This bundle integrates the JoliMarkdown library into Symfony projects.
Register the bundle JoliMarkdown\Bridge\Symfony\JoliMarkdownBundle
in your kernel:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
JoliMarkdown\Bridge\Symfony\JoliMarkdownBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Define the fixer configuration in config/packages/joli_markdown.yaml
internal_domains: ['']
prefer_asterisk_over_underscore: true
unordered_list_marker: '-'
Once the bundle is loaded, a new service is made available: JoliMarkdown\MarkdownFixer
- it is an instance of JoliMarkdown\MarkdownFixer
configured as per the bundle configuration.
You may use it as you wish:
use JoliMarkdown\MarkdownFixer;
class HelloController
public function index(MarkdownFixer $fixer)
$markdown = <<<MARKDOWN
# A sample Markdown document
Some paragraph here with an image <img src="/image.png" alt="description" /> inside.
$fixedMarkdown = $fixer->fix($markdown);
// # A sample Markdown document
// Some paragraph here with an image ![description](/image.png) inside.
If you need dynamic configuration capabilities for the fixer, rather use the lower level library.
A markdown validator is available:
// src/Entity/Article.php
use JoliMarkdown\Bridge\Symfony\Validator\Markdown;
class Article
public string $markdownBody;