1.0.0-alpha3 (2021-06-30)
Merged pull requests:
1.0.0-alpha2 (2021-03-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha2. #67 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-109: Use 8.9.13 minimum on drupal-core-require-dev. #64 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-727: Fixing RDF Skos storage level caching. #63 (upchuk)
1.0.0-alpha1 (2021-02-03)
Refer to the Readme for update instructions.
Merged pull requests:
- Prepare release 1.0.0-alpha1. #62 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-568: Provide empty config. #60 (sergepavle)
- EWPP-516: Update docker images. #58 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3048: Use the sparql_entity_storage module. #49 (imanoleguskiza)
0.11.0 (2020-10-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.11.0: Prepare changelog for release. #57 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-280: Allowing the mapping of multiple fields to 1 predicate. #56 (upchuk)
- EWPP-298: Concept subscheme selection is enforced #55 (brummbar)
- EWPP-212: Take into account concepts without inScheme property. #54 (imanoleguskiza)
0.10.0 (2020-08-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.10.0: Update changelog. #53 (imanoleguskiza)
- EWPP-176: Add ordering options for select widget #52 (imanoleguskiza)
0.9.0 (2020-08-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-0.9.0: Update changelog. #51 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3409: Pluggable subsets of concepts #50 (upchuk)
0.8.0 (2020-06-15)
Merged pull requests:
- RELEASE-0.8.0: Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.8.0. #48 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-3216: Remove drupal-coder version. #47 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3044: Add SkosGraphSetup service. #46 (drishu)
- OPENEUROPA-3158: Skos concept reference item list class. #45 (upchuk)
0.7.0 (2020-05-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-0.7.0: Update changelog. #44 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3040: [rdf_skos] Create a SKOS reference fields select widget. #42 (sergepavle)
0.6.0 (2020-04-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Update changelog for release 0.6.0. #43 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2965: Allowing graph results to be altered when loading RDF Skos entities #41 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2943: Update composer.json file. #40 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-0000: Use drupal/core instead of drupal/core-recommended. #39 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2943: Upgrade to PHP 7.3. #38 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2604: Drupal 8 recommended project. #37 (upchuk)
0.5.0 (2019-11-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-0.5.0: Update changelog. #35 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-2402: Fixing storage translation handling. #34 (upchuk)
0.4.0 (2019-11-21)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-0000: Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.4.0. #33 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2402: Making the Skos entities translatable. #32 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-2258: Undo use of PHP 7.2. #31 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-2464: Use PHP 7.1 in docker-compose. #30 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-2258: Use PHP 7.2 in drone and docker image. #27 (dxvargas)
0.3.2 (2019-10-17)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-0000: Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.3.2. #29 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2285: Add schema for field formatter. #28 (nagyad)
0.3.1 (2019-08-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.3.1. #25 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-0000: Remove unneeded field_group dependency. #24 (brummbar)
0.3.0 (2019-06-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.3.0. #22 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-1897: Use ci image. #21 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1782: Minor bug fix on the Skos concept filter plugin. #20 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1782: Ensure that the RDF SKOS entity reference target ID can be used in Views in a many-to-one filter #17 (upchuk)
0.2.1 (2019-05-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-0.2.1: Create release 0.2.1. #19 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1890: Fixing RDF Skos config schema. #18 (upchuk)
0.2.0 (2019-05-07)
Merged pull requests:
0.1.0 (2019-04-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 0.1.0. #14 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-1659 #13 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1690: Moving the even name constant. #12 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1690: Minor fix that allows Skos data with multiple type fields. #11 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1690: Extensibility points for the Skos entities #10 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1549: Fixing easyrdf version. #8 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1549: Locking the RDF Entity version. #7 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1533: Add --strict flag for Behat tests executions. #6 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1522: Make sure we don't use Drupal paths in Behat scenarios. #5 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1384: Fixing field base route bug. #4 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1384: Changing module namespace. #3 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1295: Make OE Content use RDF SKOS instead of RDF taxonomy #2 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-1248: Create SKOS entity type using the RDF storage #1 (upchuk)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator