- 0.7.3
- Slips
- Added RDNS module to retrieve reverse DNS of the IP
- Fixed reading files with Zeek TABs
- Fixed the docker image for Ubuntu
- Added a new module for exporting alerts to Slack and TAXII server
- Added new Threat Intelligence trackers
- Added new notice.log detections
- Fixed reading Zeek logs with TABs
- Added a parameter -cb to clean chains in blocking module
- Updated documentation with a usage
- Added a new module for Zeek anomaly detections
- Fixed a bug of tensorflow not working in the docker
- Kalipso
- Added reverse DNS to Kalipso IPInfo box
- Fixed the version of the npm package
- Fixed the print of evidences in the Evidence box
- Slips
- 0.7.2 (published 2020/04/28)
- Slips
- New documentation in read-the-docs
- Update of ASN files in the Update manager
- Added new Threat Intelligence feeds
- Added a custom -help function
- Added new detection of self-signed certificates
- Improvement of LSTM module to detect C&C channels
- Added a duration of the connection in the timeline
- Add a default configuration file, if nothing is specified
- New docker version without a tensoflow
- Fixed the levels of threat and confidence of all modules
- Kalipso
- Added a new hotkey -z to summarize alerts in all timewindows of the profile
- Display of a flow duration in the timeline widget
- Fixed the display of SNI only for TLS/SSL connections
- Fixed the bug in dstPortServer hotkey
- Slips
- 0.7.1 (published 2020/12/18)
- Slips
- fix the function of Slips to stop after pressing CTRL-C
- fix Slips stopping automatically
- add zeek tcp-inactivity-timeout=1hs
- add module flowalert and alert when a long connection happens (more than 20 minutes)
- add colors to the detection shown in the console
- add 3 new TI feeds to slips conf by default
- make longconnection feature in flowalert to ignore multicast
- fix some TI files not being updated
- check TI data in the host field of HTTP
- check TI data in the SNI field of TLS requests
- rename blessed module folder to kalipso
- Kalipso
- ESC - exit the hotkey, q - exit Kalipso
- execution of Kalipso from Slips folder: $./kalipso.sh
- added hotkey 'h' for help
- changed hotkey 'g'(out tuples) on hotkey 'i'
- added SNI of TLS/SSL column in 'i' and 'y' hotkeys
- fix Kalipso being reshred when being in hotkeys
- Slips
- 0.7.0 (published 2020/09/25)
- Slips
- VirusTotal module retrieves information for domains from DNS flows
- Added new channel 'new_dns_flow'
- Fixed portscan to eliminate detection for IPs that were resolved with DNS
- VirusTotal module retrieves passive DNS information
- VirusTotal module retrieves asn information and stores it for IP if missing
- Storing in database multiple DNS resolutions per one IP
- Fixed the function for blocking profile and timewindow in Evedince module
- Added a field to the flow to put labels from modules
- Fixed the display of DNS resolutions up to 3 for the IP in the timeline
- Added functions to mark timewindow as finished
- Default label of the flow in the slips.conf is changed to 'unknown'
- Added a module to block IPs when running Slips on interface in Linux machine
- Added a parameter '-b' to enable blocking module on the interface in Linux machine
- Store DomainsInfo in cache database
- Kalipso
- Automatic reload of the interface. Interface is reloaded every 2 minutes. Opened timeline for ip and tw will not be updated, but the list of tws for current IP will be updated.
- Changed the description of the old host IPs to 'old me' (before was 'me')
- Changed the type of widget for IP info to listtable from blessed-contrib lib
- Slips
- 0.6.9 (published 2020/08/12)
- Slips
- Added cache for IPs from Threat Inelligence files
- Added cache for IPs Info
- Added new module UpdateManager to update Threat Intelligence files
- Changed the structure of VirusTotal Module
- Added parameters in slips.conf for updating VirusTotal and Threat Intelligence
- Added new channel 'core_messages', UpdateManager is subscribed to that
- Added manager to search host IP, if Slips is running on interface and networks are changing
- Flows in the timeline are sorted
- Added architecture to close timewindow of a profile
- Fixed the reading of nfdump file
- Added parameter '-cc' to clear cache database
- Kalipso
- Hotkeys 'c' and 'p' are sorted by the size of totalbytes
- Slips
- 0.6.8 (published 2020/07/07)
- New version of Kalipso
- Widgets are splitted in classes
- Added comments
- Fixed screen way for hotkeys
- 'Esc' to exit Kalipso
- 'q' to exit hotkey
- New version of Kalipso
- 0.6.7 (published 2020/06/30)
- Add a test file for nfdump.
- In the threat intelligence configuration add by default the file https://mcfp.felk.cvut.cz/publicDatasets/CTU-AIPP-BlackList/Todays-Blacklists/AIP_blacklist_for_IPs_seen_last_24_hours.csv. It has a blacklist of IP addresses that are attacking the Internet. Coming from the stratosphere laboratory and the aposemat project. The AIP program.
- In the threat intelligence configuration add by default the file https://mcfp.felk.cvut.cz/publicDatasets/CTU-AIPP-BlackList/Todays-Blacklists/AIP_historical_blacklist_prioritized_by_newest_attackers.csv. It has a blacklist of IP addresses that are attacking the Internet. Coming from the stratosphere laboratory and the aposemat project. The AIP program.
- In the threat intelligence configuration add by default the file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Te-k/stalkerware-indicators/master/network.csv with domains used for stalkerware
- In the threat intelligence module configuration, add a static version of the IPs of the NSO group from Amnesty from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmnestyTech/investigations/master/2018-08-01_nso/indicators.csv
- Change the old test-flows folder for the dataset folder
- New section in the configuration file with the threat intelligence data
- Ignore warnings
- Update the template module
- Read as input a zeek folder full of logs with -f
- Fixed bugs in the timeline of Kalipso
- New lstm module to detect C&C channels in the network. It detects channels by running a machine learning LSTM network on the behavioral letters.
- Several bug fixed
- New DNS blacklist management in the threat intelligence module
- Better store of IPs in the database
- Fix an error in how the behavioural letters where created
- 0.6.6
- Added DNS resolution for IPs in timeline
- Added inTuple key to the timeline for inbound flows when analysis_direction = 'all'
- Changed the timeline format in Slips and Kalipso
- Defined host IP in Slips and Kalipso if Slips is run on interface
- 0.6.5
- Fixed Threat Intelligence module to be fully functional.
- Added new feature to stop Slips automatically when input files ends.
- Fixed the storing and display of inbound flows in analysis direction 'all'.
- Fixed Kalipso to display inbound flows and h hotkey to display out tuples
- 0.5 Completely renewed architecture and code.
- 0.4 was never reached
- 0.3.5
- 0.3.4
- This is a mayor version change. Implementing new algorithms for analyzing the results, management of IPs, connections, whois database and more features.
- A new parameter to specify the file (-r). This is as fast as reading the file from stdin.
- Now we have a configuration file slips.conf. In there you can specify from fixed parameters, the time formats, to the columns in the flow file.
- 0.3.3alpha
- First stable version with a minimal algorithm for detecting behavioral threats.