k3s.rocks Installation and Running Guide Prerequisites Python 3 or Docker Python only (see bottom for Docker) Step 1: Clone the Repository git clone https://github.com/askblaker/k3s.rocks.git Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory cd k3s.rocks Step 3: Setup virtual environment (optional but recommended) python -m venv .venv Step 4: Activate the virtual environment (if installed) source ./.venv/bin/activate Step 5: Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt Step 6: Run the development server mkdocs serve Step 7: Access the Application/Documentation Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 Docker Replace steps 3-6 with: Step 1: Build container docker build . -t k3sdocs Step 2: Run container mounted to directory docker run -v ${PWD}:/src -p 8000:8000 k3sdocs