To install with pip, run
pip3 install tiktok-scraper
To use it with default settings, the latest version of Chrome is required. After which, you can run
tiktok-scraper <USERNAME>
which downloads locally to a folder with the same name as the username
usage: tiktok-scraper [-h] [--driver DRIVER] [--driver-type DRIVER_TYPE] [--show-browser] [--delay DELAY] [--location LOCATION] username positional arguments: username The TikTok username optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --driver DRIVER Driver location --driver-type DRIVER_TYPE Type of driver (i.e. Chrome) --show-browser Shows browser while scraping. Useful for debugging --delay DELAY Number of seconds to delay between video downloading --location LOCATION Location to store the files
--driver Location of the driver (i.e. ./chromedriver). If not specified, it checks in `$PATH` first, and if it's not in there, a chromedriver is downloaded locally --driver-type Type of driver (i.e. Chrome, Firefox) --show-browser If set, the scraping is done with showing the browser. This is useful for debugging why sometime scraping may fail --delay The number of seconds to delay between video downloading. This may be important if there's a rate limit --location Location of where the videos are downloaded. If not specified, location is the same as the username