authors: Michał Wiliński, Jędrzej Pacanowski
The aim of this project was to find an algorithm that could solve an NP-hard problem. The selected problem was the book scanning problem proposed at Google Hashcode 2020 Qualifications Round. We decided to combine a greedy solver (good results to build on) with a genetic algorithm (able to explore more solutions). The results of our work are presented in this report.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Let us recall the conventions used in the task statement:
$B$ -- number of books, largest book ID minus one -
$L$ -- total number of libraries -
$D$ -- days for the scanning process (deadline) -
$N_j$ -- number of books in the library$j$ . -
$T_j$ -- sign-up time of the library$j$ -
$M_j$ -- number of books that can be shipped from library$j$ each day (we call it "effectiveness")
After reading the problem statement and processing what is expected from us we came to the following observations.
The order of library sign-ups is a permutation.
Each library has its own set of books. It can be represented as a list of book IDs.
In our program, we can consider solutions that propose scanning of books after the deadline
$D$ . It is a good assumption because in genetic algorithm terms, we can think about it as an inactive genome. -
An exhaustive search would need
$O(L! \cdot B!)$ steps to search for all possible solutions. This is not practical even for the small example input with small values of$B$ and$L$ . Fortunately, it is possible to come up with polynomial-time algorithms which provide solutions with scores better than a random solution generator. -
When given a specific permutation of libraries, we can always, optimally for this permutation, order books in each one of them.
This can be achieved by going through each library, in the same order as they will be scanned, sorting books according to score, and pushing the duplicates to the end of the books array or deleting them completely. The second part can be achieved by a simple linear pass through an array of books from each library.
Sorting books in each library has complexity of
$O(N_j \log N_j$ ) where$L$ is the number of libraries and$N_j$ is the number of books in the jth library. In total$O(L, B \log B$ ) because$N_j \leq B$ .
There is a simple upper bound which is the sum of scores of all books.
There is nothing special about the example input. All of the books are visible on the scatter plots. This instance is only a debug instance, useful for testing parsers and debugging solvers.
For instance 'b', every book has the same score and only one copy. Each
library can send only one book per day. In this example,
Instance 'c' has no obvious patterns like the previous ones. We can just say how many values a variable has.
Libraries have from 10 to 20 books, but they can take up to 1000 days to register.
Instance "tough choices" is a little more interesting. What makes it
different is that number of books (in each library) is
Every book has exactly one or two duplicates. Given that the number of
libraries is about half of
During our testing, this instance took the longest time for our solver to finish.
In instances "e" and "f" we have encountered an anomaly -- our program shows that some books have 0 copies (similarly to "c"). It means that some book IDs are unused. This may affect the upper bound.
Some variables have so small set of values that each possibility is visible on the graphs.
Instance "f" does not show any clear pattern, either, apart from possible values of parameters and books with 0 appearances in any library.
Our inspiration was GRASP[@Feo1995GreedyRA] about which we had an opportunity to learn at Professor Maciej Drozdowski's lectures on Combinatorial Optimization. The combination of randomizing solutions with some greedy base was a very compelling and interesting approach, so we decided to combine the greedy algorithms with a somewhat random biologically-inspired approach of the evolutionary algorithm.
Notice that library registrations (sign-ups) can be ordered separately from the books that belong to them.
In order to solve the issue with books being scanned multiple times, each solution in our solver is corrected.
The book improver iterates through each library from first registered to last and sorts its books by the score in descending order. Books that already have been seen in a given permutation of libraries have been assigned a score of 0 in the sorting key, so the duplicates are always scanned at the end.
The complexity of the improver is:
The first algorithm that will output a solution is the fast solver. It works as follows:
For each library calculates its score.
The score is computed by summing all books in the given library that can be scanned by this library
Then the score is divided by the signup time taken to a given power
The libraries are sorted by this score in descending order
Books are ordered using the book improver
The complexity of this first solution finding, excluding the book
improver is:
We used multiple inheritance to our advantage -- combining different heuristics that can sort the libraries with heuristics that can order the books. This feature of Python language described by Guido van Rossum [@van_rossum_2010] enabled us to do a modular design. When adding a new heuristic a programmer needs to write a class and then append it to the list of available sorters.
These greedy algorithms have the complexity of
Here are list of ideas which we used as a "sorting key function" for the order of libraries:
$M_j$ -- library efficiency. For a single library, the more books it can send per day, the better. In the case of multiple libraries, it may be better to have fewer books per day but register more libraries. -
$T_j$ -- library sign-up time. This is a simple way to assign as many libraries as possible in the shortest time period. For example, in input "b read on" (which has$D=100$ ) - where every library has$M_j = 1$ - we can choose either 5 libraries with a registration time of 20 or 100 libraries with a registration time of 1. -
$N_j$ -- number of books in the library. -
${M_j} / {T_j}$ -- combination of the previous two. It awards for the "efficiency" of a library and penalizes long registration time.
A set of books inside a library is turned into a sequence by sorting them separately from each other. We implemented the following ideas:
The simplest approach is just to order books descending by their score --
$S_i$ . -
In this problem duplicate books are counted only once, therefore we want books that have fewer repetitions between libraries or even unique. Sort ascending by the number of copies (appears as "uniqueness" internally).
Simply combining the previous two approaches. For example, we can make a function
$$f(d_i, S_i) = \max(11 - 1*d_i) * S_i$$ where$d_i$ is the number of copies of book$i$ in the instance.A line function is not ideal here in the sense that the difference between 1 and 2 copies is the same as the difference between 9 and 10 copies.
For each combination of heuristics listed above an auxiliary class is
created that inherits key_libr
method from a library sorter and
method from a book sorter. This way we get
The most time-consuming approach to our greedy ideas is dynamic re-scoring. It works as follows:
Initialize an empty array of libraries.
Calculate the score for each library, the same way as in the Initial fast solver.
Add the library with the highest score to the permutation, add its books to the set of seen books, and subtract its signup time from the remaining time to allocate.
Re-score the libraries after each addition.
Continue adding the libraries until we have some that were not added or we run out of time.
Complete the permutation if needed with the set of unassigned libraries.
As the best library is selected at most
A genetic algorithm did not turn out to be much useful. Sometimes it is for it to explore new solutions, but usually, it adds little value to the solutions.
When preparing the report, we notices that we named our class in the code wrongly. The name genetic programming refers to an algorithm that uses binary vectors of fixed length. Our implementation uses the natural representation of the problem as permutations, so we should have called it an evolutionary algorithm. [@MK-ALIFEscript]
The mutation is applied only to the sequence of libraries. On
The swaps will not be changing the solution substantially, but only by a little, so the mutation will be only a slight change, as it should be in the evolutionary approach
By choosing the 10% of libraries to swap, if we decide to mutate the candidate we ensure that the mutation has enough power.
Crossover is happening only inside the libraries. We tested different
crossover approaches, focusing only on those that are suitable for
permutation problems. The best choice by intuition and by scores is the
Alternating-postion crossover[@article1]. Having 2 parents - one
with genotype AAAA
and the other with genotype BBBB
, this crossover
method will yield children - one ABAB
and the other BABA
. This
ensures that the crossover will keep the relative order of libraries
among the parents, while having the characteristics of the other parent.
We perform simple top-n-best solutions tournament selection for crossover.
We decided to implement this solution in Python. It made the implementation of our ideas faster and there was no need to wait for a compiler to finish.
The solver detects some basic facts about the problem instance. For example, when every book has an equal score, the sorting of books is turned off in order to save computation time.
The multiple inheritance[@z10.1145/236338.236343] helped us in creating interesting combinations of different sorting heuristics that we implemented.
The code is divided into the following files:
-- main entry point of the solver, which reads from the
standard input stream and prints the solution to the standard output
-- reading problem instances and fact checking.
-- printing the final solution and computing its score.
-- directory containing the implementations of various
algorithms, which we then combine in the main module.
-- random solution generator; used as a baseline to
compare to other solvers
-- evolutionary algorithm
-- greedy algorithms using multiple inheritance,
dynamic scoring algorithm, and "fast scoring" algorithm
There are two similar algorithms that choose library one after another.
Both GreedyDynamic
and GreedyChooseLibrary
have the
There is one small difference the Submission
class numbers libraries
in the order of registrations, but the Candidate
classes store the
libraries in the order of ID-s.
We also implemented our own random instance generator, where we provide a simple config file (.toml format) and this generator outputs us an instance of the library problem with given statistics.
We tested the program and it always finished in under 300 seconds. The greedy heuristics with two separate sorting keys usually finish in under a second.
Baseline results prove that generating random solutions is not enough to solve this problem.
input file | min. score | best score |
a_example | 16 | 21 |
b_read_on | 3 794 000 | 4 655 300 |
c_incunabula | 792 168 | 973 115 |
d_tough_choices | 4 335 955 | 4 362 930 |
e_so_many_books | 386 907 | 813 848 |
f_libraries_of_the_world | 115 797 | 1 625 402 |
total | 9 424 843 | 12 430 616 |
Example results from random solutions generator
Next, we have implemented greedy algorithms with multiple inheritance. This idea gave us the sum of scores 21 million.
input file | score | |
a_example | 21 | |
b_read_on | 5 822 900 | |
c_incunabula | 5 467 966 | |
d_tough_choices | 4 357 405 | |
e_so_many_books | 3 646 017 | |
f_libraries_of_the_world | 2 420 875 | |
total | 21 715 964 |
Results from combinations of simple greedy algorithms
input file | score | |
a_example | 21 | |
b_read_on | 5 822 900 | |
c_incunabula | 5 639 697 | |
d_tough_choices | 4 815 395 | |
e_so_many_books | 4 919 328 | |
f_libraries_of_the_world | 5 277 206 | |
total | 26 474 547 |
Results of fast greedy algorithm
input file | score | upper bound |
a_example | 21 | 21 |
b_read_on | 5 822 900 | 107 |
b_read_on | 5 822 900 | |
c_incunabula | 5 688 791 | 23 372 244 |
d_tough_choices | 5 028 530 | 5 109 000 |
e_so_many_books | 4 999 323 | 12 457 261 |
f_libraries_of_the_world | 5 322 233 | 39 885 586 |
total | 26 861 798 |
Final scores on the provided instances.
The upper bound is too weak to tell something more about the solutions' quality, or even if they are close to the optimum. One exception is input 'd' where our solution achieved 98% of the upper bound. Taking into account that the highest score was 27 137 921 and taking into account other scores form Poland, we were satisfied with our results.