Welcome to my personal dotfiles repository! This repository contains configuration files and scripts that I use to customize and manage my development environment. It's tailored to my workflow but feel free to explore, use, and adapt anything you find useful.
- NvChad Neovim Setup: My custom configuration for Neovim, powered by NvChad, to enhance my coding and text editing experience.
- Tmux Setup: Configurations for Tmux to efficiently manage multiple terminal sessions.
- Zshrc with Zinit: My Zsh setup using Zinit for plugin management and a streamlined command-line experience.
- Terminal Emulators: Configurations for various terminal emulators I use. I mostly stick with alacritty nowadays.
- Miscellaneous Dotfiles and Scripts: Other various settings and scripts for different tools and environments.
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io)" -- init --apply karimkhaleel
These dotfiles are provided as-is, and while I'm happy to share them, I'm not responsible for any issues that might arise from using them. Always backup your current configurations before replacing them with these files.
While this is a personal repository, I'm open to suggestions and contributions! If you have any improvements or fixes, feel free to open a pull request.
This repository is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.