Highlight a feature that will soon be removed
PR has problems or depends on another
Same issue as one already reported
Improvement to an existing feature
Force the CI to run for a PR even if it would normally be skipped
Stop the CI running for a PR (remember: if you break it, you fix it!)
Change from an older branch / repository
Small and simple task for new contributors
System appears to stop operating or freeze
Very urgent issue (resolve quickly)
Critically urgent issue (must be resolved as soon as possible)
Extremely important issue
Issue does not make sense
Urgent issue (resolve before unprioritised issues)
Changes need to be applied to an older branch / repository
Requires input from the Architecture Committee
Needs a document explaining the design
Needs a formal design review of the approach
Needs some new or updated documentation
Changes need to be applied to a newer branch / repository
Request for extra help (technical, resource, etc)
Needs new system/integration tests to validate behaviour in the tests repository
Blocked until user or author provides further details
New label required to categorise this issue