Machine Learning-based Prediction of Infarct Size in Patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Multi-center Study
- The missing values (<1%) were imputed by the mice package in R.
- Standardization of numerical variables were conducted.
- Consider 3 combinations for all models: 56 clinical features, 26 features selected by XGBoost (feature importance greater than average value), and the top10 important feautures by XGBoost.
- Applied 5-fold cross validation.
- We built a total of five ML models: random forest, light gradient boosting decision machine (LightGBM), deep forest, deep neural network, and stacking model.
- Metrics used: MAE,
$R^2$ ,$\epsilon$ -Accuracy
- Functions for feature selection based on XGBoost F-score
- A python script that define all the regressors
- Functions for choosing scoring and evaluating metrics
- Helper functions for building stacking ensemble model
- A function to train specific type of regressor on different training feautures
- Helper functions to display evaluation metric or visualize the prediction result
- Functions to calculate AUC and show result in binary classification case
- trained_models: Folder contains trained Random Forest regressors