-[ANNOUNCE] JUG Milano Meeting #159 - Jakarta EE Meets AI
-Ciao a tutti,
-Siamo lieti di annunciare che un nuovo incontro del JUG Milano si terrà in modalità ibrida, Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024.
-Evento ibrido online ed in presenza.
-La partecipazione **in presenza** è gratuita e libera, ma è OBBLIGATORIA la registrazione su:
-[form di registrazione per partecipare a JUG Milano in presenza](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jakarta-ee-meets-ai-tickets-1070816694559?aff=oddtdtcreator)
-Before the main event, there will be a 15m short talk about:
-Title: Java & Skills: a research activities in research@eclipse
-What do you need for open source: soft or hard skills?
-Eclipse Foundation is a partner of SKILLAB, an European project that monitors the demand and supply of skills across the European labor market by leveraging advanced data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning. This approach not only identifies current skill gaps but also anticipates emerging needs, empowering Europe to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving employment landscape.
-In this presentation, we will introduce SKILLAB and explore the importance of soft skills in open-source environments, as well as how open source contributes to the development of hard skills.
-Questo il programma:
-h 18:45 - JUG news e attività in corso
-h 19:00 - "Jakarta EE Meets AI", a cura di Ivar Grimstad
-h ~20:30 - Chiusura lavori, varie ed eventuali
-Iscriviti al canale YouTube di JUG Milano https://www.youtube.com/@JUGMilano/streams e JUG Torino https://www.youtube.com/@JUGTorino/streams e clicca la campanella su YouTube: riceverai notifica direttamente da YouTube quando saremo live!
-Potete trovare maggiori dettagli, direttamente sul nostro sito:
-Vi aspettiamo!
- - JUG Milano staff
-🗓️ Lunedì 11 Novembre 2024
-👉 "Jakarta EE Meets AI" in presenza e YouTube live!
-🙏 presenta Ivar Grimstad
-Hybrid mode:
-🚨 per partecipare in presenza è richiesto questo form:
-Evento ibrido online ed in presenza.
-La partecipazione **in presenza** è gratuita e libera, ma è OBBLIGATORIA la registrazione su:
-[form di registrazione per partecipare a JUG Milano in presenza](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jakarta-ee-meets-ai-tickets-1070816694559?aff=oddtdtcreator)
-Before the main event, there will be a 15m short talk about:
-Title: Java & Skills: a research activities in research@eclipse
-What do you need for open source: soft or hard skills?
-Eclipse Foundation is a partner of SKILLAB, an European project that monitors the demand and supply of skills across the European labor market by leveraging advanced data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning. This approach not only identifies current skill gaps but also anticipates emerging needs, empowering Europe to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving employment landscape.
-In this presentation, we will introduce SKILLAB and explore the importance of soft skills in open-source environments, as well as how open source contributes to the development of hard skills.
-Dettagli: http://www.jugmilano.it/meeting-159.html