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Q183858: Ipconfig.exe Usage for MS-DOS 3.0 Network Client |
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Article: Q183858
Product(s): Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT Networking Issues
Version(s): WINDOWS:95;WinNT:3.0,4.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 10-AUG-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
- Microsoft Windows 95
- Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS version 3.0
When you use the Ipconfig.exe file from the Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for
MS-DOS that ships with Windows NT Server 4.0, you may receive the following
error messages:
No DHCP data available
Usage: C:\Net\Ipconfig.exe <lanroot>
The Ipconfig.exe file from the Microsoft Network Client 3.0 is different from
the version that ships with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or the one that ships
with Windows NT 4.0. The <lanroot> option refers to the directory where
the networking software is installed, usually C:\Net.
The proper syntax for IPCONFIG in this case would be:
Ipconfig.exe C:\Net
The <lanroot> variable is defined in the [network] section of the
System.ini that is located in the directory where the client was installed.
Any other switches or commands will produce one of the two error messages
described above.
NOTE: Ipconfig.exe from the Microsoft Network Client 3.0 can also be run from
Windows 95, as long as the directory for the client still exists because the
<lanroot> option must be entered. Another alternative for a command-line
Ipconfig.exe in Windows 95 is to use the Ipconfig.exe from Windows for
Workgroups 3.11.
Additional query words: MSDOS WFW
Keywords :
Technology : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbAudDeveloper kbWin95search kbZNotKeyword kbZNotKeyword3 kbNetworkClientSearch kbNetworkClient300DOS
Version : WINDOWS:95;WinNT:3.0,4.0
Issue type : kbprb
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