diff --git a/polarion/plan.py b/polarion/plan.py
index 9f7593a..793ab23 100644
--- a/polarion/plan.py
+++ b/polarion/plan.py
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ def __init__(self, polarion, project, polarion_record=None, uri=None, id=None, n
         self._id = id
         if new_plan_id is not None and new_plan_name is not None:
+            # get the ID from the plan if the ID if the plan is passed
+            if isinstance(new_plan_parent, Plan):
+                new_plan_parent = new_plan_parent.id
             service = self._polarion.getService('Planning')
             self._uri = service.createPlan(self._project.id, new_plan_name, new_plan_id, new_plan_parent, new_plan_template)
@@ -165,6 +168,26 @@ def save(self):
+    def getParent(self):
+        """
+        Get the parent plan
+        :return: parent Plan
+        """
+        return Plan(self._polarion, self._project, self.parent)
+    def getChildren(self):
+        """
+        Get the child plans
+        :return: List of Plans, or empty list if there are no children.
+        """
+        search_results = self._project.searchPlanFullItem(f'parent.id:{self.id}')
+        children = []
+        for plan in search_results:
+            if plan.id != self.id:
+                children.append(plan)
+        return children
     def _reloadFromPolarion(self):
         service = self._polarion.getService('Planning')
         self._polarion_record = service.getPlanByUri(self._polarion_record.uri)
diff --git a/polarion/project.py b/polarion/project.py
index d0222ab..fc8a1c7 100644
--- a/polarion/project.py
+++ b/polarion/project.py
@@ -86,6 +86,35 @@ def createPlan(self, new_plan_name, new_plan_id, new_plan_template, new_plan_par
         return Plan(self.polarion, self, new_plan_name=new_plan_name, new_plan_id=new_plan_id, new_plan_template=new_plan_template,
+    def searchPlan(self, query='', order='Created', limit=-1):
+        """Query for available plans. This will return the polarion data structures.
+        :param query: The query to use while searching
+        :param order: Order by
+        :param limit: The limit of plans, -1 for no limit
+        :return: The search results
+        :rtype: dict[]
+        """
+        query += f' AND project.id:{self.id}'
+        service = self.polarion.getService('Planning')
+        return service.searchPlans(query, order, limit)
+    def searchPlanFullItem(self, query='', order='Created', limit=-1):
+        """Query for available plans. This will query for the plans and then fetch all result. May take a while for a big search with many results.
+        :param query: The query to use while searching
+        :param order: Order by
+        :param limit: The limit of plans, -1 for no limit
+        :return: The search results
+        :rtype: Plan[]
+        """
+        return_list = []
+        plans = self.searchPlan(query, order, limit)
+        for plan in plans:
+            return_list.append(Plan(self.polarion, self, polarion_record=plan))
+        return return_list
     def createWorkitem(self, workitem_type: str, new_workitem_fields=None):
         Create a workitem based on the workitem type.
diff --git a/polarion/workitem.py b/polarion/workitem.py
index 200d2a4..ddcc949 100644
--- a/polarion/workitem.py
+++ b/polarion/workitem.py
@@ -96,9 +96,14 @@ def _buildWorkitemFromPolarion(self):
                     setattr(self, key, value[key])
             self._polarion_test_steps = None
-                service_test = self._polarion.getService('TestManagement')
-                self._polarion_test_steps = service_test.getTestSteps(self.uri)
-            except Exception:
+                # get the custom fields
+                service = self._polarion.getService('Tracker')
+                custom_fields = service.getCustomFieldTypes(self.uri)
+                # check if any of the field has the test steps
+                if any(field.id == 'testSteps' for field in custom_fields):
+                    service_test = self._polarion.getService('TestManagement')
+                    self._polarion_test_steps = service_test.getTestSteps(self.uri)
+            except Exception as  e:
                 # fail silently as there are probably not test steps for this workitem
                 # todo: logging support
diff --git a/tests/test_polarion_plan.py b/tests/test_polarion_plan.py
index cac0fb0..20779f1 100644
--- a/tests/test_polarion_plan.py
+++ b/tests/test_polarion_plan.py
@@ -80,6 +80,32 @@ def test_dates(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.checking_plan.startDate.day, start_date.day, msg='Date is not equal')
         self.assertEqual(self.checking_plan.startedOn.day, started_on_date.day, msg='Date is not equal')
+    def test_parent_children(self):
+        # get checking plan
+        self.checking_plan = self.executing_project.getPlan(self.executing_plan.id)
+        # check that there are no children
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.checking_plan.getChildren()), 0,
+                         msg='No children should be here')
+        # create a child and check that there are children.
+        child_a = self.executing_project.createPlan('Test plan' + datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%f"),
+                                                 datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%f"), 'iteration', new_plan_parent=self.executing_plan.id)
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.checking_plan.getChildren()), 1, msg='Added one child, but this is not in checking plan')
+        self.assertEqual(self.checking_plan.getChildren()[0].id, child_a.id, msg='Child id does not match')
+        self.assertEqual(child_a.getParent().id, self.executing_plan.id, msg='Parent id should match original parent')
+        # also check a sub child
+        sub_child = self.executing_project.createPlan('Test plan' + datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%f"),
+                                                    datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M-%S-%f"), 'iteration',
+                                                    new_plan_parent=child_a)
+        self.assertEqual(child_a.getChildren()[0].id, sub_child.id, msg='Child id does not match')
+        self.assertEqual(sub_child.getParent().id, child_a.id, msg='Parent id should match original parent')