language | contributors | filename | |||
ParaSail |
learnparasail.psl |
ParaSail is a work in progress language built for parallel and high integrity software. It has both implicit and explicit parallelism and compiler checked Pre/Post conditions
Not all features mentioned here are fully implemented. See the release notes in the source on the website.
// This is a comment
// 1. Basics
// Functions
func Add(X : Univ_Integer; Y : Univ_Integer) -> Univ_Integer is
return X + Y;
end func Add;
// End of line semi-colons are optional
// +, +=, -, -=, *, *=, /, /=
// all do what you'd expect (/ is integer division)
// If you find Univ_Integer to be too verbose you can import Short_Names
// which defines aliases like Int for Univ_Integer and String for Univ_String
import PSL::Short_Names::*, *
func Greetings() is
const S : String := "Hello, World!"
end func Greetings
// All declarations are 'const', 'var', or 'ref'
// Assignment is :=, equality checks are ==, and != is not equals
func Boolean_Examples(B : Bool) is
const And := B and #true // Parallel execution of operands
const And_Then := B and then #true // Short-Circuit
const Or := B or #false // Parallel execution of operands
const Or_Else := B or else #false // Short-Cirtuit
const Xor := B xor #true
end func Boolean_Examples
// Booleans are a special type of enumeration
// All enumerations are preceded by a sharp '#'
func Fib(N : Int) {N >= 0} -> Int is
if N <= 1 then
return N
// Left and right side of '+' are computed in Parallel here
return Fib(N - 1) + Fib(N - 2)
end if
end func Fib
// '{N >= 0}' is a precondition to this function
// Preconditions are built in to the language and checked by the compiler
// ParaSail does not have mutable global variables
// Instead, use 'var' parameters
func Increment_All(var Nums : Vector<Int>) is
for each Elem of Nums concurrent loop
Elem += 1
end loop
end func Increment_All
// The 'concurrent' keyword in the loop header tells the compiler that
// iterations of the loop can happen in any order.
// It will choose the most optimal number of threads to use.
// Other options are 'forward' and 'reverse'.
func Sum_Of_Squares(N : Int) -> Int is
// The type of Sum is inferred
var Sum := 0
for I in 1 .. N forward loop
Sum += I ** 2 // ** is exponentiation
end loop
end func Sum_Of_Squares
func Sum_Of(N : Int; Map : func (Int) -> Int) -> Int is
return (for I in 1 .. N => <0> + Map(I))
end func Sum_Of
// It has functional aspects as well
// Here, we're taking an (Int) -> Int function as a parameter
// and using the inherently parallel map-reduce.
// Initial value is enclosed with angle brackets
func main(Args : Basic_Array<String>) is
Greetings() // Hello, World!
Println(Fib(5)) // 5
// Container Comprehension
var Vec : Vector<Int> := [for I in 0 .. 10 {I mod 2 == 0} => I ** 2]
// Vec = [0, 4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
// Vec = [1, 5, 17, 37, 65, 101]
// '|' is an overloaded operator.
// It's usually used for concatenation or adding to a container
Println("First: " | Vec[1] | ", Last: " | Vec[Length(Vec)]);
// Vectors are 1 indexed, 0 indexed ZVectors are also available
// Sum of fibs!
Println(Sum_Of(10, Fib))
end func main
// Preceding a type with 'optional' allows it to take the value 'null'
func Divide(A, B, C : Real) -> optional Real is
// Real is the floating point type
const Epsilon := 1.0e-6;
if B in -Epsilon .. Epsilon then
return null
elsif C in -Epsilon .. Epsilon then
return null
return A / B + A / C
end if
end func Divide
// 2. Modules
// Modules are composed of an interface and a class
// ParaSail has object orientation features
// modules can be defined as 'concurrent'
// which allows 'locked' and 'queued' parameters
concurrent interface Locked_Box<Content_Type is Assignable<>> is
// Create a box with the given content
func Create(C : optional Content_Type) -> Locked_Box;
// Put something into the box
func Put(locked var B : Locked_Box; C : Content_Type);
// Get a copy of current content
func Content(locked B : Locked_Box) -> optional Content_Type;
// Remove current content, leaving it null
func Remove(locked var B : Locked_Box) -> optional Content_Type;
// Wait until content is non-null, then return it, leaving it null.
func Get(queued var B : Locked_Box) -> Content_Type;
end interface Locked_Box;
concurrent class Locked_Box is
var Content : optional Content_Type;
func Create(C : optional Content_Type) -> Locked_Box is
return (Content => C);
end func Create;
func Put(locked var B : Locked_Box; C : Content_Type) is
B.Content := C;
end func Put;
func Content(locked B : Locked_Box) -> optional Content_Type is
return B.Content;
end func Content;
func Remove(locked var B : Locked_Box) -> Result : optional Content_Type is
// '<==' is the move operator
// It moves the right operand into the left operand,
// leaving the right null.
Result <== B.Content;
end func Remove;
func Get(queued var B : Locked_Box) -> Result : Content_Type is
queued until B.Content not null then
Result <== B.Content;
end func Get;
end class Locked_Box;
func Use_Box(Seed : Univ_Integer) is
var U_Box : Locked_Box<Univ_Integer> := Create(null);
// The type of 'Ran' can be left out because
// it is inferred from the return type of Random::Start
var Ran := Random::Start(Seed);
Println("Starting 100 pico-threads trying to put something in the box");
Println(" or take something out.");
for I in 1..100 concurrent loop
if I < 30 then
Println("Getting out " | Get(U_Box));
Println("Putting in " | I);
// The first parameter can be moved to the front with a dot
// X.Foo(Y) is equivalent to Foo(X, Y)
end if;
end loop;
Println("And the winner is: " | Remove(U_Box));
Println("And the box is now " | Content(U_Box));
end func Use_Box;
Read the Blog and the website. Feel free to ask for help on the [Google Group]( #!forum/parasail-programming-language)