d\n",result2);
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