Jim Jenkins: Chief Photocopy Officer for a dying newspaper house, the Chicago Tribune. He is unimpressive and underwhelming.
Lost Alice: amoral techpunk hacker that does it for the lulz, responsible for the first hacking but is she responsible for all of it? DUN DUN DUNNnnNNNnn.
Mike Dyson: The maniacal heir to the Dyson fortune, probably the bad guy because he had one of those quintessential Bad Guy laughs. Maybe.
Adam: Small time writer at the Chicago Tribune, feels underappreciated. He later then aids to mike dyson's evil plans.. (?)
None yet from me, I'm flying YOLO. - A-fab
- Blowhard
- Three Shits to the Wind
- Wind-ing Up
- You Are the Wind Beneath My Arm Stumps
- A Foul Wind Blows
- A Fowl Wind Blows ( chicken-based plot device? )
- Employees Must Lose Hands