- Verify foreign key integrity before saving data
- Add Salad.Model.getForeignKeys()
- Fix bug in count that was caused when an order statement was included in the options
Update to latest sequelize version
You might have to add through: null to some of the sequelize associations. Since this might break some installations, this is marked as Version 0.5.0
- Remove the domains for requests that handled uncaught exceptions
- Greatly improved eager-loaded support. You can now specify exactly which models you want to eagerLoad. It also supports eager-loaded many models of the same type.
- Introduced (possibly) backwards-compatibility-breaking change: Make sure, that
all your Sequelize model definitions also specify an
as: "Model"
alias definition.
- Model.build() is able to initialize eagerly loaded associations
- Added possibility to search array fields for values in the controller
- Added Salad.Model.inspect() for console output
- Fixed a pagination mixin bug
- Added Model.increment() and Model.decrement() to increment or decrement fields of a model without concurrency issues.
- Added useful middleware for more detailed logging
- Dispatch request logging
- App.Logger.error now actually gets logged
- Better error handling for requests using nodejs domains
- Added ability to filter models in the request by adding ?where, ?sort and ?includes GET parameters
- Salad.Model hasAttribute method added
- [BUG] Load cakefile util class
- Common Cakefile helpers
- Handlebars partials are re-registered when they changed
- Salad.Validator can be used on the client-side
- Registered salad as bower package to ship client-assets
- Improved serialization of models when passed to handlebars
- Added validation method implementations and validate in the controllers
- Models can define default values of their attributes
- [BUG] Fixed ordering with newest sequelize version
- [BUG] Renamed @resource() to @resourceClass() to prevent name clashes
- [FEATURE] Error handler logs errors
- [BUG] Fixed serialization of data for templates
- [FEATURE] ability to register handlebar helpers
- [BUG] Fixed name of the key of eager-loaded associations