diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-content-add.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-content-add.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a5f795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-content-add.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+name: New content idea
+about: Suggest an idea for the course
+title: ''
+labels: ''
+## Describe the your scope of your content idea
+## Describe the learning objectives for your content idea
+## Additional context or resources
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-problem-report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-problem-report.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f6f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/course-problem-report.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: Course Problem Report
+about: Create a report to help improve the course
+title: [Problem]
+labels: bug
+## Describe what is not working with the course
+## Steps to Reproduce
+## Expected behavior
+## Screenshots
+## Additional context
diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35d4d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+### Purpose/implementation Section
+#### What changes are being implemented in this Pull Request?
+#### What was your approach?
+#### What GitHub issue does your pull request address?
+### Tell potential reviewers what kind of feedback you are soliciting.
+### New Content Checklist
+- [ ] New content/chapter is in an Rmd file with [this kind of format and headers](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/blob/main/02-chapter_of_course.Rmd).
+- [ ] New content/chapter contains [Learning Objectives and are in the correct format](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#learning-objectives-formatting).
+- [ ] [Bookdown successfully re-renders and any new content files have been added to the _bookdown.yml](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Publishing-with-Bookdown).
+- [ ] Spell check runs successfully in [Github actions style-n-check](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/How-to-set-up-and-customize-GitHub-actions-robots#spell-check)).
+- [ ] Any newly necessary packages that are needed have been added to the [Dockerfile and image](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Using-Docker#adding-packages-to-the-dockerfile).
+- [ ] Images are in the [correct format for rendering](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#adding-images-and-graphics-in-text).
+- [ ] Every new image has [alt text and is in a Google Slide](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#accessibility).
+- [ ] Each slide is described in the notes of the slide so learners relying on a screen reader can access the content. See https://lastcallmedia.com/blog/accessible-comics for more guidance on this.
+- [ ] The color palette choices of the slide are contrasted in a way that is friendly to those with color vision deficiencies.
+You can check this using [Color Oracle](https://colororacle.org/).
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/add-feedback-method.md b/.github/automatic-issues/add-feedback-method.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..035a15a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/add-feedback-method.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+To help users report issues or areas of improvement for your course, you should provide a clear method of feedback for your users to route their concerns through.
+A feedback method (Google Form) has already been provided for AnVIL and GDSCN courses. Github actions automatically populates the Google Form with the `title` field from [`index.Rmd`](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template/blob/main/index.Rmd) using the [AnVIL Feedback Script](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template/blob/main/scripts/AnVIL_Feedback_Script.sh).
+- [ ] The `title` field has been filled out in the header yaml of `index.Rmd`.
+*No further action is needed on your part*. However, if you would like to change the feedback method, you can do so by editing [this line of code](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template/blob/7c501e9804cf88a151832bb0a9bbc1eae9d23fdf/_output.yml#L19) in `_output.yml`.
+[See these instructions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uhGafEkbtJL3ar3TVHqRFypwTbXjudHa7h2mXu53CkA/edit?usp=sharing) for how to manually create a feedback link for AnVIL / GDSCN content or events.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/add-repo-to-anvil-collection.md b/.github/automatic-issues/add-repo-to-anvil-collection.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ba13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/add-repo-to-anvil-collection.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+If you want this repository to be added to the AnVIL Collection, make sure you do the following:
+- Click the gear icon on the top right of the "Code" page next to "About"
+- [ ] Create a repository description
+- [ ] Add the homepage where your course will be rendered
+- [ ] Add a description of your course/content
+- [ ] Add the topic tag `anvil` or `gdscn`. You should also supply any other relevant tags.
+Following these steps will also automatically add this repository to the [AnVIL Collection](https://hutchdatascience.org/AnVIL_Collection/) if this repository is owned by one of the DaSL organizations.
+For more information on these settings see instructions in the [wiki pages](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template/wiki/The-AnVIL-Collection#adding-your-course-to-the-anvil-collection).
+For more information about adding repositories to the DaSL Collection, see the [AnVIL Collection README](https://github.com/fhdsl/AnVIL_Collection#readme).
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/git-secrets.md b/.github/automatic-issues/git-secrets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98414d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/git-secrets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+**Note these steps are only pertinent if you are setting up this course outside of the jhudsl organization**
+For more information on these settings see instructions in the [getting started GitHub wiki pages](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-GitHub-secrets).
+It's important that these are set up and named exactly what they are below in order for Github actions to work correctly.
+To set up these repository secrets, on your repository's main Github page, go to `Settings` and scroll down to see `Secrets` on the left side menu bar.
+- [ ] Set `GH_PAT`
+`Name`: `GH_PAT`
+`value`: A personal access token [following these instructions](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course#6-set-up-your-github-personal-access-token).
+Underneath `Select scopes`, check both `repo` and `workflow`.
+Then copy the PAT and save as the value.
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/images-checklist.md b/.github/automatic-issues/images-checklist.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b0fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/images-checklist.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Use this checklist to make sure your slides and images are set up correctly!
+See [Setting Up Images and Graphics](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics) for more info!
+- [ ] Create your [course's main Google Slides](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics)
+- [ ] The slides use the [appropriate template](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics).
+- [ ] Each slide is described in the notes of the slide so learners relying on a screen reader can access the content. See https://lastcallmedia.com/blog/accessible-comics for more guidance on this.
+- [ ] The color palette choices of the slide are contrasted in a way that is friendly to those with color vision deficiencies.
+You can check this using [Color Oracle](https://colororacle.org/).
+- [ ] Every image is [inserted into the text](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#adding-images-and-graphics-in-text) using one of these options: `ottrpal::include_slide()`, `knitr::include_image()`, or this format: ``.
+- [ ] Every image has [alternative text added to it](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-images-and-graphics#adding-images-and-graphics-in-text).
+- [ ] The beginning of each Rmd contains this chunk so the images are saved in the correct spot:
+```{r, include = FALSE}
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/set-repo-settings.md b/.github/automatic-issues/set-repo-settings.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f5050f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/set-repo-settings.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+For more information on these settings see instructions in the [getting started GitHub wiki pages](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course).
+- [ ] This course repository is set to `public`.
+- [ ] [Add the `jhudsl-robot` as a collaborator to your repository.](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Setting-up-your-repository-settings#add-jhudsl-robot-as-a-collaborator).
+- [ ] [GH_PAT has been set up as a GitHub secret](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course#6-set-up-your-github-personal-access-token)
+- [ ] GitHub pages is turned on
+ - [ ] Go to `Settings` > `Pages`. Underneath `Source`, choose `main` for the branch and select the `docs` folder. Then click `Save`.
+ - [ ] Check `Enforce HTTPS`.
+- [ ] [Github secret `GH_PAT` has been set](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course#6-set-up-your-github-personal-access-token)
+ `Name`: `GH_PAT`
+ `value`: A personal access token [following these instructions](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token#creating-a-token).
+ Underneath `Select scopes`, check both `repo` and `workflow`.
+ Then copy the PAT and save as the value.
+- [ ] [Set branch protections settings](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-a-new-course#9-set-up-branch-rules)
+ - [ ] `main` branch has been set up:
+ - [ ] `Require pull request reviews before merging` box is checked.
+ - [ ] `Require status checks to pass before merging` box is checked.
+ - [ ] Underneath that `Require branches to be up to date before merging` box is checked.
+ - [ ] Click `Save` at the bottom of the page!
+- [ ] [Customize GitHub actions](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/How-to-set-up-and-customize-GitHub-actions-robots) for what you will need in this course.
diff --git a/.github/automatic-issues/templates-to-edit.md b/.github/automatic-issues/templates-to-edit.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40824d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/automatic-issues/templates-to-edit.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[Follow the Wiki instructions here](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Start-editing-your-course) for details on how to complete the items in this issue.
+The following files need to be edited to get this new course started!
+### Files that need edited upon creating a new course.
+- [ ] `README.md` - Fill in all the `{ }`.
+- [ ] `index.Rmd` - `title:` should be updated.
+- [ ] `01-intro.Rmd` - replace the information there with information pertinent to this new course.
+- [ ] `02-chapter_of_course.Rmd` - This Rmd has examples of how to set things up, if you don't need it as a reference, it can be deleted.
+### Files that need to be edited upon adding each new chapter (including upon creating a new course):
+- [ ] `_bookdown.yml` - The list of Rmd files that need to be rendered needs to be updated. See [instructions](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Publishing-with-Bookdown).
+- [ ] `book.bib` - any citations need to be added. See [instructions](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Citations).
+### Picking a style
+See more [about customizing style on this page in the guide](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Change-Title-&-Customize-style).
+By default this course template will use the jhudsl data science lab style. However, you can customize and switch this to another style set.
+#### Using a style set
+[Read more about the style sets here](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/Change-Title-&-Customize-style#using-a-style-set).
+- [ ] On a new branch, copy the `style-sets/ You can hide additional information in a dropdown menu
+Here's more words that are hidden.
+## Clone a Workspace
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_workspace_clone.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Create a Workspace
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_workspace_create.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Open a Workspace
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_workspace_open.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Share a Workspace
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_workspace_share.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/05-billing_modules.Rmd b/05-billing_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c8844c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/05-billing_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+```{r echo = FALSE}
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(out.width = "100%")
+# Billing
+Modules about billing and Billing Projects on Google Cloud Platform and Terra.
+## Create Google Billing Account
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_billing_create_account.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Add Terra to Google Billing Account
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_billing_add_terra.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Add Members to Google Billing Account
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_billing_add_member.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Set Alerts for Google Billing
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_billing_set_alerts.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## View Spend for Google Billing
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_billing_view_spend.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Create Terra Billing Project
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_billing_project_create.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Add Member to Terra Billing Project
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_billing_project_add_member.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Disable Terra Billing Project
+By default this module includes a warning to make sure people understand they will lose access to their Workspace buckets. You can remove the warning from this module by setting `AnVIL_module_settings$warning` to `FALSE` before running `cow::borrow_chapter`:
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ warning = FALSE
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_billing_project_disable.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_billing_project_disable.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/06-onboarding_modules.Rmd b/06-onboarding_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b6e32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/06-onboarding_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Onboarding
+Joining a team on AnVIL.
+## Create Google Account
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_google_create_account.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/07-using_platforms_modules.Rmd b/07-using_platforms_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1cab54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/07-using_platforms_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+```{r echo = FALSE}
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(out.width = "100%")
+# Using programming platforms on AnVIL
+Modules about opening, touring, and closing AnVIL platforms
+## Video overview on using Jupyter Notebooks
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_jupyter_video.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Launching Jupyter
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_jupyter_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Video overview on using Galaxy
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_galaxy_video.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Starting Galaxy
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_galaxy_start.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Navigating Galaxy
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_galaxy_navigate.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Deleting Galaxy
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_galaxy_delete.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Video overview on using RStudio
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_video.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Launching RStudio
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Touring RStudio
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_tour.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Pausing RStudio
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_pause.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Deleting RStudio
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_delete.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/08-student_modules.Rmd b/08-student_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efb5178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/08-student_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+```{r echo = FALSE}
+knitr::opts_chunk$set(out.width = "100%")
+# Student instructions
+Modules aimed at students in a course or workshop.
+## Student Account Setup
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_student_create_account.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Student instructions for cloning a Workspace
+These instructions can be customized to a specific workspace by setting certain variables before running `cow::borrow_chapter()`. If these variables have not been set, reasonable defaults are provided (e.g. "ask your instructor").
+### With no variables set:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_student_workspace_clone.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+### With variables set:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+# Specify variables
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ workspace_name = "Example_Workspace",
+ workspace_link = "http://example.com/",
+ billing_project = "Example Billing Project"
+ doc_path = "child/_child_student_workspace_clone.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Student instructions for launching Jupyter
+The module below is specially customized for students, allowing you to give more specific instructions on the settings for their Jupyter environment. There are several other general purpose modules that may also be useful for students (e.g. Pausing Jupyter, Deleting Jupyter) that can be found in other chapters of this book.
+The following instructions can be customized by setting certain variables before running `cow::borrow_chapter()`. Developers should create these variables as a list `AnVIL_module_settings`. The following variables can be provided:
+- `audience` = Defaults to `general`, telling them to use the default Jupyter settings. If `audience` is set to `student`, it gives more specific instructions.
+- `docker_image` = Optional, it will tell them how to set the image.
+- `startup_script` = Optional, it will tell them how to set the script.
+### Using default Jupyter environment:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+# Specify variables
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ audience = "student"
+ doc_path = "child/_child_jupyter_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+### Using custom Jupyter environment:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+# Specify variables
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ audience = "student",
+ docker_image = "example docker",
+ startup_script = "example startup script"
+ doc_path = "child/_child_jupyter_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Student instructions for launching RStudio
+The module below is specially customized for students, allowing you to give more specific instructions on the settings for their RStudio environment. There are several other general purpose modules that may also be useful for students (e.g. Pausing RStudio, Deleting RStudio) that can be found in other chapters of this book.
+The following instructions can be customized by setting certain variables before running `cow::borrow_chapter()`. Developers should create these variables as a list `AnVIL_module_settings`. The following variables can be provided:
+- `audience` = Defaults to `general`, telling them to use the default RStudio settings. If `audience` is set to `student`, it gives more specific instructions.
+- `docker_image` = Optional, it will tell them to open the customization dialogue and direct them on how to set the image.
+- `startup_script` = Optional, it will tell them to open the customization dialogue and direct them on how to set the script.
+### Using default RStudio environment:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+# Specify variables
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ audience = "student"
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+### Using custom RStudio environment:
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+# Specify variables
+AnVIL_module_settings <- list(
+ audience = "student",
+ docker_image = "example docker",
+ startup_script = "example startup script"
+ doc_path = "child/_child_rstudio_launch.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/09-student_guide.Rmd b/09-student_guide.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6fff4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/09-student_guide.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Student Guide
+## Activity One
+You might want to create a student guide that contains a different subset of Rmd files from your book, or renders to a different output format (e.g. word document). You can specify the output and Rmd files that will be used for the student guide using the `_output.yml` and `_bookdown.yml` files in the student-guide directory.
+## Activity Two
+Steps of the guide could go here.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-user_management_modules.Rmd b/10-user_management_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e618f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-user_management_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# User Management
+Modules about Groups and user management
+## Create Terra Group
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_group_create.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Add Member to Terra Group
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_group_add_member.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Find Group Email
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_terra_group_find_email.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/11-why-anvil.Rmd b/11-why-anvil.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d7e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/11-why-anvil.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Why AnVIL
+Modules describing why AnVIL is useful for different personas.
+## Why AnVIL for Instructors?
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_why_AnVIL_instructor.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/12-instructor_modules.Rmd b/12-instructor_modules.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2bbc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/12-instructor_modules.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Instructor modules
+Modules aimed at instructors.
+## Why AnVIL for Instructors?
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_why_AnVIL_instructor.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Checklist Link
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_instructor_checklist_link.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Checklist Timeline (premade content)
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_instructor_timeline_premade.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
+## Recommendation to use STRIDES
+:::: {.borrowed_chunk}
+```{r, echo = FALSE, results='asis'}
+ doc_path = "child/_child_instructor_STRIDES.Rmd",
+ repo_name = "jhudsl/AnVIL_Template"
diff --git a/About.Rmd b/About.Rmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79967a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/About.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# About the Authors {-}
+These credits are based on our [course contributors table guidelines](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/How-to-give-credits).
+|Lead Content Instructor(s)|[FirstName LastName]|
+|Lecturer(s) (include chapter name/link in parentheses if only for specific chapters) - make new line if more than one chapter involved| Delivered the course in some way - video or audio|
+|Content Author(s) (include chapter name/link in parentheses if only for specific chapters) - make new line if more than one chapter involved | If any other authors besides lead instructor|
+|Content Contributor(s) (include section name/link in parentheses) - make new line if more than one section involved| Wrote less than a chapter
AnVIL instructions: [Katherine Cox], [Ava Hoffman], [Elizabeth Humphries]|
+|Content Editor(s)/Reviewer(s) | Checked your content|
+|Content Director(s) | Helped guide the content direction|
+|Content Consultants (include chapter name/link in parentheses or word "General") - make new line if more than one chapter involved | Gave high level advice on content
AnVIL instructions: [Allie Cliffe]|
+|Acknowledgments| Gave small assistance to content but not to the level of consulting |
+|Content Publisher(s)| Helped with publishing platform|
+|Content Publishing Reviewer(s)| Reviewed overall content and aesthetics on publishing platform|
+|Course Publishing Engineer(s)| Helped with the code for the technical aspects related to the specific course generation|
+|Template Publishing Engineers|[Candace Savonen], [Carrie Wright]|
+|Publishing Maintenance Engineer|[Candace Savonen]|
+|Technical Publishing Stylists|[Carrie Wright], [Candace Savonen]|
+|Package Developers ([ottrpal])|[John Muschelli], [Candace Savonen], [Carrie Wright]|
+|**Art and Design**||
+|Illustrator(s)| Created graphics for the course|
+|Figure Artist(s)| Created figures/plots for course|
+|Videographer(s)| Filmed videos|
+|Videography Editor(s)| Edited film|
+|Audiographer(s)| Recorded audio|
+|Audiography Editor(s)| Edited audio recordings|
+|Funder(s)| Institution/individual who funded course including grant number|
+|Funding Staff| Staff members who help with funding|
+```{r, echo = FALSE}
+[FirstName LastName]: link to personal website
+[Allie Cliffe]: https://alliecliffe.com/
+[Katherine Cox]: https://katherinecox.github.io/
+[Ava Hoffman]: https://www.avahoffman.com/
+[Elizabeth Humphries]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-humphries-61202a103/
+[John Muschelli]: https://johnmuschelli.com/
+[Candace Savonen]: https://www.cansavvy.com/
+[Carrie Wright]: https://carriewright11.github.io/
+[ottrpal]: https://github.com/jhudsl/ottrpal
diff --git a/Course_Name.rds b/Course_Name.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89313df
Binary files /dev/null and b/Course_Name.rds differ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eecfdd4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Package: AnVIL_Template
+Title: Workspace title on the Dashboard
+Version: 0.99.0
+ person(given = "Firstname",
+ family = "Lastname",
+ role = c("cre","aut"),
+ email = "firstnamelastname@gmail.com")
+ This is a brief description of the project. The GitHub repository can be
+ found here: [repo-name](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template)
+License: CC BY 4.0
+Encoding: UTF-8
+LazyData: true
+Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
+RoxygenNote: 7.0.0
+ knitr,
+ rmarkdown
+VignetteBuilder: knitr
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GA_Script.html b/GA_Script.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96568c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GA_Script.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+Attribution 4.0 International
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+# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+## AnVIL Template
+Based on [_Open-source Tools for Training Resources (OTTR)_](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template)
+The purpose of this template and is to make publishing maintenance for AnVIL content across multiple different platforms _less painful_.
+_This template helps you_:
+- Edit and write an AnVIL course in [RMarkdown files](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/) and have it published to multiple different platforms:
+ - [Leanpub](https://leanpub.com/bookstore?type=course)
+ - [Bookdown](https://bookdown.org/)
+ - [Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/)
+- Have [Github action robots](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/wiki/How-to-set-up-and-customize-GitHub-actions-robots) do your repetitive tasks like spell check and re-rendering.
+- Use [automagic conversion](https://github.com/jhudsl/ottrpal) to ease the lift of prepping the material for different platforms' formats.
+- Use [our Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/jhudsl/course_template) for consistency across authors as well as to help you [avoid dependency hell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_hell).
+## To Get Started
+- Go to [ottrproject.org](https://www.ottrproject.org/).
+- Please take a look at the [code of conduct](./code_of_conduct.md).
+- If you encounter any problems or have improvement ideas for this template repository, please [file an issue](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_bookdown_style/issues/new/choose)! Issues for the parent repository (the OTTR template repository) are also very much appreciated and can be submitted [here](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/issues/new/choose).
+# {Course Name}
+[![Render Bookdown and Coursera](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/actions/workflows/render-all.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template/actions/workflows/render-all.yml)
+This course was created from [the AnVIL Template](https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_bookdown_style), which is based on [the OTTR Template](https://github.com/jhudsl/OTTR_Template)
+You can see the rendered course material here: {Link to rendered bookdown and/or to the Leanpub. Will look something like: https://jhudatascience.org/{Course_Name}}
+## About this course
+This course introduces {info on what this course introduces}
+## Learning Objectives
+This course will teach learners to:
+- {You can use https://www.bobpikegroup.com/trainer-blog/5-steps-to-writing-clear-and-measurable-learning-objectives to define some learning objectives here}
+- {More learning objectives}
+## Encountering problems?
+If you are encountering any problems with this course, please file a GitHub issue or contact us at {Some email or web address with a contact form}.
All materials in this course are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License unless noted otherwise.
diff --git a/References.Rmd b/References.Rmd
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+# References
diff --git a/_bookdown.yml b/_bookdown.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bae5ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_bookdown.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+book_filename: "Course_Name"
+chapter_name: "Chapter "
+repo: https://github.com/jhudsl/AnVIL_Template/
+rmd_files: ["index.Rmd",
+ "01-intro.Rmd",
+ "02-chapter_of_course.Rmd",
+ "03-AnVIL_modules.Rmd",
+ "04-workspace_modules.Rmd",
+ "05-billing_modules.Rmd",
+ "06-onboarding_modules.Rmd",
+ "07-using_platforms_modules.Rmd",
+ "08-student_modules.Rmd",
+ "10-user_management_modules.Rmd",
+ "11-why-anvil.Rmd",
+ "12-instructor_modules.Rmd",
+ "About.Rmd",
+ "References.Rmd"]
+new_session: yes
+bibliography: [book.bib]
+delete_merged_file: true
+ ui:
+ chapter_name: "Chapter"
+output_dir: "docs"
+ bookdown::html_book
diff --git a/_bookdown_files/02-chapter_of_course_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png b/_bookdown_files/02-chapter_of_course_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/_bookdown_files/02-chapter_of_course_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/_bookdown_files/02-chapter_of_course_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png differ
diff --git a/_output.yml b/_output.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d6b017
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ # When using multiple css files, the default file path will be the first one #
+ css: [assets/style.css, assets/AnVIL_style/anvil.css]
+ includes:
+ in_header: GA_Script.html
+ before_body: assets/AnVIL_style/big-image_anvil.html
+ after_body: assets/AnVIL_style/footer.html
+ highlight: tango
+ config:
+ toc:
+ collapse: section
+ before: |
+ after: |