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Launch API requests used and tips for use

The collection [Tag property for Target tutorial using APIs.postman_collection.json](Tag property for Target tutorial using APIs.postman_collection.json) is made up of 6 groupings of requests. Each collection folder represents a grouping of typical actions that might need to be performed when creating different items within a tag property. These groupings include:

Header Variables

All requests in this collection use the same headers for authentication and use the values specified from the Postman environment.

Authorization:bearer {{access_token}}

Collection Variables

Collection variables are used to keep auto-generated values in scope of this collection. You will notice throughout the pre-request scripts and tests that these two methods are used to set/get the collection variables:

//setter and getter
pm.collectionVariables.set("variable_key", "variable_value");

//Itergate over all collection variables
var varObject = pm.collectionVariables.toObject()
for (var key in varObject){

Folders in the Postman Collection

Adobe IO Token

This folder generates an access_token to use for all subsequent requests. Alternatively this access key could be created by uploading the private.key to the Adobe IO project under the JWT credentials tab. The access_token is stored as a collection variable.

Create Property

This folder creates the bare minimum of a tag property. Most of this folder is boilerplate objects for a property.


When you create a property using the API, it will be completely empty except for the core extension.


POST {{HOST}}/companies/{{companyID}}/properties

Required input vars: HOST, companyID

Saved vars after request: propID

Sample Body: See the Properties API

If you would like the tag to have a specific name, you will need to update the propName variable. This is set on the Create Property (READONLY) folder in the pre-request Script:

pm.variables.set("propName","AEM and Adobe Target tutorial");

This variable is then used in the body of the Create/Save Property Post request:

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "name": "{{propName}} {{PROPERTY_UID}}",
      "domains": [
      "platform": "web"
    "type": "properties"

Note: {{PROPERTY_COUNT}} is a simple counter to force a creation of a new property each time this request is run. See the Create/Save Property pre-request Script to see how it's implemented.



POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/hosts

Required input vars: HOST, propID

Saved vars after request: hostID

Sample Body: See the Hosts API


You can have 0 to many environments for a tag property. The bare minimum to publish your tag is 2: development and production.


POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/environments

Required input vars: HOST, propID

Saved vars after request: envID_<name>

Sample Body: See the Environments API

Add Extensions

The core extension is the only extension that is created with the property. This means you need to add any other extensions you want to use. In order to do this though, you will need to know that extensions extension package ID.

Extension Packages

The Get Extension Packages request returns all installable packages and the Tests of the request saves the desired extension package IDs. If you are unsure what the in Tests you can run the request first and search for the desired extension to get the correct name to save.


GET {{HOST}}/extension_packages?page[size]=999&sort=display_name&filter[platform]=EQ%20web,EQ%20null&max_availability=private

Required input vars: HOST

Saved vars after request: desired extID variables

Sample Body: See the Extension Packages API


Golden rule: The easiest way to create a request is to create it first in the UI and then do a GET request (see [Helper Requests.postman_collection.json](Helper Requests.postman_collection.json)) to see the delegate_descriptor_id and settings values.


POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/extensions

Required input vars: HOST, propID, related EXT_PACKAGE_ID variables

Saved vars after request: extID_<name>

Sample Body: See the Extensions API

Add Data Elements

Golden rule: The easiest way to create a request is to create it first in the UI and then do a GET request (see [Helper Requests.postman_collection.json](Helper Requests.postman_collection.json)) to see the delegate_descriptor_id and settings values.


POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/data_elements

Required input vars: HOST, propID, related extID variables

Saved vars after request: dataElementID_<name>

Sample Body: See the Data Elements API

Escaping custom scripts

If you follow the golden rule, you might end up with a settings like

"settings": "{\"source\":\"if(event \&\& {\\n    return;\\n}\"}"

and you'll notice that it isn't valid JSON. To fix this, simply double escape the & symbol.

"settings": "{\"source\":\"if(event \\&\\& {\\n    return;\\n}\"}"

Add Rule - Target

Golden rule: The easiest way to create a request is to create it first in the UI and then do a GET request (see [Helper Requests.postman_collection.json](Helper Requests.postman_collection.json)) to see the delegate_descriptor_id and settings values.

A rule object is composed of 0 to many rule component objects. This means that after you create the rule object, you will need to create (and order) rule components to be related to the rule object. The Rule - Target request saves the ruleID so that the rule components can be related to the rule object.


POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/rules

Required input vars: HOST, propID

Saved vars after request:ruleID_Target

Sample Body: See the Rule API

Rule Components

Rule components require a relationship to a ruleID and also the extensionID that the rule component is based on. The Events, Conditions, and Actions will occur based on the order value.


POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/rule_components

Required input vars: HOST, propID, ruleID_Target, related extID variables

Saved vars after request: none

Sample Body: See the Rule Components API

Publish Library

The first request in this folder is by far the most complex of all the requests in this collection. The Create Library request dynamically builds the body to include all data elements, rules, and extensions in the create library request. This cuts down on a number of requests to add all objects to the library for publishing. The pre-request Script contains all the logic for dynamically building the body:

var data_data_elements = [];
var data_rules = [];
var data_extensions = [];
// envVariables = pm.environment.toObject();
envVariables = pm.collectionVariables.toObject();

//Find all data elements, rules, and extensions in this property so they can be added to the Library
for (var key in envVariables){
                var dEObj_data = new Object();
       = envVariables[key];
                dEObj_data.type = "data_elements";
                dEObj_data.meta = {};
                dEObj_data.meta.action = "revise";
                var ruleObj_data = new Object();
       = envVariables[key];
                ruleObj_data.type = "rules";
                ruleObj_data.meta = {};
                ruleObj_data.meta.action = "revise";
                var extObj_data = new Object();
       = envVariables[key];
                extObj_data.type = "extensions";
                extObj_data.meta = {};
                extObj_data.meta.action = "revise";
//If there are data elements, create a JSON entry for them
var data_elementsObj = "";
if(data_data_elements.length != 0){
    data_elementsObj = `"data_elements": {
          "data": [`
//If there are rules, create a JSON entry for them
var rulesObj = "";
if(data_rules.length != 0){
    rulesObj = `"rules": {
          "data": [`
//If there are extensions, create a JSON entry for them
var extensionsObj = "";
if(data_extensions.length != 0){
    extensionsObj = `"extensions": {
          "data": [`
pm.globals.set("data_data_elements", data_elementsObj);
pm.globals.set("data_rules", rulesObj);
pm.globals.set("data_extensions", extensionsObj);


This request chain follows the simplest path to publishing a tag into production. These steps are documented in the Library Transitions API

  1. Create the Library
POST {{HOST}}/properties/{{propID}}/libraries
  1. Build the library into the dev environment
POST {{HOST}}/libraries/{{libraryID}}/builds
  1. Submit the library
PATCH {{HOST}}/libraries/{{libraryID}}
  1. Approve the library
PATCH {{HOST}}/libraries/{{libraryID}}
  1. Move the library to production
POST {{HOST}}/libraries/{{libraryID}}/relationships/environment
  1. Publish the library
POST {{HOST}}/libraries/{{libraryID}}/builds

Required input vars: HOST, propID, libraryID, related envID variables, all dataElementIDs, ruleIDs, and extensionIDs

Saved vars after request: none

Sample Body: See the Library API