A collection of classes for taking screenshots of Radiance for documentation purposes.
Screenshot depends on:
- JGoodies FormLayout for layouts
- Kotlin coroutines for driving the screenshot scenarios
Run the following commands to build and collect all Screenshot runtime components:
./gradlew copyJars
./gradlew getToolsDependencies
At this point, the main Screenshot jar will be in drop/VERSION/tools
. Radiance dependencies will be in drop/VERSION/core
. Third-party dependencies will be in build/libs-tools
Screenshot scripts are in scripts/screenshot
folder. The structure of each script is:
- Set up the version of Java to use
- Set up the classpath with all runtime dependencies
- Run Screenshot command for each skin / color scheme
For example, to run Screenshot to create screenshots for all Radiance core skins:
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 16`
alias JAVA="java"
JAVA -cp $CLASSPATH org.pushingpixels.radiance.tools.screenshot.RobotMain org.pushingpixels.radiance.tools.screenshot.theming.skins.All ../../docs/images/