- Create a local environment file (
cp .env.template .env
) - If you want, you could modify any parameter
- Install all the dependencies and bring up the project with Docker executing:
./init.sh up --build
- Install the dependencies if you haven't done it previously:
./init.sh build
- Execute PHPUnit and Behat tests:
make test
A bounded context is a natural division within a business and provides an explicit boundary within which a domain model exists.
- Finance Planner: Here you'll find the use cases needed by a user in order to manage their finances.
- Backoffice: Here you'll find the use cases needed by the Customer Support department in order to manage users, suscriptions and so on.
Applications define "How we'll deploy our domain"(CLI, Web, etc). They are the entry point of our system.
This repository follows the Hexagonal Architecture pattern. Also, it's structured using modules
. A module is an element that have sense inside a Bounded Context. We follow the rule 'One aggregate per module', so, we call module
to the aggregate.
The current structure of a Bounded Context is:
$ tree -L 4 src
├── planner // Bounded Context
| └── users // Module
| ├── application // Application Layer
| │ ├── command_handler.py // Response for handling the command, initialize valueObjects and call the use case. This is the entry point of the application layer, dont return anything
| │ ├── command.py // A DTO with the data needed by the use case
| │ ├── creator.py // The use case
| │ ├── finder.py // The use case
| │ ├── query_handler.py // Response for handling the query, initialize valueObjects and call the use case. This is the entry point of the application layer, return the response(only with pimitives)
| │ ├── query.py // A DTO with the data needed by the use case
| │ └── responses.py // The response of the query
| ├── domain // Domain Layer
| │ ├── entity.py // The aggregate
| │ ├── exceptions // Exceptions of the domain layer
| │ ├── repository.py // The interface of the repository
| │ └── value_objects // Value Objects of the aggregate. Contains the business logic and the validation of the data
| ├── infrastructure // Infrastructure Layer - Contains the implementation of the interfaces defined in the domain layer
| └── repositories // Repositories implementations
| └── dependency_injection
└── shared // Shared Kernel - Contains the common infrastructure and domain shared between the different Bounded Contexts
Run command inside of docker:
make dev <command>
Connect to Postgres on bash:
make psql
Create a new migration file:
make generate/migration message="migration name"
Run the migrations:
make migrate
Run Tests and Linters:
make test