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90 lines (56 loc) · 1.75 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (56 loc) · 1.75 KB

Make tabs visible

# Make tabs visible
:set list listchars+=tab:\|\-\>

# Show trailing spaces
:set list listchars+=trail:%

# Do not show the end-of-line with a $ character
:set listchars-=eol:\$
# See current settings
:set listchars?

# Edit current settings
:set listchars=<Tab>

# Disable all
:set nolist

Configure indentation

To indent with two spaces

:set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab

To indent with tabs, but make them appear with width 4:

:set ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab

Manual indentation

You can use >[motion] and <[motion] to indent or de-indent a chunk of code, or >> and << for a single line.

For example: {>} will move to the start of a paragraph (block), and then indent all lines from there to the end of the paragraph (block).

Automatic indentation

You can use =[motion] to automatically indent some lines. For example vip= to select a paragraph and then reindent it.

For automatic indentation, you will need the correct filetype, and there are some options you can tweak. Try experimenting with these:

:setfiletype bash autoindent smartindent nocindent

:setfiletype javascript autoindent cindent

Paste without reindenting

CTRL-R CTRL-O {register}

Registers + and * are used for the system clipboard.

Paste something you had earlier

Look at the registers, then choose which number register you want to paste.



Change Vim's working folder to that of the current file

:cd %:p:h

Put a file explorer in the sidebar


The fastest way to quit Vim

Hit ZZ to save your changes, and quit Vim.

Hit ZQ to discard your changes, and quit Vim.