Releases: kubeflow/trainer
Releases · kubeflow/trainer
v1.5.0 release
New Features
- Add clientset for MPIJob, PytorchJob, MXJob, and XGBoostJob #1610 (tenzen-y)
- Add all generation tools to Makefile #1609 (johnugeorge)
- Adding MPI python sdk #1608 (johnugeorge)
- Adding XGboost Python sdk #1607 (johnugeorge)
- Generating MPI python sdk #1606 (johnugeorge)
- Update k8s dependencies to v0.24.1 #1604 (johnugeorge)
- Migrate test framework to GHA #1603 (johnugeorge)
- Add mpi in #1600 (ggaaooppeenngg)
- MXNet SDK with Status check fix #1618 (johnugeorge)
Bug Fixes
- fix: MPIJob worker still running when NotEnoughResources #1621 (hackerboy01)
- fix comments for pytorch-controller #1620 (hackerboy01)
- fix: requeue when expire time is not up yet #1614 (Garrybest)
- Look for fully-qualified job role label in Python sdk #1588 (person142)
- fix torch env typo #1573 (kuizhiqing)
- Restart job on failure for Always,OnFailure Policy #1572 (georgkaleido)
- Increase success threshold #1568 (haoxins)
- update status.startTime for pytorchjob and xgboostjob #1567 (cheimu)
- fix: add mpijobs to kubeflow training role #1565 (henrysecond1)
- fix Pytorjob status inaccuracy when task replica scale down #1593 (PeterChg)
- fix: MPIJob cannot use gang-scheduling when --enable-gang-scheduling is set #1557 (cheimu)
- fix api reader issue #1551 (zw0610)
- fix label and CleanPodPolicy for mpi-controller #1550 (zw0610)
- fix UpdateJobStatusInApiServer when gang-scheduling is enabled #1549 (zw0610)
- fix: add namespace filtering when getting pods/services for jobs #1545 (henrysecond1)
- fix: set mpijob runPolicy.cleanPodPolicy to default none #1554 (cheimu)
- Update training controller image to latest #1625 (johnugeorge)
- Update SDK version to 1.5.0 #1624 (johnugeorge)
- Upgrade common to v0.4.3 #1623 (johnugeorge)
- Adding GHA for automatic image build and push #1615 (johnugeorge)
- Remove presubmit test depending on optional-test-infra #1596 (aws-kf-ci-bot)
- chore: stop action on first fail #1595 (jasonliu747)
- update img url in design doc #1591 (zw0610)
- Remove uncalled mpi-controller DeletePodsAndServices() #1558 (cheimu)
- Update MPIJob unit tests to use spec.runPolicy.cleanPodPolicy #1556 (cheimu)
- Remove
dependency #1544 (person142) - Bump pyyaml from 5.1 to 5.4 in /py/kubeflow/tf_operator #1542 (dependabot[bot])
v1.5.0-rc.0 release
Closed issues:
- MPIJob worker still running when NotEnoughResources with enable-gang-scheduling==true? #1617
- unable to fetch TFJob when I use client.go run tfjob #1612
- Pytorchjob dist-mnist no training logs #1601
- kubectl get tfjob -o yaml, but not status output #1598
- missing image in #1590
- Labels in Python client are out of date #1587
- PyTorchJob Pods "Not Ready" After Completing Training #1577
- cannot use "".Schema{...} (type "".Schema) as type "".Schema in field value #1576
- PyTorchJob: OnFailure Policy won't handle pod failure gracefully #1570
- pytorchjob doesn't have status.startTIme. #1566
- Optional-test-infra Deprecation Notice - Training #1561
- Should we update MPIJob unit test CleanPodPolicy field? #1555
- --enable-gang-scheduling=true doesn't work for MPIJob #1548
- PyTorchJob fails when creating a task with a different namespace but the same name #1543
- Reconcile PyTorchJob error: PyTorchJob.status.replicaStatuses: Invalid value: "null" after enable-gang-scheduling #1538
- Job TTLs not working #1533
- Support PodGroup in scheduler-plugins/coscheduling #1518
- support elastic training #1515
- Modified the configuration of RootLogger #1514
- Add checking import order in CI #1510
- Scale down of pytorchJob cause workers pod to restart #1509
- Support label selector based success/failure conditions #1507
- [feat] Support SuccessPolicy in PyTorchJob #1505
- pytorch elastic scheduler error #1504
- Could you add the example of MPIJob in this repository #1502
- [Feature] Create a Informer/ClientSet for PyTorch Jobs #1499
- [feature] Make init container injection logic availabel to all jobs #1498
- Roadmaps for 1.4 release #1496
- [bug] (MpiJob)Init container KubectlDeliveryImage should remain the ability that it can be specified from container parameters or environment variables. #1494
- Reconcile PyTorch Job error Operation cannot be fulfilled on #1492
- Python PytorchJob: no attribute openapi_types for example code #1481
- PyTorch DistributedDataParallel training with multi nodes #1475
- Installing kubeflow-training breaks import for other kubeflow packages (katib, fairing, etc.) #1471
- Deprecate ksonnet and use python/golang to submit jobs #1468
- Help Wanted in ParameterServerStrategy Example. #1459
- Bug: SomeTimes Coredumped using tfjob #1456
- [question] PyTorchJob MNIST example training speed #1454
- tfjob status not match when EnableDynamicWorker set true #1452
- training-operator set scheduler error #1447
- [sdk]: Replace
component in the SDK for better support withipykernel>=6.x
#1446 - SDK: wait_for_job reports typeError #1445
- Update prometheus monitoring doc #1443
- Master branch should provide a nightly image #1433
- Clean up test folder before testing #1429
- Clean up TF specific docs #1424
- [feature] Support SchedulingPolicy in PyTorchJob #1414
- Hyperlinks in the "Overview" section is incorrect/not found #1411
- add workqueue metric #1407
- Validation fails for MXJob Tune example #1402
- Rate exceeded for aws ecr image #1400
- change layout to follow the standard of kubebuilder? #1397
- [example] kubeflow/tf-dist-mnist-test:1.0 is missing in v1.2-branch examples/v1/dist-mnist #1393
- Update kubeflow/website for 1.4 release #1392
- Cut beta release of tf-operator for 1.4 release #1385
- "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" #1382
- some questions about job sync #1379
- Provides a default Grafana dashboard #1376
- [feature] Support different PS/worker types #1369
- Need to copy all (mainly pytorch) framework's example dir to tf-operator/examples #1366
- Add more CRD validations markers to block invalid job on client apply #1363
- Update presubmit and post submit job triggers #1354
- Optimize post submit jobs flow #1353
- Enable leader election in controller manager using controllermanagerconfig #1350
- Support mpi jobs in universal operator #1345
- post-submit job failure in master branch #1343
- Improve observability of universal operator #1340
- Best practice to organize main.go and Dockerfile? #1333
- Should training operator keep clientset in the same repository? #1332
- Test image has incorrect tag? #1329
- Prepare e2e tests for all frameworks #1323
- Reduce e2e replica-restart-policy-tests running time #1319
- Improve logs structure by consolidating libs from controller runtime and controllers #1313
- Enable tests for all frameworks #1311
- [bug] The pod wil be recreated until the expectation expires #1306
- Upgrade CRDs to #1304
- Add role details as new columns to
kubectl get jobs
output for CRD. #1301 - How to handle long pending pods in a TF-job? #1282
- Could you release a new version of Python SDK #1279
- Update swagger.json schema for TFJobSpec to include RunPolicy [#1278](
Merged pull requests:
- extends path in for SDK correctly #1531 (cakeislife100)
- Update manifests with latest image tag #1527 (johnugeorge)
- add option for mpi kubectl delivery #1525 (zw0610)
- restore option namespace in launch arguments #1524 (zw0610)
- remove unused scripts #1521 (zw0610)
- remove ChanYiLin from approvers #1513 (ChanYiLin)
- add StacktraceLevel for zapr #1512 (qiankunli)
- add unit tests for tensorflow controller #1511 (zw0610)
- add the example of MPIJob #1508 (hackerboy01)
- Added 2022 roadmap and migrated previous roadmap from kubeflow/common #1500 (terrytangyuan)
- Fix a typo in mpi controller log #1495 (LuBingtan)
- feat(pytorch): Add init container config to avoid DNS lookup failure #1493 (gaocegege)
- chore: Fix GitHub Actions script #1491 (tenzen-y)
- chore: Fix missspell in tfjob #1490 (tenzen-y)
- chore: Update OWNERS #1489 (gaocegege)
- Bump jinja2 from 2.10.1 to 2.11.3 in /py/kubeflow/tf_operator #1487 (dependabot[bot])
- fix comments for mpi-controller #1485 (hackerboy01)
- add expectation-related functions for other resources used in mpi-controller #1484 (zw0610)
- Add MPI job to README now that it's supported #1480 (terrytangyuan)
- add mpi doc #1477 (zw0610)
- Set Go version of base image to 1.17 #1476 (tenzen-y)
- update label for tf-controller #1474 (zw0610)
- Add Akuity to the list of adopters #1473 (terrytangyuan)
- Add PR template with doc checklist #1470 (andreyvelich)
- Add e2e failure debugging guidance #1469 (Jeffwan)
- chore: Add .gitattributes to ignore Jsonnet test code for linguist #1463 (terrytangyuan)
- Migrate additional examples from xgboost-operator #1461 (terrytangyuan)
- Minor edits to #1460 (terrytangyuan)
- add mpi-operator(v1) to the unified operator #1457 (hackerboy01)
- fix tfjob status when enableDynamicWorker set true #1455 (zw0610)
- feat(pytorch): Support elastic training #1453 (gaocegege)
- fix: generate printer columns for job crds #1451 (henrysecond1)
- Fix README typo #1450 (davidxia)
- consistent naming for better readability #1449 (pramodrj07)
- Fix set scheduler error #1448 (qiankunli)
- Add CI to run the tests for Go #1440 (tenzen-y)
- fix: Add missing retrying package that failed the import #1439 (terrytangyuan)
- Generate a single
file for all frameworks #1437 (alembiewski) - Update links and files with the new URL #1434 (andreyvelich)
- chore: update #1432 (Jeffwan)
- Add acknowledgement section in README to credit all contributors #1422 (terrytangyuan)
- Add Cisco to Adopters List #1421 (andreyvelich)
- Add Python SDK for Kubeflow Training Operator #1420 (alembiewski)
- docs: Move myself to approvers #1419 (terrytangyuan)
- fix hyperlinks in the 'overview' section #1418 (pramodrj07)
- docs: Migrate adopters of all operators to this repo #1417 (terrytangyuan)
- Feature/support pytorchjob set queue of volcano #1415 (qiankunli)
- Bump controller-tools to 0.6.0 and enable GenerateEmbeddedObjectMeta #1409 (Jeffwan)
- Update scripts to generate sdk for all frameworks #1389 (Jeffwan)
Closed issues:
- Question: What is the recommended way for Data Scientists to run a distributed training job #1535
- Restore KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE options #1522
- Improve test coverage #1497
- swagger.json missing Pytorchjob.Spec.ElasticPolicy #1483
- [bug] Missing init container in PyTorchJob #1482
- PytorchJob DDP training will stop if I delete a worker pod #1478
- Write down e2e failure debug process #1467
- How can i add the Priorityclass to the TFjob? #1466
-*zapLogger).Error #1444
- Display coverage % in GitHub actions list #1442
- Add Go test to CI #1436
- Podgroup is constantly created and deleted after tfjob is success or failure #1426
- Cut official release of 1.3.0 #1425
- Add "not maintained" notice to other operator repos #1423
- Fail to install tf-operator in minikube because of the version of kubectl/kustomize #1381
- Python SDK for Kubeflow Training Operator #1380
- Rename this repo #1348
- Universal Operator Phase III: Graduate operator to production grade #1318
v1.4.0-rc.0 release
Features and improvements:
Fixed bugs:
- [bug] Missing init container in PyTorchJob #1482
- Fail to install tf-operator in minikube because of the version of kubectl/kustomize #1381
Closed issues:
- Restore KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE options #1522
- Improve test coverage #1497
- swagger.json missing Pytorchjob.Spec.ElasticPolicy #1483
- PytorchJob DDP training will stop if I delete a worker pod #1478
- Write down e2e failure debug process #1467
- How can i add the Priorityclass to the TFjob? #1466
-*zapLogger).Error #1444
- Podgroup is constantly created and deleted after tfjob is success or failure #1426
- Cut official release of 1.3.0 #1425
- Add "not maintained" notice to other operator repos #1423
- Python SDK for Kubeflow Training Operator #1380
Merged pull requests:
- Update manifests with latest image tag #1527 (johnugeorge)
- add option for mpi kubectl delivery #1525 (zw0610)
- restore option namespace in launch arguments #1524 (zw0610)
- remove unused scripts #1521 (zw0610)
- remove ChanYiLin from approvers #1513 (ChanYiLin)
- add StacktraceLevel for zapr #1512 (qiankunli)
- add unit tests for tensorflow controller #1511 (zw0610)
- add the example of MPIJob #1508 (hackerboy01)
- Added 2022 roadmap and migrated previous roadmap from kubeflow/common #1500 (terrytangyuan)
- Fix a typo in mpi controller log #1495 (LuBingtan)
- feat(pytorch): Add init container config to avoid DNS lookup failure #1493 (gaocegege)
- chore: Fix GitHub Actions script #1491 (tenzen-y)
- chore: Fix missspell in tfjob #1490 (tenzen-y)
- chore: Update OWNERS #1489 (gaocegege)
- Bump jinja2 from 2.10.1 to 2.11.3 in /py/kubeflow/tf_operator #1487 (dependabot[bot])
- fix comments for mpi-controller #1485 (hackerboy01)
- add expectation-related functions for other resources used in mpi-controller #1484 (zw0610)
- Add MPI job to README now that it's supported #1480 (terrytangyuan)
- add mpi doc #1477 (zw0610)
- Set Go version of base image to 1.17 #1476 (tenzen-y)
- update label for tf-controller #1474 (zw0610)
- Add Akuity to the list of adopters #1473 (terrytangyuan)
- Add PR template with doc checklist #1470 (andreyvelich)
- Add e2e failure debugging guidance #1469 (Jeffwan)
- chore: Add .gitattributes to ignore Jsonnet test code for linguist #1463 (terrytangyuan)
- Migrate additional examples from xgboost-operator #1461 (terrytangyuan)
- Minor edits to #1460 (terrytangyuan)
- add mpi-operator(v1) to the unified operator #1457 (hackerboy01)
- fix tfjob status when enableDynamicWorker set true #1455 (zw0610)
- feat(pytorch): Support elastic training #1453 (gaocegege)
- fix: generate printer columns for job crds #1451 (henrysecond1)
- Fix README typo #1450 (davidxia)
- consistent naming for better readability #1449 (pramodrj07)
- Fix set scheduler error #1448 (qiankunli)
- Add CI to run the tests for Go #1440 (tenzen-y)
- fix: Add missing retrying package that failed the import #1439 (terrytangyuan)
- Generate a single
file for all frameworks #1437 (alembiewski) - Update links and files with the new URL #1434 (andreyvelich)
- chore: update #1432 (Jeffwan)
- Add acknowledgement section in README to credit all contributors #1422 (terrytangyuan)
- Add Cisco to Adopters List #1421 (andreyvelich)
- Add Python SDK for Kubeflow Training Operator #1420 (alembiewski)
- docs: Move myself to approvers #1419 (terrytangyuan)
- fix hyperlinks in the 'overview' section #1418 (pramodrj07)
- docs: Migrate adopters of all operators to this repo #1417 (terrytangyuan)
- Feature/support pytorchjob set queue of volcano #1415 (qiankunli)
- Bump controller-tools to 0.6.0 and enable GenerateEmbeddedObjectMeta #1409 (Jeffwan)
- Update scripts to generate sdk for all frameworks #1389 (Jeffwan)
v1.3.0 (2021-10-03)
- Feature/support pytorchjob set queue of volcano (#1415, @qiankunli)
- Bump controller-tools to 0.6.0 and enable GenerateEmbeddedObjectMeta (#1409, @Jeffwan)
- add api-doc for all frameworks (#1370, @DeliangFan)
- Update training operator release process (#1347, @Jeffwan)
- add option to enable schemes (#1342, @zw0610)
- Don't use inline for runPolicy and register defaulter function (#1330, @Jeffwan)
- Use low-level controller and handlers in SetupWithManager (#1315, @Jeffwan)
- Reorganize controllers code structure (#1302, @Jeffwan)
- Unify code structure of training job api (#1300, @Jeffwan)
- Extract reusable codes to common utility (#1297, @Jeffwan)
- Add MXJob v1 api and controller (#1296, @Jeffwan)
- add tf reconciler to the unified operator (#1295, @zw0610)
- Add XGBoost controller (#1293, @Jeffwan)
- add pytorch API and controller (#1294, @zw0610)
- Generate tfjob 1.19.x compatible clientset (#1290, @Jeffwan)
- add XGBoostJob api (#1286, @zw0610)
Bug fixes
- fix hyperlinks in the 'overview' section (#1418, @pramodrj07)
- 2010: fix to expose correct monitoring port #1405 (deepak-muley)
- Fix 1399: added pod matching label in service selector #1404 (deepak-muley)
- fix: runPolicy validation error in the examples #1401 (Jeffwan)
- fix: volcano pod group creation issue (#1390, @Jeffwan)
- Fix 1340 prometheus counters (#1375, @deepak-muley)
- fix makefile to store crds in a separate folder (#1368, @deepak-muley)
- Fix copyright header for some files (#1371, @DeliangFan)
- fix incorrect torch env population (#1361, @Jeffwan)
- fix: Resolve scheme registration issue for defaulters (#1360, @Jeffwan)
- Fix XGBoost container name in log message (#1362, @andreyvelich)
- Fix postsubmit job using PULL_BASE_SHA (#1344, @Jeffwan)
- Fix all client request that needs contexts (#1292, @Jeffwan)
- Update manifests with latest image tag #1406 (johnugeorge)
- Add simple verification jobs (#1391, @Jeffwan)
- chore: Bump kubeflow/common version to 0.3.7 (#1388, @Jeffwan)
- chore(doc): Update (#1387, @Jeffwan)
- Remove lagacy tf-operator from the codebase (#1378, @thunderboltsid)
- chore: Update manifest image tag (#1364, @Jeffwan)
- add example for mxnet and pytorch (#1373, @DeliangFan)
- docs: Update to use kubectl kustomize in instructions (#1356, @terrytangyuan)
- Clean up manifests and remove unused files (#1349, @Jeffwan)
- 1322: Modified manifests to use all-in-one training-operator (#1346, @deepak-muley)
- chore: Update (#1339, @Jeffwan)
- Move root level docs to docs folder (#1338, @Jeffwan)
- Temporarily add Jeffwan@ to OWNERS (#1287, @Jeffwan)
- Update include dirs in prow config (#1374, @andreyvelich)
- Enable e2e test against universal operator (#1336, @Jeffwan)
- Use PULL_PULL_SHA for image (#1334, @PatrickXYS)
v1.3.0-rc.2 (2021-09-20)
Closed issues:
- [bug] Unable to specify pod template metadata for TFJob #1403
Merged pull requests:
v1.3.0-rc.1 (2021-09-15)
Closed issues:
- [bug] Reconcilation fails when upgrading common to 0.3.6 #1394
Merged pull requests:
- Update manifests with latest image tag #1406 (johnugeorge)
- 2010: fix to expose correct monitoring port #1405 (deepak-muley)
- Fix 1399: added pod matching label in service selector #1404 (deepak-muley)
- fix: runPolicy validation error in the examples #1401 (Jeffwan)
v1.3.0-rc.0 (2021-08-31)
- add api-doc for all frameworks (#1370, @DeliangFan)
- Update training operator release process (#1347, @Jeffwan)
- add option to enable schemes (#1342, @zw0610)
- Don't use inline for runPolicy and register defaulter function (#1330, @Jeffwan)
- Use low-level controller and handlers in SetupWithManager (#1315, @Jeffwan)
- Reorganize controllers code structure (#1302, @Jeffwan)
- Unify code structure of training job api (#1300, @Jeffwan)
- Extract reusable codes to common utility (#1297, @Jeffwan)
- Add MXJob v1 api and controller (#1296, @Jeffwan)
- add tf reconciler to the unified operator (#1295, @zw0610)
- Add XGBoost controller (#1293, @Jeffwan)
- add pytorch API and controller (#1294, @zw0610)
- Generate tfjob 1.19.x compatible clientset (#1290, @Jeffwan)
- add XGBoostJob api (#1286, @zw0610)
Bug fixes
- fix: volcano pod group creation issue (#1390, @Jeffwan)
- Fix 1340 prometheus counters (#1375, @deepak-muley)
- fix makefile to store crds in a separate folder (#1368, @deepak-muley)
- Fix copyright header for some files (#1371, @DeliangFan)
- fix incorrect torch env population (#1361, @Jeffwan)
- fix: Resolve scheme registration issue for defaulters (#1360, @Jeffwan)
- Fix XGBoost container name in log message (#1362, @andreyvelich)
- Fix postsubmit job using PULL_BASE_SHA (#1344, @Jeffwan)
- Fix all client request that needs contexts (#1292, @Jeffwan)
- Add simple verification jobs (#1391, @Jeffwan)
- chore: Bump kubeflow/common version to 0.3.7 (#1388, @Jeffwan)
- chore(doc): Update (#1387, @Jeffwan)
- Remove lagacy tf-operator from the codebase (#1378, @thunderboltsid)
- chore: Update manifest image tag (#1364, @Jeffwan)
- add example for mxnet and pytorch (#1373, @DeliangFan)
- docs: Update to use kubectl kustomize in instructions (#1356, @terrytangyuan)
- Clean up manifests and remove unused files (#1349, @Jeffwan)
- 1322: Modified manifests to use all-in-one training-operator (#1346, @deepak-muley)
- chore: Update (#1339, @Jeffwan)
- Move root level docs to docs folder (#1338, @Jeffwan)
- Temporarily add Jeffwan@ to OWNERS (#1287, @Jeffwan)
- Update include dirs in prow config (#1374, @andreyvelich)
- Enable e2e test against universal operator (#1336, @Jeffwan)
- Use PULL_PULL_SHA for image (#1334, @PatrickXYS)
v1.3.0 will be the first release version to support tensorflow, pytorch, mxnet and xgboost distributed training jobs.
More background can be found in design doc All-in-one Kubeflow Training Operator
Install Kubeflow training operator by running:
kubectl apply -k ""
require kubectl >= 1.21.x
v1.2.1 (2021-08-27)
Closed issues:
- volcano scheduler with customized queue #1377
- [chore] Delete the all-in-one branch #1372
- Fix scheme registration issue #1359
- Distributive Gloo PyTorchJob example doesn't work #1358
- Enable CI pipeline against v1.2-branch #1355
- Generate API Documentation for all frameworks #1341
- make test failed due to invalid crd schema #1324
- Cut 1.2.0 tag and release a stable version of master #1321
- Copyright header is not correctly generated #1309
Merged pull requests: