Points: 50
It looks like skat finally remembered to use his password manager! One small problem though, he forgot his password to the password manager!
Can you help him log back in so he can get back to his favorite RF forums?
Author: User9684
We are given main.go
which once you read carefully tells us that
it takes the path to a file from the URL and serves the file in that location
from the file system. We also know that the users.json
is just outside the
folder that the server looks in, so if we were to pass something like ../users.json
we would essentially solve the challenge
Initially however I noticed that we were given the URL and passwd to the MySQL db they were using and had the stupid idea that maybe I could connect to it from my laptop. This would obviously not work since they were using a properly configured web server, however the command I used for this is below
mysql -u readonly_user -p -h https://password-manager-web.chal.irisc.tf -P
3306 uwu
We are also given this nice hint in the code
// You. Shall. Not. Path traverse!
However it is not so simple.
var PathReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
"../", "",
path := PathReplacer.Replace(r.URL.Path)
The entire point of this section is to remove "../" from your URL, making your job harder.
Now at this point I had a brain fart. I was thinking if I pass %2e%2e%2f
(the URL encoding for ../
) I could bypass the check, however this would obviously not work
because the URL encoding/decoding is happening by the browser itself, nothing to do with the server. And
even if it was, after decoding its still going to be removed by the server.
I didn't have this clarity then, so I just kept sinking further. I found a tool called dotdotpwn that was supposed to be for finding path traversal vulnerabilities. But, as always, setup issues.
Finally a while later @harshkhandeparker came online and solved it
with a crafted payload that would simplify to ../
after the check.
Later I saw a writeup that said they simply did ....//users.json
and that worked too