The following is based on my experience in trying to follow the instructions at and ultimately made concise for you. I take no responsibility for any damage or distress you might cause yourself or others while following this document.
Make sure you are using a fresh clean installation of Ubuntu 14.04 server 32 or 64 bit version. It will come preinstalled with a LAMP stack which is what we want as a base.
Log into your server as root and do the following
cd /root
First update you apt repository
apt-get update
The Apache part is garbage for us and we are going to use something else to manage it. So let’s get rid of Apache.
apt-get remove --purge apache*
Install nano as we are going to need it.
apt-get install nano
We are going to use Vesta CP a free control panel to setup the web server.
Now run it
This wil take about 15 minutes, when it is done at the bottom will be an address similar to, a user name, and a temporary password. We can start by going to the address given, logging in and I suggest changing the password. Change nothing else!
Become admin
su admin
Now goto the following as it is where your Technic Solder will live. Whenever I say hit tab key, that what I want you to do, actually hit it and then keep typing the other stuff.
cd ~/web/hit tab key/public_html
Next we have to get Composer by using *whenever you use sudo it’ll ask for the current users password.
sudo wget
Now you have to install composer by doing
sudo php installer
Now we need to update the composer
sudo php composer.phar self-update
With that out of the we will use git to get a copy of the official Technic Solder structure and support files.
git clone
Now enter the Technic Solder directory
cd TechnicSolder
This part used to be different and if you follow the Getting Started guide it’ll really mess you up. We need to edit the TechnicSolder config files first. So go to that folder now with
cd app
The config directory is not yet set up. Thankfully there is an example config directory that we will copy
cp -r config-sample config
Great job so far! Now do
cd config
This comes from the initial configuration at the bottom the file at Getting Started, first we need to edit the solder.php file
nano solder.php
Find the line that has and change it to your actual path of the for facing directory and change mirror_url to the name of your webserver
'repo_location' => '/home/admin/web/your.domain.tld/public_html/TechnicSolder/public/', /** * Mirror Location * * This is where the launcher will be told to search for your files. If your * repo location is already a URL you can use the same location here. * **/ 'mirror_url' => 'http://your.domain.tld/',
Now you want to save these changes
ctrl+X, Y, enter
Next we need to edit app.php
nano app.php
Find the line that says ‘url’ and change it’s value to the same value you used for ‘mirror_url’ on the previous instruction
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application URL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using | the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of | your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks. | */ 'url' => 'http://your.domain.tld/TechnicSolder/public',
Save it
ctrl+X, Y, enter
Go back to the TechnicSolder folder
cd ../..
Finally we get to install TechnicSolder, seriously. Yeah. Run the following twice, it trips out on the first run, so running it again makes everything happy.
#run this twice! sudo php ../composer.phar install --no-dev --no-interaction
We are not done, but we are very close! This part will set up the tables. Please do both commands in sequence. The first command may kick back with blocks of red hilited words, ignore it and its output if it happens.
php artisan migrate::install; php artisan migrate
Answer yes when asked
We are going to set the owners and permissions, please do both commands.
cd .. sudo chown -R admin:admin .
Let’s make some symbolic links in the /home/admin folder that will make our lives easier when we next join the server. Where I say hit tab key, hit the tab key
cd ~ mkdir web/hit tab key/public_html/TechnicSolder/public/mods mkdir web/hit tab key/public_html/TechnicSolder/public/temp ln -s web/hit tab key/public_html/TechnicSolder/public/mods solder ln -s web/hit tab key/public_html/TechnicSolder/public/temp temp
Congratulations! You now have Technic Solder installed on your server. Now go to http://your.domain.tld/Technic/public/ in your browser and use the following credentials. Make sure to create a new admin user with a non-admin name and to delete the existing admin account. Then log back in with the new one.
user: [email protected] pass: admin
Note: At this point you can resume following instructions elsewhere, however, if you do life will suck for you as the maintainer! The reason is that Technic Solder has no web interface for inputting a mod. In other words, the web interface will not download a mod. You have to either download the mod to your computer and then upload it the server in to the correct directory under /var/www/html/TechnicSolder/public/mods and it must be uploaded as a zip and further the zip must contain a very explicit internal directory structure. You might be thinking, “Jesus Christ!” while you bash your head against your desk.
See: Additional Instructions (Scripts aka Call so-and-so for a great time!)