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print("Hello world!") 
var variable = 5
let constant = 10


word = "Hello World \(constant + variable)" + String(variable)

Arrays and Dictionaries

list = []
dictionary = [:]
list = [String]()
dictionary = [String: Int]()
var list = [“fish”,dog”, “cat”]
var dictionary = [list[0]: 3, list[1]: 2, list[2]: 1]

Control Flow

  • () around condition optional, but must have {} around body
  • for-in to iterate through lists and dictionaries
for i in list { 
for (x,y) in dictionary { 
  • while loops are normal

Looping a range of indexes

for i in 0..<4 { 
	print(i) //exclusive top
for i in 0...4 {
	print(i) //inclusive top

Switch Case

  • must be exhaustive and have default case
switch (4) {
case let x where x%2==0: 
	print("\(x) is an even number!") //checks if the switch thing is divisible by 2 and makes it x
	print("it is an odd number")


var optionalThing: Int? = 5

if let thing = optionalThing { //checks if optionalThing is not nil


func greet(name: String, day: String) -> String { 
	return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)!"
greet("Joanna", day: "Monday") 
  • functions can return a tuple, whose elements can be referred to by name or number

  • functions can take a variable number of arguments and put them in an array

func sumOf(numbers: Int...) -> Int { 
	var sum = 0
	for num in numbers { 
		sum += num
	return sum
sumOf(2, 54, 332)
  • functions can be nested
  • functions are first-class type, function can return another function as value and can also take function in as argument
  • parameters can have an argument label or _ for no argument label


  • design pattern: method or way of organizing a program/application’s code in a way that is commonplace, repeatable and practically sound (over time)
  • delegation: situation where class (delegator) delegates behavioural logic to another class (delegate)
    • separation of responsibilities and concerns
    • often used as a way for one class to communicate with another
    • one class delegates the opportunity for an action to be carried out to another class due to a lifecycle event that will or did happen
    • NSNotificationCenter is for broadcasting to multiple listening instances whereas delegation is for one