As far a I know, you cannot follow "organization's" sites - only people's sites,
so I've made a short list of imho interesting ones...
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- 30 seconds (of code, css, interviews, react)
- Adobe:, brackets, repo, helix, etc.
- Algorithm Visualizer
- All Algorithms
- The Algorithms
- Amadev - kody źródłowe gier pokazywanych na kanale YT: Amadev
- Arch Lisp
- ASC - Altkom Software & Cnsulting
- Docker
- Electron - css for desktop apps
- EmacsMirror
- Engineer Man - GitHub site of this YT channel
- Exercism - various languages coding exercises
- Facebook (FB): flux, graphql, react, etc.
- FontAwesome site
- FortAwesome - eg. fontawesome repo
- Google - open source projects
- Google - open source projects - strona www
- Google suite
- GraphQL
- Home-assistant - open source home automation
- Hyperskill - e.g.JetBrains Academy
- IPFS - A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol
- JetBrains: Intellij, JetBrains, Kotlin, PyCharm, etc.
- Julia Language - for numerical computing
- KasperskyLab - computer security company
- LogTalk - declarative object-oriented logic (aka object-oriented prolog)
- LogTalk actions - part of LogTalk (object oriented prolog) project
- Magit - Git inside Emacs
- MatPlotLib - Python Graph Plotting Library
- Microsoft (MS): dotnet, TypeSript, VSCode, etc.
- Mozilla Services
- MyPaint - great painting program MyPaint
- NSA - US National Security Agency, eg. ghidra disassembler for software analysis
- NumCL - NumPy for Common Lisp
- Open Knowledge International
- OSGeo - Open Source Geospatial Foundation
- Packt Publishing - book's source code etc.
- - open books on
- PyPa - python packaging authority
- Python
- R Lib - R Infrastructure
- R Studio
- RealPython
- Reason CMS - content management system for higher education organizations
- Ruby
- SBCL - Steel Bank Common Lisp
- SharpLispers - people who mantain abandoned Common Lisp packages
- - badges for your *.md files
- SpringFox - automated JSON API documentation for API's built with Spring
- StarUML - UML editor
- Swagger
- SWI Prolog
- Swirl (R package) Development team
- Tidyverse - collection of R packages designed to work together seamlessly
- Trend Micro Frontend - many react templates and components
- Twitter: algebird, anomaly detection with R, emoji,, twitter-text, etc.
- WhatWG - web standards - dom, encoding, html5, url, etc
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