About 2 hours
- 40 minutes minutes for lesson slides
- 40 minutes for Guided Practice
- 40 minutes for Independent Practice
- 20 minutes for Check for Understanding
JavaScript is used on the frontend of almost every website. It's also a widely-used scripting language that be used on the backend as well. The JavaScript lessons set a solid foundation in JavaScript basics so we can use the language in more robust ways in later lessons.
Participants will be able to:
- Write proper JavaScript for loop syntax
- Iterate through an array using a for loop
- Write proper JavaScript while loop syntax
- Increment a counter variable properly inside a while loop
- For loop syntax
- Reasons to use a for loop
- While loop syntax
- Reasons to use a while loop
Video walkthrough of lesson slides JavaScript 4 (20 min)
Read through lesson slides JavaScript 4
You'll get stuck in an infinite while loop if you don't increment or decrement the counter variable.
When using a for loop, remember that list indexing starts at zero!
Work through this lesson on JS loops (about 30 min): https://www.codecademy.com/courses/introduction-to-javascript/lessons/loops/exercises/loops?action=resume_content_item
Techtonica staff will assign pairs.
Open REPL.it.
Activity 1 - Vacation Time!
Write a function called printVacations
whose input is an array of arrays. Each sub-array should have two strings as elements: The 0th element should be a person's name and the 1st element should be that person's most desired vacation destination. Include a minimum of 3 sub-arrays in your input array, like so:
[ ['Tammy', 'Tahiti'], ['Erin', 'Banff, Alberta, Canada'], ['Janet', 'London'] ]
Your function should print each person's name and desired destination in a complete sentence, like this:
Tammy really wants to go to Tahiti.
Erin really wants to go to Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Janet really wants to go to London.
Activity 2 - Vacation Choices
Follow the prompt for Activity #1, but use this format for the input array instead:
[ ['Tammy', ['Tahiti', 'Bali', 'Hawaii']], ['Erin', ['Banff, Alberta, Canada', 'Iceland']], ['Janet', ['London', 'Hogwarts']] ]
The output should look similar to this:
Tammy is willing to go to Tahiti, Bali or Hawaii.
Erin is willing to go to Banff, Alberta, Canada or Iceland.
Janet is willing to go to London or Hogwarts.
- Write a program in JavaScript to print Multiplication table of given number using for loop. Also try the program using while loop.
For Loops
- For Loops in JavaScript (video by freeCodeCamp)
- For Loop docs (MDN)
- An introduction to for loop by w3schools
While Loops
- While Loops in JavaScript (video by freeCodeCamp)
- While Loop docs (MDN)
- An introduction to while loop by w3schools
- Differentiate between for loop and while loop.
- Write down the syntax of a Nested for loop in JavaScript.
- Convert the given while loop to a for loop:
let ourArray = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < 5) {