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Q194203: ASCII and Hex Representation of NetBIOS Names

Q194203: ASCII and Hex Representation of NetBIOS Names

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Article: Q194203
Product(s): Windows for Workgroups and Windows NT Networking Issues
Version(s): Windows:95,98;WinNT:4.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 10-AUG-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 
- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 
- Microsoft Windows 98 
- Microsoft Windows 95 


NetBIOS names are 16 bytes long, but they are mapped to a 32-byte wide string of
alphabet (A,B...O,P) using a reversible, half-ASCII, biased encoding.


The algorithm used to encode NetBIOS names is as follows:

Each half-octet of the NetBIOS name is encoded into 1 byte of the 32-byte field.
The first half-octet is encoded into the first byte, the second half- octet into
the second byte, and so on. Each 4-bit, half-octet of the NetBIOS name is
treated as an 8-bit, right-adjusted, zero-filled binary number. This number is
added to the value of the ASCII character 'A' (hexadecimal 41). The resulting
8-bit number is stored in the appropriate byte.

This encoding results in a NetBIOS name being represented as a sequence of 32
ASCII, upper-case characters from the set {A,B,C...N,O,P}. The NetBIOS scope
identifier is a valid domain name (without a leading dot).

An ASCII dot (2E hexadecimal) and the scope identifier are appended to the
encoded form of the NetBIOS name, the result forming a valid domain name.

For example, the NetBIOS name "THE NETBIOS NAME" in the NetBIOS scope
"SCOPE.ID.COM" would be represented at level one by the ASCII character string:


The following is a list of characters and their corresponding encoded ASCII and
hex values:

  Character   ASCII Code    Hex Code

  A            EB            45 42
  B            EC            45 43
  C            ED            45 44
  D            EE            45 45
  E            EF            45 46
  F            EG            45 47
  G            EH            45 48
  H            EI            45 49
  I            EJ            45 4A
  J            EK            45 4B
  K            EL            45 4C
  L            EM            45 4D
  M            EN            45 4E
  N            EO            45 4F
  O            EP            45 50
  P            FA            46 41
  Q            FB            46 42
  R            FC            46 43
  S            FD            46 44
  T            FE            46 45
  U            FF            46 46
  V            FG            46 47
  W            FH            46 48
  X            FI            46 49
  Y            FJ            46 4A
  Z            FK            46 4B

  0            DA            44 41
  1            DB            44 42
  2            DC            44 43
  3            DD            44 44
  4            DE            44 45
  5            DF            44 46
  6            DG            44 47
  7            DH            44 48
  8            DI            44 49
  9            DJ            44 4A

  <space>      CA            43 41
  !            CB            43 42
  "            CC            43 43
  #            CD            43 44
  $            CE            43 45
  %            CF            43 46
  &            CG            43 47
  '            CH            43 48
  (            CI            43 49
  )            CJ            43 4A
  *            CK            43 4B
  +            CL            43 4C
  ,(comma)     CM            43 4D
  -(hyphen)    CN            43 4E
  .(period)    CO            43 4F
  =            DN            44 4E
  :(colon)     DK            44 4B
  ;(semicolon) DL            44 4C
  @            EA            45 41
  ^            FO            46 4F
  _(underscore)FP            46 50
  {            HL            48 4C
  }            HN            48 4E
  ~            HO            48 4F

NOTE: The above mapping list can be useful while reading network traces because
information is sent on the wire in the above encoded format.


For more information, see RFC 1001.

Additional query words: kbDSupport NetBIOS Name Character Encoded Hex ASCII

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbWinNTsearch kbWinNTWsearch kbWinNTW400 kbWinNTW400search kbWinNT400search kbWinNTSsearch kbWinNTS400search kbWinNTS400 kbWin95search kbWin98search kbZNotKeyword3 kbWin98
Version           : Windows:95,98;WinNT:4.0
Issue type        : kbinfo


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