Gaston Sanchez
- Forget about vectorized code (pretend it doesn't exist)
- Practice writing simple loops
- Get familiar with the syntax of a
loop- Get familiar with the syntax of a
loop- Get familiar with the syntax of a
loop- Encapsulate loops inside a function call
The majority of functions that work with vectors are vectorized. Remember that vectorized operations are calculations that are applied to all the elements in a vector (element-wise operations).
In order to learn about loops and iterations, it's good to forget about vectorized operations in R. This means that you will be asked to write code, using some sort of loop structure, to perform tasks for which there is already a vectorized implementation. For example, in this lab you will have to write code with various types of loops to calculate the mean of a numeric vector. This can easily be done using the function mean()
. But we don't want you to use mean()
. We want you to think about control-flow structures, which are essential in any programming activity.
Let's start with a super simple example. Consider a vector vec <- c(3, 1, 4)
. And suppose you want to add 1 to every element of vec
. You know that this can easily be achieved using vectorized code:
vec <- c(3, 1, 4)
vec + 1
## [1] 4 2 5
In order to learn about loops, I'm going to ask you to forget about the notion of vectorized code in R. That is, pretend that R does not have vectorized functions.
Think about what you would manually need to do in order to add 1 to the elements in vec
. This addition would involve taking the first element in vec
and add 1, then taking the second element in vec
and add 1, and finally the third element in vec
and add 1, something like this:
vec[1] + 1
vec[2] + 1
vec[3] + 1
The code above does the job. From a purely arithmetic standpoint, the three lines of code reflect the operation that you would need to carry out to add 1 to all the elements in vec
From a programming point of view, you are performing the same type of operation three times: selecting an element in vec
and adding 1 to it. But there's a lot of (unnecessary) repetition.
This is where loops come very handy. Here's how to use a for ()
loop to add 1 to each element in vec
vec <- c(3, 1, 4)
for (j in 1:3) {
print(vec[j] + 1)
## [1] 4
## [1] 2
## [1] 5
In the code above we are taking each vec
element vec[j]
, adding 1 to it, and printing the outcome with print()
so you can visualize the additions at each iteration of the loop.
Your turn: rewrite the for
loop in order to triple every element in vec
, and printing the output at each step of the loop:
vec <- c(3, 1, 4) # Change this value!
for (j in c()) { # Replace c() with an appropriate sequence.
# Fill in.
What if you want to create a vector vec2
, in which you store the values produced at each iteration of the loop? Here's one possibility:
vec <- c(3, 1, 4) # Change this value!
vec2 <- rep(0, length(vec)) # "empty" of zeros vector to be filled in the loop
for (i in c()) {# Replace c() with an appropriate sequence.
# Fill in.
Write a for loop to compute the following two series. Your loop should start at step k = 0 and stop at step n. Test your code with different values for n. And store each k-th term at each iteration. Does the series converge as n increase?
Write a for loop to compute the following arithmetic series an = a1 + (n − 1)d when a1 = 3, and d = 3. For instance: 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 + ….
an = a1 + (n − 1)d
Test your code with different values for n. And store each n-th term at each iteration. Does the series converge as n increase?
A sequence such as 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 is an example of a geometric sequence. In this type of sequence, the n-th term is obtained as:
an = a1 × rn − 1
where: a1 is the first term, r is the common ratio, and n is the number of terms.
Write a for loop to compute the sum of the first n terms of: 3 + 6 + 12 + 24 + …. Test your code with different values for n. Does the series converge as n increase?
Consider the following series that is used to approximate the function sin(x):
Write a for
loop to approximate sin(x). Try different number of terms, n = 5, 10, 50, 100. Compare your loop with the sin()
# Your for loop
Consider the following matrix A
A <- matrix(1:20, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 1 6 11 16
## [2,] 2 7 12 17
## [3,] 3 8 13 18
## [4,] 4 9 14 19
## [5,] 5 10 15 20
Say we want to add 1 to all elements in row 1, add 2 to all elements in row 2, add 3 to all elements in row 3, and so on. To do this without using vectorized coe, you need to work with two for()
loops. One loop will control how you traverse the matrix by rows, the other loop will control how you traverse the matrix by columns. Here's how:
# empty matrix B
B <- matrix(NA, nrow = 5, ncol = 4)
# for loop to get matrix B
for (i in 1:nrow(A)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(A)) {
B[i,j] <- A[i,j] + i
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 2 7 12 17
## [2,] 4 9 14 19
## [3,] 6 11 16 21
## [4,] 8 13 18 23
## [5,] 10 15 20 25
Consider the following matrix X
X <- matrix(rnorm(12), nrow = 4, ncol = 3)
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] -0.56047565 0.1292877 -0.6868529
## [2,] -0.23017749 1.7150650 -0.4456620
## [3,] 1.55870831 0.4609162 1.2240818
## [4,] 0.07050839 -1.2650612 0.3598138
Write code in R, using loops, to get a matrix Y
such that the negative numbers in A
are transformed into squared values, while the positive numbers in A
are transformed into square root values
# for loops to get Y
The following examples involve dividing a number by 2 until it becomes odd.
# Divide a number by 2 until it becomes odd.
val_rep <- 898128000 # Change this value!
repeat {
if (val_rep %% 2 == 1) { # If val_rep is odd,
break # end the loop.
val_rep <- val_rep / 2 # Divide val_rep by 2 since val_rep was even.
# When the end of the loop is reached, return to the beginning of the loop.
## [1] 898128000
## [1] 449064000
## [1] 224532000
## [1] 112266000
## [1] 56133000
## [1] 28066500
## [1] 14033250
## [1] 7016625
# Divide a number by 2 until it becomes odd.
val_while <- 898128000 # Change this value!
while (val_while %% 2 == 0) { # Continue the loop as long as val_while is even.
val_while <- val_while / 2
## [1] 898128000
## [1] 449064000
## [1] 224532000
## [1] 112266000
## [1] 56133000
## [1] 28066500
## [1] 14033250
## [1] 7016625
Now generalize the above code to create a function reduce()
which performs the same operation. (You should change very little.)
# your reduce() function
reduce <- function(x) {
# Fill in.
The average of n numbers x1, x2, …, xn is given by the following formula:
Write R code, using each type of loop (e.g. for
, while
, repeat
) to implement the arithmetic mean of the vector x = 1:100
The sample standard deviation of a list of n numbers x1, x2, …, xn is given by the following formula:
Write R code, using each type of loop (e.g. for
, while
, repeat
) to implement the sample standard deviation of the vector x = 1:100
The geometric mean of n numbers x1, x2, …, xn is given by the following formula:
Write R code, using each type of loop (e.g. for
, while
, repeat
) to implement the geometric mean of the vector x = 1:50
The following code generates a random matrix distances
with arbitrary distance values among letters in English:
# random distance matrix
num_letters <- length(LETTERS)
values <-
distances <- values %*% t(values)
diag(distances) <- 0
dimnames(distances) <- list(LETTERS, LETTERS)
The first 5 rows and columns of distances
distances[1:5, 1:5]
## A B C D E
## A 0 160 80 168 184
## B 160 0 200 420 460
## C 80 200 0 210 230
## D 168 420 210 0 483
## E 184 460 230 483 0
Consider the following character vector vec <- c('E', 'D', 'A')
. The idea is to use the values in matrix distances
to compute the total distance between the letters: that is from E
to D
, and then from D
to A
# (E to D) + (D to A)
483 + 168
## [1] 651
Hence, you can say that the word 'E' 'D' 'A'
has a value of 651.
Your Turn: Write a function get_dist()
that takes two inputs:
= the matrix of distance among letters.ltrs
= a character vector of upper case letters.
The function must return a numeric value with the total distance. Also, include a stopping condition---via stop()
---for when a value in ltrs
does not match any capital letter. The error message should be "Unrecognized character"
Here's an example of how you should be able to invoke get_dist()
vec <- c('E', 'D', 'A')
get_dist(distances, vec)
And here's an example that should raise an error:
err <- c('E', 'D', ')')
get_dist(distances, err)
Test your function with the following character vectors:
cal <- c('C', 'A', 'L')
stats <- c('S', 'T', 'A', 'T', 'S')
oski <- c('O', 'S', 'K', 'I')
zzz <- rep('Z', 3)
lets <- LETTERS
- a vector
with letters for your first name, e.g.c('G', 'A', 'S', 'T', 'O', 'N')
- a vector
for your last name, e.g.c('S', 'A', 'N', 'C', 'H', 'E', 'Z')
Your turn: Assuming that you already created the objects listed above, now create an R list strings
like this:
# use your own 'first' and 'last' objects
strings <- list(
cal = cal,
stats = stats,
oski = oski,
zzz = zzz,
lets = lets,
first = first,
last = last
Write a for()
loop to iterate over the elements in strings
, and compute their distances. At each iteration, store the calculated distances in a list called strings_dists
; this list should have the same names as strings
How does your list strings_dists
look like?