Too Hidden
Points: 150
I just found some suspicious traffic in my system. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I hope that it is harmless…
Author: Odin
There were some ARP
packets (address resolution protocol) and a lot of ICMP
quick searches for "ICMP ctf" gave a lot of possible vulnerabilities with ICMP, like ICMP tunnelling etc. More
they basically contain very little data and only in the last byte somewhere
if you went through the packets you could see the were changing very little, and the data was only taking 3-4 different values
we can extract the values with tshark
tshark -Y "icmp.ident == 0 && icmp.type == 8" -T fields -e -r chall.pcapng | awk '{printf "%s", $1}' | xxd -r -p | xxd -r -p
this one liner was from an article, sadly i can't find it right now. Anyway all it is doing is taking those data bytes from the packets and converting them to ascii
Now the challenge name was 'Too Hidden', the "Too" and the "2" clicked something and made
me think of morse with 2 as the word delimiter. also to confirm, FEE
would be W
converting to morse gives
.-- .-- ..-. .... --- .-.. -.-- ..--.- ... .... . . . . - ..--.- -.-- --- ..- ..--.- -.-. .- -. ..--.- ..-. .. -. -.. ..--.- -- . ..--.- ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--.. ..--..
which decodes to WWF{HOLY_SHEEEET_YOU_CAN_FIND_ME_??????????}