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Quick start

Kislay Verma edited this page Jul 3, 2016 · 4 revisions

Set up Rulette database

  • Execute the setup.sql script on your MySQL server. This creates a database called rule_system and creates the necessary tables in it.
  • Create a table containing your rules.
  • Map this table in the rule_system.rule_system table as shown in the sample-setup.sql script.
  • For each rule input, add a row to the rule_system.rule_input table with the input's type (Value/Range), data type and priority order.

Get rulette-core

Put rulette-core in your Java application's class path.

If you use maven, you can add the following dependency.

<dependency> <groupId>com.github.kislayverma.rulette</groupId> <artifactId>rulette-core</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> <scope>compile</scope> </dependency>

Let Rulette connect to you DB configuration

Rulette is instantiated by pointing it to a properties file containing the DB credentials to use to connect to the database so that it can read the rule system configuration and the rules. If a file is not provided, it looks for a file name "" on the classpath.

RuleSystem rs = new RuleSystem("dummy-rule-system-name", "dbproperties file path")

That's it! Rulette is all set up and ready to use. Now you play around by calling the different APIs listed on the API page.

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