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Complexities : Time O(N2 ) | Space O(N)
The algorithm swaps the smallest the most front, and then swaps the next smallest and the second most front, and so on.
Most primitive sorting algorithm, easy to implement but inefficient.
Complexities : Time O(N2 ) | Space O(N)
Best Time Complexity : O(N)
The algorithm checks the element one by one and inserts each point to its appropriate index.
While running, the sorted subarray at the front is always sorted.
If the given array is almost sorted already, then it acts as almost O(N).
Complexities : Time O(N log N) | Space O(N)
One of the most commonly used sorting algorithm.
The algorithm sets up a pivot point and swaps the locations of bigger and smaller elements compared to the pivot element.
There are multiple ways of paritioning methods, the most commonly used is the 'hoare partition'.
Complexities : Time O(N + K) | Space O(N + K)
Complexities : Time O(N log N) | Space O(N)
Complexities : Time O(DN) | Space O(N) where D is the # of digits of the largest number
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