diff --git a/scripts/ma5e.js b/scripts/ma5e.js
index cb29e40..9f8e0ac 100644
--- a/scripts/ma5e.js
+++ b/scripts/ma5e.js
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ Hooks.once("setup", () => {
Hooks.once("ready", () => {
- if (roller === "core") MA5e.registerCoreReadyHooks();
- if (roller === "mre") MA5e.registerMREreadyHooks();
+ MA5e.registerCoreReadyHooks();
@@ -157,8 +156,8 @@ class Multiattack5e {
const tokenID = chatMessage.data.speaker.token;
const actorID = chatMessage.data.speaker.actor;
const actor = canvas.tokens.get(tokenID)?.actor || game.actors.get(actorID);
- const rollType = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.type");
- const itemID = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.itemId");
+ const rollType = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.type") || chatMessage.data.flags["dnd5e.roll"].type;
+ const itemID = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.itemId") || chatMessage.data.flags["dnd5e.roll"].itemId;
const item = actor.items.get(itemID);
let rollOptions;
if (rollType === "attack") {
@@ -168,6 +167,12 @@ class Multiattack5e {
advantage: vantage === "advantage",
disadvantage: vantage === "disadvantage"
+ } else if (roller === "mre") {
+ rollOptions = {
+ formulaGroup: parseInt(chatMessage.data.flags["mre-dnd5e.formulaGroup"]),
+ critical: chatMessage.data.flavor.includes(game.i18n.localize("DND5E.Critical")),
+ fastForward: true,
+ };
} else {
rollOptions = {
critical: primeRoll.isCritical,
@@ -187,6 +192,8 @@ class Multiattack5e {
+ if (rollType === "damage" && roller === "mre") return;
const dsnSetting = game.settings.get(moduleName, "extraAttackDSN");
if (game.settings.get(moduleName, "condenseCards")) {
for (const roll of rollArray) {
@@ -238,7 +245,7 @@ class Multiattack5e {
// Return false in preCreateChatMessage hook to prevent chat card from being created
- return false;
+ return roller === "mre";
@@ -254,153 +261,6 @@ class Multiattack5e {
- static registerMREreadyHooks() {
- Hooks.on("renderDialog", async (dialog, html, dialogData) => {
- // Filter for Attack/Damage roll configuration dialog render
- const title = dialog.data.title;
- if (!(title.includes(game.i18n.localize("DND5E.AttackRoll")) || title.includes(game.i18n.localize("DND5E.DamageRoll")))) return;
- // Inject number-of-rolls select element
- const numberSelectElement = `
- `;
- html.find(`form`).append(numberSelectElement);
- html.css("height", "auto");
- // Override dialog button callbacks
- for (const vantage of Object.keys(dialog.data.buttons)) {
- const ogCallback = dialog.data.buttons[vantage].callback;
- dialog.data.buttons[vantage].callback = html => {
- const numberOfRolls = parseInt(html.find(`select[name="number-of-rolls"]`).val());
- // If numberOfRolls === 1, proceed using default behavior
- if (numberOfRolls !== 1) {
- // Before making prime roll, prepare to intercept chat message creation and prevent it
- Hooks.once("preCreateChatMessage", (chatMessage, chatMessageData, options, userID) => {
- (async () => {
- // Gather roll, actor, and item information from chat message data
- const tokenID = chatMessage.data.speaker.token;
- const actorID = chatMessage.data.speaker.actor;
- const actor = canvas.tokens.get(tokenID)?.actor || game.actors.get(actorID);
- const rollType = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.type") || chatMessage.data.flags["dnd5e.roll"].type;
- const itemID = chatMessage.getFlag("dnd5e", "roll.itemId") || chatMessage.data.flags["dnd5e.roll"].itemId;
- // If rollType === "attack", gather ammo data
- const item = actor.items.get(itemID);
- let consume, ammo;
- if (rollType === "attack") {
- consume = item.data.data.consume;
- if (consume?.type === "ammo") ammo = item.actor.items.get(consume.target);
- }
- if (rollType === "damage") {
- const originalSetting = game.settings.get("mre-dnd5e", "rollDialogBehaviorLocal");
- game.settings.set("mre-dnd5e", "rollDialogBehaviorLocal", "skip");
- const rolls = [...chatMessage.data.flags["mre-dnd5e.rolls"]];
- let damageTotal = chatMessage.data.flags["mre-dnd5e.rolls"].reduce((acc, r) => acc + r.total, 0);
- let combinedContent = chatMessage.data.content;
- for (let i = 1; i < numberOfRolls; i++) {
- Hooks.once("preCreateChatMessage", (chatMessage, chatMessageData, options, userID) => {
- combinedContent += chatMessage.data.content;
- const mreRolls = chatMessage.data.flags["mre-dnd5e.rolls"];
- rolls.push(...mreRolls);
- mreRolls.forEach(r => damageTotal += r.total);
- return false;
- });
- await item.rollDamage();
- }
- game.settings.set("mre-dnd5e", "rollDialogBehaviorLocal", originalSetting);
- const content = $(`` + combinedContent + `
- content.find(".card-total").remove();
- content.find(`div.card-roll.formula-group`).last().append(`${damageTotal}
- const chatData = duplicate(chatMessage.data);
- chatData.content = content.prop("outerHTML");
- chatData.roll = MREutils.combineRolls(...rolls)
- await ChatMessage.create(chatData);
- return;
- }
- // Use original roll as "prime" roll on which follow-up rolls will be based
- const primeRoll = chatMessage.roll;
- const rolls = [primeRoll];
- for (let i = 0; i < numberOfRolls; i++) {
- // If applicable, ensure actor has enough ammo to commit to next attack roll
- if (ammo?.data && rollType === "attack") {
- const ammoQty = ammo.data.data.quantity;
- const consumeAmount = consume.amount ?? 0;
- if (consumeAmount > ammoQty) {
- ui.notifications.warn("Not enough ammo for remaining attacks!") // LOCALIZE; and specify lacking ammo
- break;
- }
- }
- // Using prime roll data, re-create rolls
- //if (i !== 0) rolls.push(await primeRoll.reroll()); // can't use .reroll() for damage rolls because crit damage gets doubled up
- const rollClass = rollType === "attack" ? CONFIG.Dice.D20Roll : CONFIG.Dice.DamageRoll;
- if (i !== 0) {
- const newRoll = await new rollClass(primeRoll.formula, primeRoll.data, rollType === "attack" ? primeRoll.options : {}).evaluate();
- rolls.push(newRoll);
- if (game.dice3d) game.dice3d.showForRoll(newRoll, game.user, true, null, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode") === CONST.DICE_ROLL_MODES.BLIND, null, chatMessage.data.speaker);
- if (game.dice3d && i === numberOfRolls - 1) await game.dice3d.showForRoll(newRoll, game.user, true, null, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode") === CONST.DICE_ROLL_MODES.BLIND, null, chatMessage.data.speaker);
- }
- // If applicable, update ammo quantity
- if (rollType === "atttack") continue;
- const usage = item._getUsageUpdates({ consumeResource: true });
- const ammoUpdate = usage.resourceUpdates || {};
- if (!isObjectEmpty(ammoUpdate)) await ammo?.update(ammoUpdate);
- }
- let rollSum = 0;
- // Prepare individual roll information for custom template
- for (const roll of rolls) {
- roll.tooltip = await roll.getTooltip();
- roll.highlight = roll.terms[0].total >= roll.options.critical ? "critical" : roll.terms[0].total === 1 ? "fumble" : "";
- rollSum += roll.total;
- }
- // Prepare chat card information relevant to the item roll is based on
- const items = [{
- flavor: chatMessage.data.flavor,
- formula: rolls[0].formula,
- rolls
- }];
- // Convert the item information into a generic format compatible with the custom template
- const templateData = {
- items
- };
- // Render custom chat card template and create chat message
- const content = await renderTemplate(`modules/${moduleName}/templates/condensed-card.hbs`, templateData);
- ChatMessage.create({
- content,
- speaker: chatMessage.data.speaker,
- flags: chatMessage.data.flags,
- roll: await new Roll(`${rollSum}`).evaluate(), // This allows the total damage to be applied to tokens via chat card context menu
- rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode")
- });
- })();
- // Return false in preCreateChatMessage hook to prevent chat card from being created
- return false;
- });
- }
- // Call original callback function to initiate prime roll
- ogCallback(html, CONFIG.Dice.D20Roll.ADV_MODE[vantage]);
- }
- }
- });
- }
// Multiattack Dialog
static async multiattackToolDialog() {
const token = canvas.tokens.controlled[0];