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Q156996: XFOR: Postoffice Lists Disappearing from GAL

Q156996: XFOR: Postoffice Lists Disappearing from GAL

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Article: Q156996
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:4.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 04-APR-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0 


Entire postoffice lists disappear from the Global Address List (GAL) after you
introduce Microsoft Exchange Server as a Directory Synchronization (dir- sync)
Requestor to the dir-sync process.


If a Custom Recipient (CR) is manually defined on the Microsoft Exchange Server
for a user that resides on one of the Microsoft Mail postoffices, the Microsoft
Exchange Server where the CR was created believes it is responsible for dir-sync
for that address and that postoffice.

Please see the MORE INFORMATION section for a detailed explanation of the
reproduction scenario.


A supported fix is now available for Microsoft Exchange Server version 4.0 that
provides a new registry entry setting to correct this behavior.

Add a registry value RequireValidImpFrom of type REG_DWORD to:


and set it to 1.

When dir-sync creates a list of transactions to send to a dir-sync Server, if it
finds a CR with the target address of type MS and the ImportedFrom field has a
value of NULL, it will silently drop that transaction and continue. The
ImportedFrom field for a record in the Directory is NULL only if the CR was
created manually or imported by the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program. If
a CR is created by means of dir-sync , the ImportedFrom field will have the name
of the Requestor Object in it.

If you set this value to 0, or if this value is not present, the Directory
Synchronization service (DXA) will behave as it did prior to the fix.

NOTE: This fix is only for address type MS. If CR of another type (SMTP, SNADS,
and so forth) is imported from a Microsoft Mail postoffice later, the behavior
of the DXA will be the same as before the fix.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server
version 4.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Exchange Service
Pack. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K


In this scenario, the Microsoft Mail postoffices are MSM1, MSM2, and MSM3. MSM1
is the dir-sync server and dir-sync is fully working between these three

Now add a Microsoft Exchange Server as a requester to the dir-sync server (MSM1)
and manually add a CR to the Microsoft Exchange server with an address that
resides on any of the Microsoft Mail postoffices, in other words,
Network/Msm3/Testuser. Allow one dir-sync cycle to occur.

Upon completion of dir-sync, the Microsoft Exchange Server, MSM1, and MSM2 have
all addresses from MSM1 and MSM2 but no addresses from MSM3.

Because of the CR that was created on the Microsoft Exchange Server, the
Microsoft Exchange Server will send out the following transactions to the
dir-sync server along with its normal Add transactions for the Microsoft
Exchange users that exist on the Microsoft Exchange Server.

R NETWORK\MSM3            Tells the dir-sync  Server to discard all
                         addresses for MSM3
A NETWORK\MSM3\TESTUSER   Tells the dir-sync  Server to add TESTUSER
                         R NETWORK\SHADOW

and so forth.

During a normal dir-sync cycle, when a requestor requests a full export, a
Replace transaction will be sent only for its own postoffice. For example:

R NETWORK\PO          Tells the dir-sync  Server to discard all addresses
                     for postoffice
A NETWORK\PO\USER1    Tells the dir-sync  Server to add USER1

To get the addresses from MSM3 back into the dir-sync stream, the administrator
must request that a full export be sent from the Microsoft Mail postoffice
(MSM3). You can achieve this by following these steps:

1. Start Admin.exe against MSM3.

2. Choose Config-DirSync-Requester-Export and answer Yes to continue.

3. Exit Admin.exe

On the next dir-sync cycle, T1, MSM3's full list will be resent to the dir-sync
server and therefore propagated out to the other requestors.

The fix for this should be applied and the aforementioned registry setting should
be set, or the Export Custom Recipients option should be cleared on the dir-sync
Requester object on the Export Containers' property page.

Additional query words:

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : winnt:4.0


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