All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.23.1 (2023-08-17)
- release: v0.23.1 (f5d132b)
- release: v0.23.1 (5aadc0c)
- release: v0.23.1 (8598856)
- release: v0.23.1 (4e932b4)
0.23.1 (2023-08-17)
0.23.1 (2023-08-17)
0.23.1 (2023-08-17)
- release: v0.23.1 (4e932b4)
0.23.1 (2023-08-17)
- components: move button prop (09370c1)
0.23.0 (2023-08-17)
- components: add avatar component (7658456)
- components: add badge component (fa6ef9d)
- components: add collapse component (73b22d1)
- components: refactor hooks compounds components (2ae3fa2)
- components: update text variants (1eb7d50)
0.22.1 (2023-03-07)
- components: tailwind classes formatter (ad542b7)
- chromatic in pr workflow (911ef11)
- chromatic workflow (808b1ac)
- chromatic workflow exit once uploaded (46fb320)
- configure chromatic tests (e98e68c)
- hooks: resolve circular dependencies (a91cfd8)
- separate chromatic workflow (f7340ae)
0.22.0 (2023-03-06)
- components: redefine space component (2f622c8)
- add breakpoint storybook addon (68089aa)
- components: add grid component (f3cf7ef)
- components: add stack component (c59652a)
- hooks: add useMediaQuery hook (00d22d9)
- manage prefix theme (dca1aa3)
- utils: add toPascalCase method (92251d9)
- components: update build setup (4946b61)
- hooks: react hook form exact version (296e57e)
- release: v0.22.0 (4768e3a)
- release: v0.22.0 (bf81505)
- unlink hooks to components (7e8e70d)
- workflow cache yarn dependencies (ce3daf7)
- workflow test and build (9a90966)
0.21.2 (2023-01-11)
- components: resolve nextui modules (2041faf)
0.21.1 (2023-01-09)
- components: build modules (08efcca)
0.21.0 (2023-01-09)
- components: build tsup (3c47e8d)
0.20.1 (2023-01-08)
- utils: lodash es module (ec3e491)
0.20.0 (2023-01-07)
- add app nextjs example (2bbe3f4)
- filter build packages (c8b9acc)
- react dependency to 18 (0eefee9)
- update dependencies (4955d00)
- update yarn lock (4791d77)
0.19.0 (2023-01-06)
- components: resolve warning button onClick (8e8fd73)
- components: export props in bundle (2d4323d)
- components: resolve path alias (20f248a)
- resolve components module types (32002a2)
0.18.1 (2023-01-05)
- move shared utils to utils package (e764c22)
0.18.0 (2023-01-04)
- Exports esm and cjs
- Change import modules
- change modules and exports esm and cjs (300fe94)
0.17.1 (2023-01-02)
- remove anymatch (45f8719)
0.17.0 (2023-01-02)
- dark mode storybook (f2480e7)
- shared: add story shared components (faafa41)
- update shared version (ae37193)
- update storybook scheme styles (80700af)
- update yarn lock (3114648)
- update yarn.lock (ddbd8f4)
0.16.0 (2022-12-30)
- update dependencies (3e24abc)
- update readmes (5fcac78)
0.15.0 (2022-12-30)
- styles: - Folder theme move to utils
- Folder breakpoint move to utils
- Add barrel
- components: add as property instead of variant in typography components
- styles: change theme config structure for dark theme
- add nextui dependency (84d204d)
- custom args table in doc stories (4032538)
- define common types and custom forwardRef (dca4a47)
- define prefix styles (960f60d)
- styles: change dark theme config (1ab28bd)
- update default theme tokens (34209d1)
- add storybook docs wrapper (112e3c4)
- components: add button component (2bd77db)
- components: add button group component (8f027ec)
- components: add checkbox component (4608046)
- components: add checkbox group component (88d8940)
- components: add input component (5366dfb)
- components: add input password component (2386282)
- components: add mask input (4893c4d)
- components: add radio and radio group component (f02db8c)
- components: add select component (e55e92d)
- components: add switch component (b270d54)
- components: add textarea component (9dd566a)
- components: integrate form control in components (f9a7a84)
- components: shared hooks (4e1acfb)
- hooks: add useEventListener hook (6dc25c3)
- hooks: add useForm hook (6ce0497)
- hooks: add useHotKey hook (c55ce51)
- hooks: add useTheme hook (5f10d47)
- utils: add sortByPriority collection util (9229a13)
- components: add barrel ui components (1051e41)
- components: change variant property (593f911)
- components: stories structure (17a1013)
- hooks: stories structure (cb556a8)
- styles: add utils folder (8f14262)
0.14.0 (2022-11-18)
- change theme config structure
- storybook update global styles (be920a0)
0.13.1 (2022-11-13)
- components: change location contexts (a6b0cac)
- create scripts components (e7095aa)
- hooks: create root barrel (7291824)
- hooks: rename kebab case (3ffc83f)
- update script create context (ceb322f)
0.13.0 (2022-11-12)
- add link app script (90edcca)
0.12.0 (2022-11-11)
- components: move theme provider from styles to components
- components: theme provider to components contexts (14ada4b)
- components: restructure folders (63ab37d)
- components: separate context providers (276dc58)
- styles: restructure folders (63687a5)
- storybook about cards link (0c0759f)
0.11.0 (2022-11-09)
- sort required first props (f82030e)
- styles: update styles readme (bec2e95)
- update mdx introduction packages (663e039)
- hooks: add useLocalStorage hook (c6e9d30)
- add About section storybook (d872b8b)
- add callbacks/throws to docs template (8a90f8e)
- add eslint jsdoc (8835e21)
- add scripts introduction docs (31fec7c)
- add tailwind plugin (a01bee3)
- darkMode storybook queryparam (70a655f)
- theme/scheme stored (a9e63ec)
- jsdoc lint components/hooks (ab00a88)
0.10.1 (2022-11-06)
- styles: duplicate schemes (52d8bda)
0.10.0 (2022-11-06)
- styles: add theme context (370b89c)
- components: update docs (c54921d)
0.9.3 (2022-11-06)
- styles: rename theme provider (6d68e97)
0.9.2 (2022-11-06)
- theme config loaded (f5d8689)
0.9.1 (2022-11-06)
- remove need ci in publish (5d134c6)
- revert sort import (47befde)
- sort import (cd09191)
- update dependencies (368ad06)
0.9.0 (2022-11-06)
- styles: Refactor createTheme, add theme builder
- components: add header component (3c918b3)
- add import/examples for md template (0ec04ae)
- storybook change theme by queryparams (1224406)
- styles: create theme builder by json (cf8552a)
0.8.1 (2022-11-05)
0.8.0 (2022-11-05)
- components: add container component (06de42f)
- styles: rerender hooks global styles (a5c993c)
0.7.1 (2022-11-04)
- hooks: useFetch empty path (e3dc053)
- add jsdoc schema dependency (2c198df)
- components: docs scripts + templates (fb4890d)
- eslint mdx (da45167)
- hooks: docs scripts + templates (12b3e46)
- scripts docs mdx for components (be3d8fe)
- styles: update storybook theme (12c1f26)
- update doc scripts + returns + params + types (8899f73)
0.7.0 (2022-10-28)
- hooks: add options in useFetch
- hooks: link package styles (e95befc)
- hooks: test useBreakpoint errors (b0fdb53)
- utils: change breakpoint sizes (3e89440)
- hooks: add options in useFetch (668bd4b)
0.6.0 (2022-10-23)
- components: space stories (b80874a)
- utils: change array type (b6c1645)
- add tailwind css (3305d78)
- configure storybooks (076de68)
- storybook + theme/scheme addons (623f22c)
- storybook + webpack5 (e7ed6b0)
- storybook dark mode (4e073fb)
- storybook favicon (d1278b8)
- storybook font code (392dada)
- storybook theming (1aa7d80)
- storybook theming toolbar (1d15e7b)
- storybook workflow (87ab523)
- styles: stitches global theme (b831549)
0.5.0 (2022-10-15)
- update readmes (ff0d3d1)
- components: add space component (0434899)
0.4.0 (2022-10-11)
- hooks: add useBreakpoint hooks (4d5877e)
- hooks: add useFetch hooks (6bb62da)
- utils: add classnames helper (1e52af2)
- utils: move helpers outside its folders (c51cf0c)
- hooks: create barrel (ab51c45)
- hooks: init package (6572458)
- hooks: remove vite boilerplate (1f96e59)
- separate jest project and config (e030016)
- utils: classname dependency (5679c76)
0.3.0 (2022-10-10)
- exclude node_modules from build (46b6691)
- utils: add collection helpers (10220d4)
- utils: add date helpers (3878c12)
- utils: add function helpers (3fcd414)
- utils: add string helpers (0f6eb1e)
0.2.0 (2022-10-09)
- utils: move tests to tests folder (4955300)
- remove exclude redundant in jest config (bb6299b)
- utils: add breakpoint helpers (04dad25)
- change github token (27dad85)
- configure eslint + prettier (3800866)
- configure husky + commitlint (a54f120)
- configure jest + testing library (3128cf3)
- edit gitignore (b0d0791)
- github action setup + install dependencies (d481f03)
- github workflow publish (4357661)
- github workflow release (37e1834)
- github workflow reusable and PR (81dfb36)
- init lerna (5ef48f1)
- init npm (b4bc120)
- init typescript (d4b3916)
- install react (c0fab0f)
- lerna changelog preset (742e4cf)
- utils: init package (ad3fa65)
- utils: setup + install dependencies (56282d9)