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Tutorial 05 - Customizing the look & feel

In this session we will customize minor visual elements of our Invenio instance, like the logo of our instance, the colors and fonts, the way search results for records are displayed and the display page for every record.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Run the development server

If your development server is not running you can run:

$ cd ~/src/my-site
$ docker-compose up -d
$ ./scripts/server

Step 2: Change the frontpage titles

Although the default look of the instance looks fine, we can do better! Let's start small by changing some text on the frontpage. To do so we have to edit my_site/

# Theme configuration
# ===================
#: Site name
THEME_SITENAME = _('My site')
#: Use default frontpage.
#: Frontpage title.
+THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE = _('The coolest repository!')
#: Frontpage template.
THEME_FRONTPAGE_TEMPLATE = 'my_site/frontpage.html'

Let's also change the "Welcome to My site." text to something motivational, by editing my_site/theme/templates/my_site/frontpage.html:

{%- extends "invenio_theme/frontpage.html" %}

{%- block page_body %}
<div class="container marketing">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-12">
-   <h1 class="text-center">Welcome to My site.</h1>
+   <h1 class="text-center">Get educated!</h1>
{%- endblock %}

If you now go to https://localhost:5000/ you will see the changed titles:

Invenio front page

Step 3: Change the site logo

Our instance is powered by Invenio, but not defined by it! Let's change the logo to something else. First we have to add the actual image of our new logo inside a folder that our application will know it's part of its assets:

# Create the "static/images" folder inside the "my_site/theme" directory
$ mkdir -p my_site/theme/static/images
# Copy the provided logo from
$ cp ~/src/training/05-customizing-invenio/extras/my-site-logo.png my_site/theme/static/images/
# We have to tell the application to "collect" the new static file
$ invenio collect -v
Collect static from blueprints.
Copied: [my_site] '/home/bootcamp/.local/share/virtualenvs/my-site-7Oi5HgLM/var/instance/static/images/my-site-logo.png'

We also have to override the THEME_LOGO configuration variable, by adding it in my_site/

# Theme configuration
# ===================
#: Site name
THEME_SITENAME = _('My site')
#: Use default frontpage.
#: Frontpage title.
THEME_FRONTPAGE_TITLE = _('The coolest repository!')
#: Frontpage template.
THEME_FRONTPAGE_TEMPLATE = 'my_site/frontpage.html'
+#: Theme logo.
+THEME_LOGO = 'images/my-site-logo.png'

If you reload the page you will see the new logo on the top left:

Invenio front page logo

Step 4: Change the theme color

Until this moment, we've basically performed "content" changes. In order to modify the "style" of the site we have to make changes to the produced CSS.

Invenio uses SCSS in order define CSS styles in a flexible and extensible way. The .scss we are interested in changing is my_site/theme/assets/scss/my_site/variables.scss:

@import "../invenio_theme/variables";

// If you want to change the primary color you can do something like:
-// $color1: rgba(100, 42, 156, 0.8);
-// $color1-gradient: lighten($color1, 15%);
-// $navbar-default-bg: $color1;
+$color1: rgba(100, 42, 156, 0.8);
+$color1-gradient: lighten($color1, 15%);
+$navbar-default-bg: $color1;

After changing the file, we have to rebuild our assets using the invenio webpack command:

(my-site) $ invenio webpack buildall

If we reload our page now we should see our brand new design:

Invenio front page with purple background

Step 5: Change how record search results are displayed

If you navigate to the search results page (https://localhost:5000/search) you can see the following:

Search page result list

Let's change the way the title and authors of each result look like. The current search UI application is built with AngularJS and its various components are defined via Angular HTML templates. In our case we'll have to modify the my_site/records/static/templates/records/results.html:

<div ng-repeat="record in vm.invenioSearchResults.hits.hits track by $index">
- <h4><a target="_self" ng-href="/records/{{ }}">{{ record.metadata.title }}</a></h4>
+ <h3><a target="_self" ng-href="/records/{{ }}">{{ record.metadata.title }}</a></h3>
+ <strong>Authors</strong>
  <ul class="list-inline">
      <li ng-repeat='contributor in record.metadata.contributors'>
-       {{ }};
+       <em>{{ }}</em>;
  <hr />

Again, we'll have to run the invenio collect command, since we changes static files:

(my-site) $ invenio collect -v
Collect static from blueprints.
Copied: [my_site_records] '/home/bootcamp/.local/share/virtualenvs/my-site-7Oi5HgLM/var/instance/static/templates/records/results.html'

And now, if we refresh we'll see that our search results display differently:

Invenio page result list with strong and emphasis styles

Step 6: Change the record page

If you actually click on one of the search results you will be redirected to the record's page:

Record details page

To change this view we'll have to modify the Jinja template that renders the page, my_site/records/templates/records/record.html. Let's to something similar to what we did with the search results:

{%- block page_body %}
<div class="container">
- <div class="panel panel-default">
-   <ul class="list-group">
-     {{ record_content(record) }}
-   </ul>
- </div>
+ <strong>Authors</strong>
+ {% for author in record.contributors %}
+ <em>{{ }}</em>;
+ {% endfor %}
{%- endblock %}

If you refresh the record's page you'll see something like this:

Record details page with styles