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File metadata and controls

1353 lines (1124 loc) · 53.9 KB

How to write the InGen metadata/config file?

The input to Interface Generator is a YAML file called metadata file which contains information regarding the source and the destination of the data and any transformation applied to it.

Defining Data Sources

A Data Source is the location from where the data originates. It can be a database, file or an api. The following code snippet shows an example of a 'sources' array containing a data source - an excel file.

- id: restrictions_file
  type: file
  file_type: excel
  file_path: 'path/to/file.xls'

DB Source

A DB source is identified by setting type of the data source to db. Connection to a particular database can be made by setting the value of db_token. The following table shows all the fields available to describe a DB source.

  Field Name	Type	Description
  id	string	REQUIRED. Data Source identifier
  type	string	REQUIRED. [db] type of data source
  db_token	string	REQUIRED. Sybase DB token
  query	string	REQUIRED. SQL query to fetch data from db
  temp_table_params 	array<string>	
  Optional: params to create temp table from file source

The following table shows all the fields available to describe a temp_table parameters from file source

  Field Name	Type	Description
  id	string	REQUIRED. Data Source identifier. Used to refer to a source while defining interfaces.
  type	string	REQUIRED. [db] type of data source
  file_type	string	REQUIRED. [delimited_file, excel] type of file
  delimiter	string	Type of delimiter. Default: ','
  file_path	string	REQUIRED. Path of file
  temp_table_name	string	REQUIRED. Name of temp table
  temp_table_cols	array<string>	Return the array of temp table column name, type, size and file column to be used from the source file 

  temp_table_cols: [
        { "name": "client_id","type": "varchar", "size": 50,"file_col": "no_hold",default:"temP-string"},
        { "name": "ticker", "type": "int", "file_col": "Ticker", default: 0},
        { "name": "cusip", "type": "varchar", "size": 50, "file_col": "cusip"},

Passing run-time parameters to SQL queries

SQL Queries defined in the data source can contain dynamic replaceable elements. These replaceable elements are written within curly braces and the actual values with which it will be replaced can be set via command-line arguments.

In the following example, {date} will be replaced by the value of "date" passed via the command line.

	    - ...
	    - query: "SELECT TOP 10 field1, field2
	              FROM <table>
	              WHERE date > {date}"

File Source

A file source is identified by setting type of the data source to file. Interface Generator supports reading excel,fixed width and delimited files (like CSV, PSV, etc). The type of file is identified by setting the file_type field.

The following table describes all the available fields to describe a file source.

  Field Name	Type	Description
  id	string	REQUIRED. Data Source identifier. Used to refer to a source while defining interfaces.
  type	string	REQUIRED. [db] type of data source
  file_type	string	REQUIRED. [delimited_file, excel] type of file
  delimiter	string	Type of delimiter. Default: ','
  file_path	string	REQUIRED. Path of file
  columns	array<string>	REQUIRED. column names in the source file
  sheet_name(only for excel files)	string	Sheet name you want to read (Default: First sheet of the excel)/Can provide sheet index as well
  skip_header_size	integer	Number of lines to be skipped from the top of the file
  skip_trailer_size	integer	Number of lines to be skipped at the bottom of the file
  return_empty_if_not_exist	boolean	Return empty dataframe if the file is not present instead of throwing FileNotFoundError exception
  col_specification	list of tuple (int, int) or string	Tuple defining the fixed width indices of columns. 

String value 'infer' can be used to instruct the parser to try detecting the column specifications from the first 100 rows of the data which are not being skipped via skiprows (default='infer')

The following code snippet shows an example of a 'source' array containing a file source which points to an excel file stored at this hypothetical location sources: - id: file_excel type: file file_type: excel file_path: '..\sample-excel.xlsx' sheet_name: "sample sheet" columns: ['column1',column2']

Passing run-time parameters to file_path

Source file_path can be set via command-line argument --infile Also add new field in Source object in config yml use_infile : true So only the specific source will utilize the command line file_path i.e. --infile filelLoc/sample.xlsx will overwrite the file_path value in source during runtime.

API Source

An API source is identified by setting type of the data source to api. Interface Generator supports reading data from more than one URLs at a time. The following table describes all the available fields to describe an API source.

	Field Name	Type	Description
	id	string	REQUIRED. Data Source identifier. Used to refer to a source while defining interfaces.
	type	string	REQUIRED. [api] type of data source
	url	string	REQUIRED. base url to access data from.
	method	string	HTTP method. Default GET.
	request_body	string	JSON String for HTTP request body. 
	headers	json object	HTTP headers as key values. 
	batch		REQUIRED. More than one URL can be constructed from the base url depending on batch size and the parameter that needs batching.
	url_params		REQUIRED. query parameters that can be fetched from different sources(DB, File or can be constant)
	data_node	list	REQUIRED. end point of a list in api
	data_key	list	REQUIRED. specific columns in api.
	meta	list	Used in DF to JSON conversion. See examples here
	auth		REQUIRED. Tokens needed to authenticate the urls.
	retries	int	Number of retries to make if the request fails
	interval	int	Number of seconds to wait before making a retry
	interval_increment	int	Number of seconds added to the interval when retrying.
	success_criteria	string	Name of the success_criteria function. See 'success criteria' below for more info
	criteria_option	json_object	Params of success_criteria function. See 'success criteria' below for more info
	queue_size	int	When a queue size is given, a queue is created with maxsize = 'queue_size'. See 'throttling' below for more.
	tasks_len	int	Number of concurrent requests to fetch. 

(Note: The colored fields are explained below in detail.) Success Criteria So if a request fails with the following params: retires = 4, interval = 2, interval_increment = 2 4 retries will be made after 2, 4, 6, and 8 seconds.

The following functions can be used to define the success criteria of the http request

  Function Name	Parameters	Description
  status_criteria	{'status': 200}	Checks if the response status code is equal to the expected code passed in options
  payload_criteria	{'key': 'done', 'value': 'True'}	Checks if a given field is present in the response and is equal to the provided value. 

If payload contains a key called 'done' and its values is 'True', then this function returns true batch: The "batch" field consists of 2 fields:

  1. size: The size of batching
  2. id: The id based on which batching can be done.
      size: 2
      id: tickerIds


When multiple requests are created using 'batch'-ing. Users have an option to run these requests concurrently. InGen stores all the HTTP Request objects in a list and creates a queue. A producer task picks one request from the list and adds it to the queue if the queue is not full. Multiple consumer tasks concurrently read from the queue and fetch data from API by executing the HTTP request. To control the number of concurrent requests, users can set the max size of the queue (queue_size) and max number of consumer tasks to be created (tasks_len). Example: If an API has a rate limit of 1000 requests per minute and each request takes on average 1 second to complete. So we can run ~16 requests parallelly. Hence tasks_len = 16 and queue_size can be more than 16. By default, both these parameters will be set to 1, which basically means all requests will run synchronously. url_params: URL params can be fetched from a file, a database, or can be declared as a constant in the configuration file. It consists of fields depending on the type from which the params are fetched.

      - id: tickerIDs
        type: file
        file_path: '...'
        delimiter: ','
  	  columns: [ column1, column2, column3 ]
        dest_column: 'column1'
      - id: secondId
        type: db
        db_token: databasename
        query: 'select * from ...'
      - id: constExample
        type: const
        value: 'const-string'
for type = file, following table describes the field values
        Field Name	Type	Description
        id	string	REQUIRED. Data Source identifier.
        type	string	REQUIRED. Data Source type.
        file_path	string	REQUIRED. path of file..
        delimiter	string	Type of delimiter. Default: ','
        columns	list	REQUIRED list of all columns in the file.
        dest_column	string	name of the column to be fetched and mapped in the url param.( can skip this filed if file has only one column)
    auth: The "auth" field consists of tokens needed to authenticate the urls. There are 3 fields:
        1.	type: "BasicAuth" (by default as of now).
        2.	username: Service-account/API Token for username 
        3.	pwd: Service-account/API Token for password.
        type: 'BasicAuth'
        username: 'TOKEN'
        pwd: 'TOKEN'
    headers: HTTP Headers
    Header values can also contain dynamic fields, similar to file paths. Dynamic values are written in this format - $function(args) - where `function` is the name of interpolator function and `args` is argument to the function.
          Content-Type: "application/json"
          Token-Value: $token(TEST_TOKEN_NAME)

RawDataStore Source

A RawDataStore source represents a data that comes in the form of a data frame. It is defined by the following parameters: Field Name Type Description id string REQUIRED. ID of the dataframe Type string REQUIRED. Type of data, in this case, RawDataStore source

So here, A dictionary named Store contains IDs and Data Frames as key-value pairs, Which can be read from and written into the dictionary using the ID. sources: - id: DF2 type: rawdatastore

Json Source

A Json source represents a JSON string payload. The payload itself is given alongside the metadata file. Field Name Type id string REQUIRED. Data source identifier type string REQUIRED. Data source type sources: - id: json_payload type: json

Defining Interfaces

A single metadata file can define multiple interfaces. All interfaces and their properties are defined under the root "interfaces" object. For each interface, a separate interface file will be generated. In the following example, three interfaces - positions, tax-lots, accounts - are declared. interfaces: positions: ... tax-lots: ... accounts: ...

Each interface object is defined using four properties: • Sources • Preprocessing • Output • Columns


The "sources" field is an array of source IDs. Each source ID points to the data source defined in the metadata file. In the following example, the metadata file contains two sources - file_source and db_source. To declare that the "positions" interface will fetch data from both these sources, a sources array is declared containing IDs of the data sources. interfaces: positions: sources: [source1, source2] ... ...

sources: - id: file_source ... - id: db_source ...


Pre-processing steps are supposed to work like a pipeline. The output of one pre-processor would be the input to the next pre-processor. The input of the first pre-processor in the pipeline would be the first source from the sources array. Pre-processing steps are for row-wise operations on the dataframe. Merge Merge is used to merge data from multiple sources. In the following example, source1 (first element in the sources array, also called as left source) will be merged with the given source, source2 (also called as right source). If the merge pre-process step appears after another pre-process step, then the output of the previous step is considered as the left source. The name of the column to use while merging, is given by - left_key and right_key. merge_type indicates the type of merge - left, right, inner (default). These types work like SQL left outer join, right outer join, and inner join.
interfaces: interface_name: sources: [ source1,source2 ] pre_processing: - type: merge source: source2 left_key: cusip right_key: bfm_cusip merge_type: left ...

      - id: source1
      - id: source2
	      Field Name	Type	Description
	      type	string	REQUIRED. merge
	      source	string	REQUIRED. identifier of the right data source. This identifier must be present
	      in the sources array.
	      left_key	string	column name to join on in left data source
	      right_key	string	column name to join on in right data source
	      merge_type	string	[left, right, inner] default: inner
	      Source 1 (left source) - marks1
	      name	english	maths
	      Ankur	45	49
	      Sakshi	37	40
	      Peter	44	48
	      Source 2 (right source) - marks2
	      name	science	french
	      Ankur	48	39
	      James	44	45
	      Arthur	39	47
	      Left Merge
	      sources: [ marks1,marks2 ]
	            - type: merge
	              source: marks2
	              left_key: name
	              right_key: name
	              merge_type: left
	      name	english	maths	science	french
	      Ankur	45	49	48	39
	      Sakshi	37	40		
	      Peter	44	48		
	      Inner Merge
	      sources: [ marks1,marks2 ]
	            - type: merge
	              source: marks2
	              left_key: name
	              right_key: name
	              merge_type: inner
	      name	english	maths	science	french
	      Ankur	45	49	48	39
	      Right Merge
	      sources: [ marks1,marks2 ]
	            - type: merge
	              source: marks2
	              left_key: name
	              right_key: name
	              merge_type: right
	      name	english	maths	science	french
	      Ankur	45	49	48	39
	      James			44	45
	      Arthur			39	47


Union concatenates (appends) the data from multiple data source into a single unit. This should ideally be used when a data in divided in to multiple sources and we want to assemble it into a single unit
    	sources: [source1, source2]
      		- type: union
          	    - source1
          		- source2

    - id: source1
    - id: source2


Aggregation can be used to perform operations like grouping and performing aggregation operations like sum, count, min, max and mean. This does not work on multiple sources, it would only work on one single unit of data
    	sources: [source1, source2]
      		- type: aggregate
          	    cols: ['fund', 'cusip']
				operation: 'sum'
          		col: 'face'

    - id: source1
    - id: source2


Mask allows filtering a data source wrt to another data source.

  sources: [ 'taxlot', 'accounts' ]
  	- type: mask
          on_col: 'Account Number'
          masking_source: account_info
          masking_col: ACCOUNT_ID

In this example, we are applying mask on column 'Account Number' of 'taxlot' source, using column 'ACCOUNT_ID' of 'accounts' as the masking source. So if taxlot contains data of 10 different account numbers, out of which only 4 are present in accounts file, then after applying the mask operation, only 4 accounts data will be present in tax_lot.


Melt is used to convert rows into columns. If the dataframe contains one header row and one data row. It'll be converted into a dataframe containing two columns.

        - type: melt
          key_column: TICKER
          value_column: PORTFOLIO_ID
          include_keys: []
               - portfolio_id

  In the above example, let's say your data frame looks like this:
  A	B	C	D
  1	2	3	4
  Then after applying the above melt pre-processing it'll be converted into the following form:
  A	1
  B	2
  C	3
  D	4


Filter is used to filter rows by column values, supported column-wise operation are 'and' and 'or'
          - type: filter
            operator: and
              - col: 'name'
                val: [ 'Ashish' ]
              - col: 'score'
                val: [ 82 ]

    In the above example, let's say your data frame looks like this:
    name	score	subject
    Ashish	50	Science
    Aman	75	Hindi
    Ashish	82	Hindi
    Aditya	93	English
    Aditya	77	Match
    Then after applying the above filter pre-processing it'll be converted into the following form:
    name	score	subject
    Ashish	82	Hindi
    If operator 'or' is configured instead of 'and', then after applying the above filter pre-processing it'll be converted into the following form:
    name	score	subject
    Ashish	50	Science
    Ashish	82	Hindi

Multiple filters can be configured, it works like a pipleline first filter output will be the input of the next filter


Columns field represents the columns of the final data that will be persisted. It is a mapping of source column name and destination column name. It also includes details of any formatter that is to be applied on a column.

	              - src_col_name: "start_date"
	                dest_col_name: "START DATE"
	                  - type: date
	                    format: "%m/%d/%y"
	              - src_col_name: "stop_date"
	                dest_col_name: "STOP DATE"
	              - src_col_name: "fund"
	                dest_col_name: "PORTFOLIO"
	              - src_col_name: "status"
	                dest_col_name: "STATUS"
	              - src_col_name: "face"
	                dest_col_name: "FACE VALUE"

	    Field Name	Type	Description
	    src_column_name	string	REQUIRED. Column name in data source
	    dest_col_name	string	Column name to be used in the output. Defaults to src_column_name
	    formatters	array<object>	formatters to be applied on the column
	    Field Name	Type	Description
	    type	string	REQUIRED. Type of formatter
	    format	string	REQUIRED. Parameter for the formatting function
	    The `format` parameter can accept a string, a list, or a dictionary. Refer below for the exact syntax.

Available formatters:


Change format of date strings. formatters: - type: date format: src: "%m%d%Y" des: "%Y-%m-%d"

	`src` is the format of the existing column.`des` is the format you want to apply. 
	Check out the table at the end of this page for accepted values: 
	Change format of decimal numbers. InGen uses python's string format function to apply the format, therefore any valid python format string can be passed. Refer this page to know more about python's format function
		- type: float
	      format: '${:,.2f}'


Concatenate multiple columns into a new column and separate it via separator: - src_col_name: final_column formatters: - type: concat format: columns: ['column1','column2','column3'] separator: '_'

In the above example, a new column ‘final_column' will be created by concatenating values of ‘column1’ , ‘column2’ , ‘column3’ and the would be separated with '_' Note: if the separator is not provided the columns would be concatenated without it.


Add a new column with a constant value - src_col_name: "country" formatters: - type: constant format: "India" In the above example a new column 'country' will be created with the value 'India' for all rows. Date Constant

Add a new column with a date - src_col_name: "POS_DATE" formatters: - type: constant-date format: [ 0, "%Y-%m-%d", "EMPTY" ] format accepts a list with 3 items:

  1. offest - 0 indicates today's date, a positive value will add that number of days to today's date, similarly a negative value. will decrease the date. So use -1 to get yesterday's date
  2. date format
  3. BLK calendar - <todo: add link to BLK calendar wiki>

Duplicate Column

Add a new column. by coying an existing one. - src_col_name: newcolumn formatters: - type: duplicate format: existingcolumn In the above example, a new column newcolumn will be created by copying the values from an existing existingcolumn column

Group Percentage

  - src_col_name: 'WEIGHT'
      - type: group-percentage
          of: 'Market Value'
          in: 'Account Number'

In the above example, a new column WEIGHT will be created by calculating the percentage of 'Market Value' in 'Account Number'.


Adds a new column by adding values of two columns - src_col_name: marks formatters: - type: sum format: ['mark1','mark2','mark3']

Date Diff

Add a new column by calculating the difference between dates in two columns - src_col_name: duration formatters: - type: date-diff format: [ 'sell_date','purchase_date','%Y-%m-%d' ] The above example adds a new column called 'duration' by calculating the difference between values of 'sell_date' and 'purchase_date'.


Bucket formatter is used to group numerical values into ranges by creating range intervals called buckets and labelling them. In the below example 'GAIN_LOSS_TYPE' column originally contains non-negative numerical values. We need to group these values into two labels :

  1. short_term: 0 to 365

  2. long_term: >=366

    • src_col_name: GAIN_LOSS_TYPE formatters:
      • type: bucket format: buckets: [0, 365, inf] labels: ['short_term', 'long_term']

Format options:

format description buckets REQUIRED. A list representing increasing ranges.
labels List of labels to be applied on each bucket range include_right 'true' or 'false'. Indicates whether bucketsincludes the rightmost edge or not. If include_right=='true' (the default), then the buckets [1, 2, 3, 4] indicate (1,2], (2,3], (3,4].

Business Day Formatter

Business day formatter is used to add another column named billing date to the input data frame. The input data frame contains 'date' column consisting of some dates. After applying this formatter, a new billing date column will be created, which will contain previous business day for the corresponding date, That is, if the date is a business day, it will give the same date, but if it is a holiday, it will give previous business day. The user can choose the calendar from HolidayCalendar.

  • src_col_name: date
  • src_col_name: business_date formatters:
    • type: bus_day format: col: 'date' format: '%m/%d/%Y' cal: 'US'

Split Formatter Takes a column having array values and splits it into multiple columns equal to the number of elements in the array. The user can give the names of new columns and choose which column to display finally. This works on both the list and string type values in the column. For example, we have a 'Subjects' column in a dataframe containing a list of subjects. This formatter will create a separate column for each subject in that list as follows: Input Dataframe-

	Output Dataframe-
	-src_col_name: name
	-src_col_name: subject
	      -type: split_col
	           new_col_names: ['sub1','sub2']
	-src_col_name: sub1
	-src_col_name: sub2

Fill Empty value with Custom value

Replaces the NaN values in a column by a value specified in the config

- src_col_name: grade         
	- type: fill_empty_values_with_custom_value
         value: 0
           match_col: 'sec_desc'
           pattern: 'CASH'

In the above example, any NaN values in column 'grade' would be replaced by 0 but only for rows where sec_desc value is 'CASH'

Spacing Formatter

Adds specific number of spaces within the two columns of a data frame. It takes the number of spaces from the user and adds those on the left side of the column.

- src_col_name: value3
    - type: add_space
        spacing: 30

Add Trailing Zeros Formatter

Adds specific number of leading zeros before all values of a specific data frame column . It takes the number of zeros from the user as a format option.

- src_col_name: value3
     - type: add_trailing_zeros
         num_of_chars: 13

Last date of Previous month Formatter

It creates a new column containing value which is the last date of previous month based on the runtime date given in the cli. The output date is returned in the user desired format. The name of the column is taken as an argument from the user. - src_col_name: Date1 formatters: - type: last_date_of_prev_month format: outdate_format: '%Y%m%d'


Replace value formatter replaces multiple values to another, from_value and to_value are provided along with the column to perform the operation on in below example, in TRADE_TYPE column, every row with 'BUY' and 'SELL' is replaced by 'O', 'C' respectively. - src_col_name: 'TRAN_TYPE' dest_col_name: 'TRADE TYPE' formatters: - type: replace_value format: from_value: ['BUY', 'SELL'] to_value: ['B', 'S']


Sub String formatter which gets the sub string from the string type column. In the format option you have to provide start and end index of the string. In below example, The STRING_COL first character is dropped and the sub string is returned.

  - src_col_name: 'STRING_COL'
      - type: sub_string
          start: 1

Arithmetic Operations ( Math Formatter)

Permitted operations: div, mul, sub, add, abs The value and cols property are optional and only one of them can exist at a given time sec_col_name: is the column on which the results should be saved, if this is a new column, a new column in created in a dataframe, if this is an existing column, it is updated formatters cols: these are the columns on which the operation has to be performed, this has to be an array of more than one column value: if specified, this is the constant value which is used in operation, in below case, quantity and sell price are multiplied and then the row is multiplied with 4 you can avoid value field altogether and it would do quantity * sell_price and store it in SALE_VALUE column similarly, if cols are avoided, it would multiply 4 into SALE_VALUE column - src_col_name: SALE_VALUE formatters: - type: arithmetic_calc format: cols: [ 'quantity','sell_price' ] value: 4 operation: 'mul'

Example of abs:

	  - type: arithmetic_calc
	      operation: 'abs'


The Purpose of this formatter is to encrypt PII data using the AES/CTR/NoPadding approach and return a output of a json with Keys : [cipher, nonce, mac] columns: - src_col_name: ACCOUNT_NUMBER dest_col_name: ACCOUNT_NUMBER_ENCRYPTED formatters: - type: encryption format: ""


The Purpose of this formatter is to decrypt PII data using the AES/CTR/NoPadding approach and return a plaintext. columns: - src_col_name: ACCOUNT_NUMBER_ENCRYPTED dest_col_name: ACCOUNT_NUMBER formatters: - type: decryption format: ""


UUID formatter adds a new column in the dataframe with UUID in each row columns: - src_col_name: random_id formatters: - type: uuid

Conditional Formatter:

The purpose of this formatter is based on a condition replaces the row value with another column value. The formatter takes following options: i) column: It's the value of from_column whose value would picked up when the condition provided in the format options is set to true. ii) condition: It's a dict which takes in match_col which is the column whose value is to be checked and pattern is the value of that matching column. - src_col_name: 'SHARES' formatters: - type: conditional_replace_formatter format: from_column: 'ORD_DETAIL_FACE' condition: match_col: 'TRAN_TYPE' pattern: 'C' float_precision

used to specify decimal precision on numerical columns. The format used is common python format - src_col_name: 'price' formatters: - type: float_precision format: precision: 2

Drop duplicate rows

The purpose of this formatter is to drop rows with duplicate ID values from a dataframe. In the format option, there are three possible values to keep certain duplicates: • 'first': keeps the first duplicate row • 'last'; keeps the last duplicate row • False: drops all of the duplicate rows 'first' is the default option. - src_col_name: unique_id formatters: - type: drop_duplicates format: keep: 'last'


The purpose of this formatter is to append string and multiple column data into a single column The following example concatenates "161"+fc_ofc_no + fc_no

 - src_col_name: 'Unique_ID__c'
     - type: prefix_string
         columns: [ 'fc_ofc_no', 'fc_no' ]
         prefix: '161'


Field Name	Type	Description
type	string	REQUIRED. Type of validation.
severity	string	OPTIONAL. Severity of the validation result.
args	list	OPTIONAL. List of arguments for expectations.

The 'severity' parameter accepts one of 'blocker', 'critical' and 'warning' value. These values defines what actions needs to be taken after receiving validation result. 1. 'blocker' defines we exit out of the application after getting column value that fails validation. 2. 'critical' removes the rows of the data corresponding to column values that fails validation. 3. 'warning' just displays column values that fails validation.

Available validations:

Inbuilt Validations

These are the validations that are part of great_expectations library. expect_column_values_to_not_be_null

Validate whether all column values are not null. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_not_be_null severity: "warning"


Expect the column entries to be strings that can be matched to either any of or all of a list of regular expressions. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_match_regex_list severity: "warning" args: [["^[0-9]*[.][0-9]+$"],any] 'args' takes the list of all regular expressions that is needed to check against column values, there is also optional parameter (any, all) that decides whether to match all the regex or just any one of them.


Expect column entries to be strings representing a date or time with a given format. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_match_strftime_format severity: "warning" args: ["%Y-%m-%d"] 'args' takes a strftime format string to use for matching column values.

expect_column_values_to_be_between Expect column entries to be between a minimum value and a maximum value. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_be_between severity: "warning" args: [10,20] 'args' takes two values - 'min_value' takes minimum value for a column entry. 'max_value' takes maximum value for a column entry.

expect_column_values_to_be_unique Expect each column value to be unique. This expectation detects duplicates. All duplicated values are counted as exceptions. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_be_unique severity: "warning"

expect_column_value_lengths_to_equal Expect column entries to be strings with length equal to the provided value. This expectation only works for string-type values. Invoking it on ints or floats will raise a TypeError. validations: - type: expect_column_value_lengths_to_equal severity: "warning" args: [8] 'args' takes the expected value for a column entry length.

Custom Validations These are the expectations that are not present in great_expectations library. expect_column_to_contain_values Expect column entries to contain the provided value. validations: - type: expect_column_to_contain_values severity: "warning" args: [["XUSD0000", "ABC1234F"]] 'args' takes the list of expected values to check its presence in the column.

expect_column_values_to_be_of_type Expect column entries to be parseable (type casted) to provided type. validations: - type: expect_column_values_to_be_of_type severity: "warning" args: ["float"] 'args' takes a string representing the data type that each column should have as entries. Valid data types include 'str', 'int', 'float'.

expect_column_to_be_present_in Expects all column values to be present in all columns of sources provided. validations: - type: expect_column_to_be_present_in severity: "warning" args: [[COL_2, cusip], [COL_3,cusip]] 'args' takes list of all sources along with the column name, in which we need to check whether all values of current column are present.

Output The output object is used to declare how the output data should be persisted. The following code snippet shows an example of storing data into an excel file: output: type: excel props: path: 'path/to/write/file.xls' The 'type' field can take two values: • excel - for Excel sheets • file - for any delimited files like csv, psv, etc The following example declares a CSV output output: type: file props: delimiter: ',' path: 'path/to/write/file.xls'

Header & Footer

CSV files by default do not write the column names in the file. To add the column names in the output file an extra property called 'header'/'footer' should be provided in the output. output: type: file props: delimiter: ',' path: 'path/to/write/file.xls' header: type: delimited_result_header

Custom Header/Footer

To have custom footer/headers in the output csv files, header/footer are initialised with type = 'custom' . Different custom values can be achieved using this. There are 5 custom functions which can be used to get the header/footer of the output file. constant Takes a string as input and adds the constant string as a header/footer. filler Takes integer as input and adds the string containing equivalent number of empty spaces to header/footer. get_new_line Takes boolean input from the user and if true, adds a new line after any value. col_sum Takes column name as input and returns the sum of values of that column. sum_of_substr Takes column name, starting index, ending index for the substring, and the number of characters from the user, and returns the sum of all substring values of that column. The number of characters is the total characters user wants in the final output. The extra characters apart from sum value are fulfilled by leading zeros.

Field Name	Type	Description
col_name	string	column on which user wants to apply this function
start	int	Starting index to get substring
end	int	Ending index to get substring
char_count	int	Total characters in the final result

last_date_of_prev_month Takes date format as input and returns the last date of previous month based on the runtime date given in the cli. first_date_of_current_month Takes date format as input and returns the first date of current month based on the runtime date given in the cli. row_count Takes dictionary as input which refers to left padding needed(for eg if padding is 4, 10 is displayed as 0010.) and adds the number of records in the output file + header count+ footer count to header/footer of output file.

Field Name	Type	Description
left_padding	integer	left padding needed(for eg if padding is 4, 10 is displayed as 0010.)
header	bool
Int	true indicates to include header count in the total count and add 1.
Add the int value to the total row count.
footer	bool
int	true indicates  to include footer count in the total count and add 1.
Add the int value to the total row count.
date Takes the date format as input and adds today's date to header/footer.
run_date Takes the date format as input and adds the run_date(date used in cli) to header/footer.

These custom functions can be used together to generate the header/footer as required. In the functions tag we need to mention the custom functions in the order you need them in the header/footer. Therefore in below case the resultant header = constant + filler + constant + run_date = H MRC20211203 resultant footer = constant + row_count(with left padding as 7 and include header + include footer) = TRECORD COUNT0000010

	      type: delimited_file
	        delimiter: ','
	        path: 'C:\interfacegenerator\output\test_file.csv'
	          type: custom
	            - constant: UHDR
	            - last_date_of_prev_month:
	                dt_format: '%Y%j'
	            - add_new_line: true
	            - constant: FileTitle=TransactionsVER44
	            - filler: 10
	            - first_date_of_current_month:
	                dt_format: '%m/%d/%Y'
	            - constant: GAMUT
	            - add_new_line: true
	            - filler: 231
	            - constant: X
	          type: custom
	            - constant: 'NumberOfRecords='
	            - row_count:
	                left_padding: 7
	                header: false
	                footer: false
	            - constant: 'TotalAmount='
	            - sum_of_substr:
	                start: 26
	                end: 39
	                col_name: concatenated_col
	                char_count: 18
	            - add_new_line: true
	            - filler: 231
	            - constant: X
	            - add_new_line: true
	            - constant: UTRL
	            - filler: 1
	            - row_count:
	                left_padding: 7
	                header: false
	                footer: false

Split File Writer Split File allows the final data to be written in chunks to multiple file(s) based on a column, the type should be 'splitted_file' and the props should contain configuration for each file with 2 additional columns, viz. col and value. Apart from this the run_config at the end of the file should have writer: SplitFileWriter output: type: 'splitted_file' props: - col: 'TYPE' value: 'BLK' type: delimited_file props: header: type: delimited_result_header #/custom delimiter: ',' path: '/PATH/output/FILE.csv'

... ...

	  generator: InterfaceGenerator
	  writer: SplitFileWrite

Dataframe Writer

The data frame writer allows us to write data in the form of dataframes directly into the memory without creating multiple interface files. The dataframe can come from any source such as a file, database, etc. It takes an Id that user wants to give to the data frame and writes both of them into the Store dictionary in the form of key-value pairs. The data frame reader can then read the desired dataframe based on the given ID. We also have to give the column names of the dataframe. In the below sample YAML, the column names are- Name and Gender and the dataframe is being read from a .csv file - sampledf.csv. Here, we are checking if the writer writes the actual key-value pair properly using reader. first we will write, and then read that dataframe using the ID- DF2. interfaces: Dataframewriter: sources: [DF1] output: type: rawdatastore props: id: DF2 columns: - src_col_name: Name - src_col_name: gender

	    sources: [DF2]
	        type: delimited_file
	            delimiter: ','
	            path: PATH\sampledf2.csv
	              type: delimited_result_header
	      - src_col_name: Name
	      - src_col_name: gender
	  - id: DF1
	    type: file
	    file_type: delimited_file
	    delimiter: ','
	    file_path: PATH\sampledf.csv
	    columns: [ Name, gender]
	    skip_header_size: 1
	  - id: DF2
	    type: rawdatastore

JSON Writer

JSON Writer can be used to transform the data stored in a dataframe into JSON format and then store in a file or can be sent to an API as request body. There can be different ways to transform a dataframe into JSON. Currently, InGen provides two convertors - i) Single and ii) Multiple. The choice of convertor can be declared in the YAML config as shown in the below example. In a similar way, the destination, i.e where to send the JSONs can be declared in the config file. There are two possible destinations - i) File and ii) API. JSON Writer accepts four top-level configs: output: type: json_writer props: convertor: ... convertor_props: ... destination: ... destination_props: ...


Converters are used to convert the dataframes into JSONs. Users can declare the converter function they want to use and also pass the properties that the function needs. Single converter

JSON writer allows the final output dataframe to be written as a JSON file on the configured path. This writer works with two optional arguments.

  1. Indent(int) to define the indentation of the JSON in terms of spaces.
  2. Orient decides the orientation of the JSON document.
  3. The orient options are :  ‘split’ : dict like {‘index’ -> [index], ‘columns’ -> [columns], ‘data’ -> [values]}  ‘records’ : list like [{column -> value}, … , {column -> value}]  ‘index’ : dict like {index -> {column -> value}}  ‘columns’ : dict like {column -> {index -> value}}  ‘values’ : just the values array  ‘table’ : dict like {‘schema’: {schema}, ‘data’: {data}}

Describing the data, where data component is like orient='records'. 3. column_details: We need to provide schema for the writer here under the schema. a. The schema order of columns should be sequential such that the column on which the operation is required already exists/built-up in dataframe 1. field_name: the resultant column to be generated. 2. field_type: the type of data the field can have 3. field_attr: The attributes the field is supposed to have. 4. field_action: the action that needs to be performed in the field, in case we are using group_by or sum we need to provide the field_agg_column 5. field_agg_column: the column which will contain the aggregated data. 6. field_total: to be set when using the field action as 'sum' 7. field_action_column: the column where the actions are to be performed.

	    sources: [ 'encryption_bt' ]
	      type: json_writer
	        convertor: single
	          	orient: 'records'
	          	indent: 3
	  	          schema: #order of columns should be sequential such that the column on which the operation is required already exists/built-up in dataframe
	    	          - field_name: accounts
	        	        field_type: dict
	            	    field_attr: [ accountName, accountNumber, registrationType, custodian, product, pkg, accountId, accountBaseMarketValue ]
	                	field_action: groupby #if groupBy , define aggregation column too
		                field_action_column: advisorId
	    	            field_agg_column: accounts
	        	      - field_name: asOfDate
	            	    field_type: date
	                	field_attr: YYYY-MM-DD #not used
		              - field_name: clientsSummary
	    	            field_type: dict
	        	        field_attr: [ asOfDate, accounts ]
	            	    field_action: sum
	                	field_action_column: accountBaseMarketValue
	                	field_agg_column: accounts
		                field_total: totalAccountBaseMarketValue
	    	          - field_name: accountName
	        	        field_type: str
	            	resultant_columns: [ advisorId, clientsSummary ]
			destination: file
				path: 'output/positions.json'
	      - src_col_name: "start_date"
	        dest_col_name: "START DATE"
	  generator: InterfaceGenerator

The above YAML for json_writer is equivalent to old JSON writer as shown below.

	    sources: [ 'encryption_bt' ]
	      type: json
	        path: 'output/positions.json'
	          orient: 'records'
	          indent: 3
	            schema: #order of columns should be sequential such that the column on which the operation is required already exists/built-up in dataframe
	              - field_name: accounts
	                field_type: dict
	                field_attr: [ accountName, accountNumber, registrationType, custodian, product, pkg, accountId, accountBaseMarketValue ]
	                field_action: groupby #if groupBy , define aggregation column too
	                field_action_column: advisorId
	                field_agg_column: accounts
	              - field_name: asOfDate
	                field_type: date
	                field_attr: YYYY-MM-DD #not used
	              - field_name: clientsSummary
	                field_type: dict
	                field_attr: [ asOfDate, accounts ]
	                field_action: sum
	                field_action_column: accountBaseMarketValue
	                field_agg_column: accounts
	                field_total: totalAccountBaseMarketValue
	              - field_name: accountName
	                field_type: str
	            resultant_columns: [ advisorId, clientsSummary ]
	      - src_col_name: "start_date"
	        dest_col_name: "START DATE"
	  generator: InterfaceGenerator

Multiple converter

'Multiple' converter is mostly used with API destination. You can pass a JSON template to a 'multiple' converter where some fields are to be set dynamically. The dynamic fields in the template will be replaced by the column values of one row of the dataframe. So, if there are 'n' rows in the dataframe, a list of 'n' json strings will be created. Consider a dataframe like this: name marks Amit 35 Arya 45

and a json template like this: {"name": "", "subject": "maths", "marks": }

'multiple' json converter will create two json strings like this {"name": "Amit", "subject": "maths", "marks": 35} {"name": "Arya", "subject": "maths", "marks": 45} Destination A converter produces a list of JSON strings that are ready to be written to a file or to be sent as request payload to an API. File destination Writes the JSON string to a file. API Destination For each row (or each JSON string in the list created by the converter) a single API call is made as per the given configuration. The result of the API call is written to the dataframe store. (InMemory).

Sample API destination and its props: destination: api destination_props: api_request_props: url: method: post headers: Content-Type: "application/json" "..." auth: type: BasicAuth user: '' password: '' success_criteria: 'status_criteria' criteria_options: status: 200 interval: 2 retries: 3 tasks_len: 10 queue_size: 10 api_response_props: type: dataframe dataframe_id: long_running_ids data_key: [id] data_node: ... meta: ... Most of the YAML params are similar to API source params. The only difference here is that they are grouped into 'api_request_props' and 'api_response_props'. See API source for the definition of the parameters.


JSON Reader helps to read a json file and convert it to CSV file. It generates csv on the basis of column names we provide in the yml file. Yaml code that helps to convert json to csv interfaces: proposal_id: sources: [proposals] output: type: delimited_file props: header: type: delimited_result_header delimiter: ',' path: '/PATH/reader/sample_output.csv' columns: - src_col_name: id dest_col_name: PORTFOLIO_ID - src_col_name: cusip dest_col_name: CLIENT_ID - src_col_name: marketValue dest_col_name: MKT_VALUE_BASE - src_col_name: posInfo.SLEEVE_ID dest_col_name: SLEEVE_ID - src_col_name: quantity dest_col_name: POS_CUR_PAR


  • id: proposals type: file file_type: json file_path: '/PATH/InterfaceGenerator/reader/sample.json' record_path: positions meta: ["id", "cash_allocation"] meta_prefix: position

Attaching the input (json) and output (csv) files


Xml Reader helps to read an xml file and convert it to CSV file. It generates csv on the basis of column names we provide in the yml file. We also have to provide the root tag in the yml itself which is the main tag which has sub tags and its data. The xml can either has a text or an attribute. eg: 123456789 <ASSIGNED_TO name="TRADER">TRADER</ASSIGNED_TO> In this example cusip tag has text with value 123456789 and assigned_to tag has attribute and text both. The attribute name has value "TRADER". interfaces: proposal_batcher_input: sources: [input_account] output: type: delimited_file props: header: type: delimited_result_header path: input/CSVFROMXML.csv columns: - src_col_name: 'CUSIP' - src_col_name: 'PORTFOLIO_NAME' dest_col_name: 'PORTFOLIO_NAME' - src_col_name: 'ORD_DETAIL_FUND' dest_col_name: 'ORD_DETAIL_FUND' - src_col_name: 'ASSIGNED_TO@id' dest_col_name: 'ASSIGNED_TO' - src_col_name: 'MODIFIED_BY.@name' dest_col_name: 'MODIFIED_BY' - src_col_name: 'TRAN_TYPE'

    - id: input_account
      type: file
      file_type: xml
      delimiter: ','
      file_path: input/MF.20211022.xml
      columns : [
      root_tag: 'ORDER'

The important thing to note here is that nested tags can be accessed via '.' operator. The other thing to note is to the attribute tag is accessed via '.@' operator. Some tags have multiple nested tags for them 2 rows would be created in CSV with the duplicate data from the parent tag.


For JSON input and output, the number of columns in the configuration file may exceed the number of columns in the JSON payload. This means that the extra configuration columns will be populated with null values. To only account for the payload columns, there's a drop_null flag under output's props. Said flag will drop the extra configuration columns from the JSON output. interfaces: json_sample: sources: [json_payload] columns: - src_col_name: 'Account__c' dest_col_name: 'Account__target' - src_col_name: 'Type__c' dest_col_name: 'Type__target' - src_col_name: 'Status__c' dest_col_name: 'Status__target' - src_col_name: 'Platform__c' dest_col_name: 'Platform__target' - src_col_name: 'Date__c' dest_col_name: 'Date_target' output: props: drop_null: true sources: - id: json_payload type: json


Interpolator functions can be used at various places in the YAML to add dynamic content in a string. Like adding token values or dates in file paths or HTTP headers. An interpolator function is written in following form: $function_name(args) function_name is the name of the interpolator function args is the argument passed to the interpolator function

Supported interpolators:
Interpolator function	Argument	Detail	Example
date*	format of date	Returns a date string in the given format	$date(%Y%m%d)
token	token name	Returns the token value for the given token	$token(TOKEN_NAME)
token_secret	token name containing the path of the secret file	Reads the token value to get the path of the secret file and decrypts its content using tsgops private keys	$token_secret(TOKEN_NAME)
timestamp	format of date	Takes the date format and returns the current timestamp	$timestamp(FORMAT)
uuid	NA	Generates random UUID using uuid4() inbuilt function	$uuid()
*only available in file path names