- Fix version number in Alfred #31
- Fix for when Giphy doesn't return a thumbnail rendition #30
- Add an option to open the Giphy search in the browser #25
- Remove quicklook since Alfred has it built-in #26
- Don't show the preview on copying the actual GIF
- Set the number of gifs using
- Update Giphy API key
- Fix Giphy API usage by switching to https
- Don't require Swift to be installed
- New feature: direct copying of GIFs!
- Screwed up the last release!
- Switched to Rust
- Non-working copying of actual GIF to the clipboard
- Giphy URL copying
- Fix gif copying
- Fix gif previewing
- Copy the gif itself with cmd as the action modifier.
- Don't download already downloaded thumbnails.
- Fixed copying giphy link to the clipboard.
- Initial release: search Giphy for GIFs.