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Q317300: SMS: "Couldn't Get Defined Architecture" Responses |
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Article: Q317300
Product(s): Microsoft Systems Management Server
Version(s): 2.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbsms200
Last Modified: 06-AUG-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Systems Management Server version 2.0
Database maintenance of aged discovery data occurs by default for discovery data
that is more than 90 days old. You can review the Smsdbmon.log file to determine
how many records are deleted, as described in the following Microsoft Knowledge
Base article:
Q263913 SMS: Delete Aged Discovery Task Always Reports Zero Items Deleted
If you review the Smsdbmon.log file, you may see architectures other than System
that report:
CTriggerManager::ExecuteTask - beginning Delete Aged Discovery Data process.
CTriggerManager::ExecuteTask - deleting discovery items that haven't been
discovered in 90 days
CMachine::DeleteMachine - couldn't get defined architecture
DeleteDiscoveryItems deleted 0 rows of architecture User Group
DeleteLostMachines deleted 0 inventory items
Note that this entry is not an error. This entry may occur for other discovery
architectures such as User or IP_Network.
This entry is the result of queries that are run during the database maintenance
tasks. The first query that is run is:
"select * from DiscoveryArchitectures"
Multiple queries are then run against the results from the first query. One query
is run for each DiscArchName entry that results from the DiscoveryArchitectures
query. The query format is
"Select ArchitectureName,ArchitectureKey,Mode from ArchitectureMap where
ArchitectureName = "<DiscArchName>"
where <DiscArchName> is one of the values that is returned from the
DISCARCHNAME field that resulted from the first query.
Except for the System architecture, all of the queries result in no records
(because the respective architecture in the ArchitectureMap table is not
present). These architectures are processed one by one; if there is no response,
"CMachine::DeleteMachine - couldn't get defined architecture" is logged.
Additional query words: prodsms
Keywords : kbsms200
Technology : kbSMSSearch kbSMS200
Version : :2.0
Issue type : kbinfo
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