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Express Middleware Image

This module is an expressejs middleware to create picture thumbnails.

This allow to use http://host/h:800/monfile.jpg instead of http://host/mafile.jpg?heihgt=800

This makes clear and easy to read URLS and some proxy do no cache if URL contains "?". Read more at the bottom of this file


npm install installs imagemagick wrapper, so you need to install imagemagick binaries too.


Brew make things really simple

# brew update
# brew install imagemagick
... wait your beer

You can build from source or ask google.


This is a very basic bootstrap

var express = require('express')
	, emi = require('express-middleware-image')
	, app = express()

	app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
		// check options bellow

http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function () {
	console.log("Express server listening on port " + app.get('port'));


— root (required)

the folder containing source pictures (absolute path)

— cache (required)

this folder stores cache data, if this folder does not exists, it will be created with the first generation

— ttl (default 1 day)

max-age header sent to brower in seconds.

— cacheTTL (default 1 day)

time to serve cached version in seconds. To totally disable cache, use 0.

— allowedExtensions (default ['gif', 'png', 'jpg'])

array of extension allowed. Used in the regexp to check if the request could be handled.

— quality (default 80)

jpeg files compression factor, from 1 (light but ugly) to 100 (max but heavy) This parameter is overwriten if q: url parameter is used. This could be used to define a global default quality value for all request.


Image generation are request url based. All you need is to call this URL:


You can add more keys. Ex: 300px height and a very poor quality:



— h (=height)

Define the Height of the picture, respect the ratio

— w (=width)

Same behaviour as h but set the width

— s (=square)

Create a square picture. This method uses the cutand gravity parameters from imagemagick

— c (=crop)

Crop the picture with w and h parameters. (c:800.100) for a 800px width and 100px height. By default the crop is centered.
You can specify a region with g:value option. Allowed values are: [NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast] (case sensitive)

— q (=qality)

Specify a quality between 0 to 100. Default options is used (80)


  • h:100,w:100 is equivalent to s:100. The square mode is shorter.

  • h:100,w:800 is equivalent to c:800.100. The crop mode is shorter.

  • If you set a value bigger than the source picture is, the source value is kept. For example, if you have 800px width picture and you ask for a 999px picture width, the generated will be 800px width.


If scheme is not respected, a 500 error is produced, with a gently error message dispayed in the browser.


http://localhost:3000/`w:400`/file.jpg => force Width

http://localhost:3000/`h:500`/file.jpg => force Height

http://localhost:3000/`s:600`/file.jpg => square image

http://localhost:3000/`c:600.100`/file.jpg => panoramic picture

http://localhost:3000/`c:600.100:g:South,q:10`/file.jpg => panoramic picture cropped to South region and a vey low quality


If you want to know if the image delivered is cached or not, have a look to X-Hit-Cache header, (1 = cached, 0 = not cached)


Some proxy servers do not cache URL with "?" caracter check out this google developer page